
How old are the children to watch TV? Earlier than this age will be very harmful, and Bao Mom should control it well

Televisions, mobile phones, computers, tablets, a variety of electronic products enrich our lives. However, while bringing us happiness and convenience, these products also bring us many troubles. How to stop children from indulging in these electronic products is a big problem for parents.

Liu Meng has a four-year-old son, because she and her husband are working in other places, and the son follows his grandmother in his hometown. The Spring Festival is approaching, the factory is on holiday, and she can finally go home to spend time with her son. However, when she held her son tightly in her arms, the child broke free one by one, and did not even want to shout "Mother".

How old are the children to watch TV? Earlier than this age will be very harmful, and Bao Mom should control it well

At first, Liu Meng thought that the child had forgotten his mother, but gradually she found that something was wrong with her son. The child sits in front of the TV all day watching TV, and when you turn off the TV, the child cries.

Moreover, he seems to be living in his own television world, does not like to communicate with his family, and is even more frightened to hide when he sees strangers, and there are some problems with the child's personality growth.

Grandparents are busy with farm work at home, often leaving the child to watch TV alone, the child's ears adapt to the sound in the TV set, and sometimes the tone and voice of the cartoon are spoken. For the communication between his family members, he was unwilling to participate in them and was unwilling to have close contact with them. Later, they took the child to the doctor, and the doctor said that the child had autistic tendencies, and the couple listened to it and were stunned.

How old are the children to watch TV? Earlier than this age will be very harmful, and Bao Mom should control it well

Our harm to children watching TV only exists on the surface that will affect children's vision. In fact, some of the more important hazards are greater than making children nearsighted.

Children watch TV for a long time, which affects the development of communication skills

Watching TV doesn't necessarily trigger autism, but a child's character development is definitely related to his living environment. Children watch TV for a long time, are attracted by the colors and sounds in the TV set, and the whole person is in a state of quiet and non-communication with the outside world. If they do not communicate with their parents and do not play and interact with children, their interpersonal skills will be very poor.

How old are the children to watch TV? Earlier than this age will be very harmful, and Bao Mom should control it well

Children are obese and sub-healthy

Children watch TV for a long time, and some even watch TV while eating. The nutrients ingested by the child cannot be consumed in time, and they accumulate into fat and become small fat mounds.

Children are often in a state of meditation, which has an impact on the development of the cervical spine and the improvement of the body's immunity. Therefore, it is very necessary for children to often participate in outdoor activities and watch less TV.

How old are the children to watch TV? Earlier than this age will be very harmful, and Bao Mom should control it well

Children often watch TV and will "become stupid"

When a child watches TV, the brain is in a state of not thinking. The sound and image of the television stimulate the child's senses, but he does not need to think to obtain this information. Children reading books need the coordination and cooperation of the senses, and the brain also needs to run rapidly, so children watching TV and reading books are two different things.

Children often watch TV, and the imagination and creativity of the brain are affected.

How old are the children to watch TV? Earlier than this age will be very harmful, and Bao Mom should control it well

Children often watch TV, which will affect the child's vision health

Children's eyes are still in a state of development, often watching TV will affect the child's eye health, like the common phenomenon of children's myopia, and the impact of electronic products on them is inseparable.

Since television is a household appliance that every household has, it is unlikely that we will completely avoid children watching TV. So, children don't watch TV too early, this is what we should do.

How old are the children to watch TV? Earlier than this age will be very harmful, and Bao Mom should control it well

Children should not watch TV before the age of 4

The younger the child's age, the more fragile the eyes, the child's vision reaches 0.5 around the age of three, at this time the child is easy to be myopic if he watches TV for a long time. After the age of 4, the child's eye development gradually approaches that of an adult, and he can watch TV for a short time, but it is best not to exceed 15 minutes.

Completely eliminate children from watching TV, we can't do it. Moreover, children can also get some useful information by watching TV. Children should grasp the degree of TV, and parents should do these things well.

How old are the children to watch TV? Earlier than this age will be very harmful, and Bao Mom should control it well

The time your child spends watching TV should be controlled.

In the beginning, we can arrange for children to watch TV for about 30 minutes a day, and we can increase the time appropriately as the child ages. However, it is best not to exceed an hour. We can set an alarm clock and let the child form a good habit of turning off the TV when the time comes.

The child watches TV, and the parent guides the child to think on the side.

When children watch TV, we try to accompany children as much as possible, and let children communicate and think together by discussing the plot with children.

How old are the children to watch TV? Earlier than this age will be very harmful, and Bao Mom should control it well

Parents accompany their children to do games and outdoor activities, and guide their children not to be too obsessed with television.

The best way to reduce your child's time watching TV is to play more other games with your child. Indoor games, outdoor sports, parent-child reading are all good choices. Parents give their children high-quality companionship, so that children can gradually get rid of the obsession with garbage games.

Interactive Topic: How old are your children and are they watching TV?

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