
Delicious method recommended, red pepper stuffed tofu, plum button meat, leek stir-fried lettuce shredded, tomato garlic shrimp

author:Splendid v Shandong

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am the creator of the food field Splendid V Shandong: "Focus on food, make life more flavorful." "Today I bring you a few home-cooked delicacies, which are also loved by everyone and are very common. Every day, we use ordinary ingredients to make the most delicious meals. I also hope that today's cuisine can bring you a whole day of happiness.

Red pepper stuffed tofu is a dish made with red pepper as the main ingredient, which belongs to home cooking.

Delicious method recommended, red pepper stuffed tofu, plum button meat, leek stir-fried lettuce shredded, tomato garlic shrimp

Red pepper stuffed tofu

Ingredients: Tofu, green onion, ginger, coriander, garlic, oil, minced pepper, sugar, cooking wine.

Preparation Method:

1: Remove the tofu and cut into 1.5cm thick slices and absorb the water slightly.

2: Heat the pot, add oil to bring to a boil, add green onion and ginger slices to fry until fragrant, remove the green onion and ginger slices, and heat the oil.

3: Fry the tofu on one side over medium heat and gently turn the other side over the other.

4: Fry on both sides until slightly brown, remove.

5: Leave oil in the pot, chop pepper over medium heat and stir-fry until fragrant, then add garlic, sugar and cooking wine and stir-fry until fragrant.

6: Add an appropriate amount of water, bring the pan to a boil, put the fried tofu into the pot and open the lid on high heat.

7: On high heat, the soup is thick and turn off the heat, take out the tofu and leave the soup.

8: Finely chop the parsley, add to the soup and pour over the tofu.

Plum dish buckle meat, a traditional Han chinese dish, belongs to Hakka cuisine [1]. Ingredients include pork belly, plum vegetables, white onion, ginger slices, etc.

Usually, the pork belly is boiled thoroughly in a soup pot, added soy sauce, fried and colored, and then cut into slices. After that, add shallots, ginger and other spices to fry for a while, then simmer the soup over low heat, put the pork belly into a bowl, top the plum vegetables, pour into the original soup and steam thoroughly. When walking, put the meat back on the plate.

After the dish is cooked, the meat is rotten and fragrant, and it is salty and slightly sweet, fat but not greasy.

Delicious method recommended, red pepper stuffed tofu, plum button meat, leek stir-fried lettuce shredded, tomato garlic shrimp

Plum vegetables buckle meat

Ingredients: 850g pork belly, 70g dried plum vegetables, sliced ginger, green onion, star anise, salt, dried red pepper, five-spice powder, dark soy sauce, honey, cooking wine, soy sauce


1. After washing the plum vegetables, soak them overnight in advance, mince the ginger and green onion, and shred the chili peppers

2. Soak the meat for 30 minutes and then blanch it in the water, wash and treat it clean, and control the moisture to dry

3. Mix a spoonful of dark soy sauce with two small spoons of honey and brush it on the pork belly for 10 minutes, pour oil in the pan and fry the meat until golden brown

4. Stir-fry the shallot slices of ginger and star anise dried red pepper until fragrant, then add dried plum vegetables, salt, cooking wine, soy sauce and five-spice powder and stir-fry evenly to reduce the heat to collect the juice

5. Cut the fried meat into slices and put it in a bowl, put the prepared plum vegetables on it, and steam it in the pot for about two hours

6. After steaming, take out the soup and pour it into the bowl for later, put the meat and vegetables on the plate, and drizzle the soup on the meat.

Stir-fried lettuce with leeks is a dish full of color and flavor, the main ingredients are leeks and lettuce, and the main cooking process is stir-frying.

Delicious method recommended, red pepper stuffed tofu, plum button meat, leek stir-fried lettuce shredded, tomato garlic shrimp

Cooking method of stir-fried lettuce shredded with leeks

Prepare the ingredient list: prepare a and a half lettuce, a handful of leeks, some water, a little salt, a little chicken essence and pepper, some vegetable oil, etc.

Cooking Step 1: First remove the skin of the lettuce, cut the lettuce into thin wires, soak the lettuce in salt water first, so as to make it more flavorful, and then blanch the lettuce for about 2 minutes to dry the moisture on the surface of the lettuce.

Cooking Step 2: Wash the leeks, cut the leeks into sections, prepare the lettuce and leeks, and start cooking this leek stir-fried lettuce shredded.

Cooking Step 3: Wash and preheat the pot for a short time, pour the vegetable oil into the pot, add some lettuce and sauté, sauté the shredded lettuce until it is broken, and add a little water.

Cooking Step 4: Add some leeks in turn, cook over low heat, then add a little soy sauce, a little salt and chicken essence, and sauté for a while to serve.

Tomato garlic stuffy prawns are a dish made from shrimp, garlic, tomato sauce, hoisin sauce, sugar, steamed fish sauce, salt, corn starch, garlic hot sauce and other ingredients.

Delicious method recommended, red pepper stuffed tofu, plum button meat, leek stir-fried lettuce shredded, tomato garlic shrimp

Tomato garlic shrimp


1. Prepare ingredients: shrimp washed in filtered water, green onion, ginger and garlic shredded, sliced, tomato sauce and cooking oil

2. Fry the chives, ginger and garlic in a frying pan

3. Pour in the shrimp and stir-fry until it changes color

4. Serve and set aside

5. The original pot, add a little oil, garlic stir-fry, add tomato sauce, stir-fry evenly

6. Add 503l of hot water over low heat and simmer the juice

7. Pour in the freshly fried shrimp, reduce the heat to taste, and collect the juice.

Mustard duck paws are selected from the best duck paws, supplemented by a variety of flavors, and the color is orange and yellow, spicy and fresh. Yellow mustard is a Western spice with a delicate yellow color and a harmonious taste, and is blended with spicy Japanese mustard and salad dressing, which complements each other and makes it a rookie on the table. Features: Spicy and crispy, tender and delicious.

Delicious method recommended, red pepper stuffed tofu, plum button meat, leek stir-fried lettuce shredded, tomato garlic shrimp

Mustard duck paw

Ingredients: 350 g of duck palms, dried red peppers to taste. Salt, vegetable oil, sugar, monosodium glutamate, shallots, yellow mustard, green mustard, kraft sauce, soy sauce.

1. Wash the duck palms, cut into two slices, blanch in a pot of boiling water and remove; dried red peppers and finely chop.

2. Heat the oil in a wok, simmer the shallots until fragrant, drain the shallots and set aside.

3. Mix the yellow mustard, green mustard sauce, kraft sauce, soy sauce, salt, sugar, and MSG in a bowl, mix well with duck paws, pour in green onion oil and mix slightly, and finally sprinkle some dried red pepper.

Fried noodles with minced meat and bean sprouts are a very ordinary home-cooked dish, nutritious and refreshing, clear heat and fire, inexpensive, and the ingredients are simple and easy to obtain. The clever combination of minced meat, bean sprouts, and noodles makes it a disc dish on the table almost every time.

Delicious method recommended, red pepper stuffed tofu, plum button meat, leek stir-fried lettuce shredded, tomato garlic shrimp

Meat is not fried bean sprouts

Ingredients: lean pork; mung bean sprouts; minced garlic and green onion; cooking wine; salt; oil consumption

1. Wash the bean sprouts and drain. Mince the lean pork; Finely chop the shallots and garlic.

2. Pour the right amount of oil into the pan, add the minced meat until the oil is hot, and quickly stir-fry until it turns white. If the minced meat sticks together, use a rice spatula and chopsticks to scatter.

3. Add bean sprouts, stir-fry until soft, sprinkle a little cooking wine, add salt and oil to taste. Add the minced green onion and stir-fry well

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