
The god of feathers is brave, the brave life of the Western Chu King!

Xiang Yu (232 BC – 202 BC), xiang shi (襄氏), courtesy name Yu , courtesy name Yu , a native of the Chu state of Xiaxiang (present-day Suqian, Jiangsu ), grandson of the famous Chu general Xiang Yan , a military figure , was a representative of the Chinese military ideology " Bing Situation " ( Bing Jia Four Forces : Bing Situation , Military Power Strategy , Bing Yin Yang , and Bing Skill ) , and was also a military general known for his outstanding personal strength. Li Wanfang has an evaluation of it as "the courage of the god of feathers, unique in eternity". Sima Qian wrote in the "Records of History": Xiang Shi was a Chu general, sealed in Xiang, so his surname was Xiang.

The god of feathers is brave, the brave life of the Western Chu King!

In his lifetime, Xiang Yu not only possessed the strongest bravery in the history of Chinese cold weapons, but also had the top tactical command ability in the history of ancient Chinese warfare, was the first person who overthrew the Qin Empire after three years of rising up, and was also the commander of the two historical battles of the Battle of Julu and the Battle of Pengcheng, which had a huge disparity in strength and won many battles with fewer victories. "Ying" has reached the extreme, and "Xiong" has also reached the extreme. For thousands of years, when the word "overlord" was mentioned, Xiang Yu was often the first person to be thought of, and it must be Xiang Yu. The word "overlord" seems to have become the exclusive title of Xiang Yu, and how brave people should get the exclusive term "overlord".

The god of feathers is brave, the brave life of the Western Chu King!

When Xiang Yu was young, he began to show his sharp edge, exuding the natural atmosphere of a king. When the Emperor of the Qin Dynasty was patrolling the world through Huiji County, Xiang Yu saw this huge battle and couldn't help but say the four words "replace it". In the first year of Qin II, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang rose up in Daze Township and launched a peasant uprising. Xiang Yu and his uncle Xiang Liang waited for an opportunity to assassinate Taishou Yintong in Wuzhong and raise troops in response. In this battle, Xiang Yu single-handedly slaughtered nearly a hundred of Yin Tong's guards, showing his unparalleled martial arts for the first time! At the age of 24, Xiang Yu turned out to be a world and led the anti-Qin rebel army to the stage of history.

With the Qin generals Zhang Handan and Wang Li, the main force of more than 400,000 Qin troops fought a major decisive battle at Julu. The disparity in strength between the two armies is the most famous battle in Chinese history in which fewer victories are more. In 207 BC, the Qin general Zhang Handan led more than 200,000 Qin troops north to attack Zhao, and quickly dispatched the 200,000 Qin troops led by Wang Li to the south, besieging the Zhao army at Julu. In desperation, King Zhao sent emissaries to ask for help from the princes of various countries, but because the Qin army was very strong at that time, no one dared to rescue them. In order to avenge the Qin army's killing of his uncle Xiang Liang, Xiang Yu took the initiative to ask Miao to break the Qin army, so the King of Chu Huai sent three generals, Song Yi, Xiang Yu, and Fan Zeng, to lead the army to relieve the siege of Julu. "

The god of feathers is brave, the brave life of the Western Chu King!

Xiang Yu first sent 20,000 people as the vanguard to cross the Yellow River and cut off the Qin army's grain transportation channels. Then, Xiang Yu led his army across the Zhangshui River and ordered all the generals of the army to break the cauldron and sink the boat, each carrying only three days of dry food, showing his determination to fight to the death. Xiang Yu encouraged the generals and demanded that the Qin army be defeated within three days. Xiang Yu's determination and courage to break through the cauldron greatly boosted the morale of the soldiers. As a result, when Xiang Yu was about to fight, Xiang Yu was a pioneer, and the Chu army bravely killed the enemy one by one, and rushed to the Qin army's position with lightning speed. After nine fierce battles in succession, the Chu army finally broke through the Qin army's position and defeated the main force of the Qin army.

The god of feathers is brave, the brave life of the Western Chu King!

After the fall of the Qin state, because of the uneven distribution of benefits, Liu Bang became dissatisfied with Xiang Yu, so he invited various princes to attack Xiang Yu, and many princes responded by forming a 600,000-strong army to surround Pengcheng, where Xiang Yu was located. At that time, Xiang Yu was attacking the State of Qi, which could be described as an enemy in the abdomen. So Xiang Yu personally led these 30,000 elite soldiers to face Liu Bang, Xiang Yu first defeated the army of the outermost besieger Fan Duo, and then directly defeated Liu Bang's 560,000 people in the early morning at the fastest speed, and in half a day Liu Bang was defeated and destroyed by more than 100,000 troops. Liu Bang ran everywhere and captured Liu Bang's parents and wife, and only a few dozen people were left around Liu Bang.

The god of feathers is brave, the brave life of the Western Chu King!

After Han Xin, Peng Yue, Yingbu, and others joined Liu Bang, the Han army had more than 600,000 troops, and in December (early 202 BC, when October was the first year), the 100,000 Chu troops retreating to Jiangnan were surrounded layer by layer. The Chu army was defeated in a three-sided attack. Xiang Yu was forced to retreat to Xiaxia City. Yet there was still fierce resistance. Liu Bang nai designed to make the Han soldiers learn to sing the Chu folk songs in Jiangdong, it was night, and there were Chu songs on all sides, and the Chu army did not think that Han had exhausted the Chu land from Xiang Yu down, but the morale collapsed. Xiang Yu led eight hundred horsemen to break through to the south at night, and after crossing the HuaiShui, only more than a hundred horses were left. After several conflicts, there were only 26 people left around Xiang Yu, and the chief of Wujiang (in present-day Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province) suggested that he go to Jiangdong, but Xiang Yu consciously raised an army with eight thousand Jiangdong disciples to follow, and today he returned alone, without seeing Jiangdong's father and elder, unwilling to cross the river, and soon, the Han army chased after him with thousands of horses, Xiang Yu ordered twenty-six horses to get off their horses and fight, killing more than five hundred Han troops, but swung his sword and killed himself.

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