
Coin Appreciation: The title page of Chinese numismatic culture, the warring states "耒" character large ant-nose money

In ancient times, the earliest yuwen metal coinage, the word "耒" character large ant-nose money exhibition

Ant-nose money is the currency circulating in the Chu state of the Jianghuai River Basin, which was converted from imitation shellfish. Because the economy and culture of the Chu state are backward than those of the Central Plains countries, the use of pewterium, knives and spinning wheels is also late, and the copper coinage follows the form of imitation shellfish. The shape of the ant-nose coin is oval, protruding on the front and flattened on the back, shaped like a shell but smaller in size. Ant-nose coin shape is an advanced form of copper shell coin development. Natural shell coins were widely used in the late Shang Dynasty. However, due to the continuous development of trade relations, sea shells are becoming more and more insufficient, so there are imitation shells based on cargo shells, including bone shells, mussel shells, stone shells, copper shells and so on. Among the various imitation shells, the most significant is the copper shell, because it is connected with later metal coins. It is a great progress in the manual smelting technology of the pre-Qin Dynasty. In 1953, a large number of unwritten copper coins were excavated in Anyang, Henan, Linzi, Shandong and other places in the territory of the Chu State, all of which were imitation sea shells, with raised faces and concave on the back, which was the earliest metal coinage in China.

The shape of the convex face is as depicted by the Song Dynasty numismatist Hong Zun as the shape of the ant-nose coin, which is narrow and wide, and the back plane is convex. From the unscripted copper shell to the ant-nose coin with the minted text; from the imitation shell coin still retaining a tooth groove groove from top to bottom on the shell coin, to the ant-nose coin replacing the tooth groove groove groove with the minted text, it marks that the Chu country ant nose money is one step more advanced than the unscripted copper coin, and is a leap in Chinese coin culture. Therefore, there is a wen ant nose money has great academic research value and collection value. These three large "耒" word ant nose coins, three from the same pit, embroidery is old, the same shape, the same kind of ornamentation, but careful comparison, the currency shape is slightly different, the money is not the same, fully explains the authenticity of the hand-casting technology. About 37 mm long, about 20 mm wide, weighs about 30 grams, ant-nosed money is small, 10-20 mm long is more common, such a shape is huge and rare, so it is precious.

Coin Appreciation: The title page of Chinese numismatic culture, the warring states "耒" character large ant-nose money
Coin Appreciation: The title page of Chinese numismatic culture, the warring states "耒" character large ant-nose money

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