
Only the grandmother who Chinese used 1 pair of chopsticks and 2 crafts for 5 festivals to cultivate 2 famous school bullies

My cousin's grandchildren have been academic bullies since childhood, and they have won awards and scholarships, one has been admitted to Tsinghua University, the other has studied at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and every time the family gathers, they will always hear the voice of everyone's envy.

Only the grandmother who Chinese used 1 pair of chopsticks and 2 crafts for 5 festivals to cultivate 2 famous school bullies

It is said that it is easy to spoil children with children in different generations, cousins with grandchildren, not only do not spoil children, children not only have good academic performance, but also understand people's feelings, be sincere and humble, and are deeply loved by their elders.

Everyone always asked their cousins: "How to teach in the end to teach such a great child?" ”

My cousin smiled and replied, "I'm an old woman, I don't have much culture, I don't know how to educate, I just teach what my parents taught me, and then teach the children." ”

Only the grandmother who Chinese used 1 pair of chopsticks and 2 crafts for 5 festivals to cultivate 2 famous school bullies

1 pair of chopsticks to teach children etiquette

"Using chopsticks is the most taboo three long and two short, and you can't put chopsticks on the table with uneven length, which is unlucky." You can't eat, you can't turn over dishes, you can't beat dishes with chopsticks... These are taboos at the dinner table and are very impolite behavior. ”

My cousin taught children table manners from an early age, and sometimes when she saw children using chopsticks to pick and choose between plates, they hit the chopsticks.

At first, the cousin felt that the cousin was too strict, and the child was still too young to understand, and then when she saw the children eating at the table in a regular manner, everyone praised, and then she understood the cousin's good intentions.

The seemingly simple and extremely small details of the mouth and the dishes are the manifestations of a person's upbringing. When children are 4 or 5 years old, they pick and turn dishes on the table, everyone may laugh and pass, and when they still do this when they are 20 years old, then everyone will feel that they have no tutoring, and their parents have not been well educated.

The cousin used a pair of chopsticks to teach the children table manners, teach them the courtesy and rules that they should have in the world, be polite and educated, and the people who get along with them feel very comfortable, the children have high emotional intelligence, and there are many friends.

Only the grandmother who Chinese used 1 pair of chopsticks and 2 crafts for 5 festivals to cultivate 2 famous school bullies

2 crafts to discover children's interests

Cousin likes to make wine, every year will use the traditional method, brew some glutinous rice wine to distribute to relatives and friends, steam glutinous rice, put wine koji, fermentation, glutinous rice brewed wine, grandson feels very magical, often with grandma to make wine.

"Why does glutinous rice have to be steamed to make wine?" Why does koji become wine when you put it in? What is koji? ”

The cousin told his grandson what he knew, and if he didn't know, he let him go to the book to find the answer. Sun Tzu became more and more interested in microorganisms, and was later admitted to Tsinghua University to study biology.

Only the grandmother who Chinese used 1 pair of chopsticks and 2 crafts for 5 festivals to cultivate 2 famous school bullies

And the granddaughter grew up with her grandmother to cut paper, the hand is particularly clever, like to cut and cut, the child with strong hands-on ability, is also particularly smart, and now she is reading clothing design at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and the design works are often awarded.

Although her cousin's 2 crafts are very common and almost everyone in her hometown knows them, she lets the children find their own interests in them, and thus find the goal they strive for.

5 festivals to inherit traditional culture

Every festival, the cousin is full of rituals, before the Spring Festival with children to clean, cut window flowers, buy New Year goods, Spring Festival, Lantern Festival to visit relatives and friends, visit the temple fair, let the children feel the lively New Year's taste.

Only the grandmother who Chinese used 1 pair of chopsticks and 2 crafts for 5 festivals to cultivate 2 famous school bullies

Qingming Festival takes children to prepare sacrifice supplies, climb mountains together to worship ancestors, pay tribute to revolutionary heroes, and feel the meaning of life; the Dragon Boat Festival teaches children to pack rice dumplings, go to see dragon boat races, tell Qu Yuan's story, and cultivate children's correct character; Mid-Autumn Festival makes lanterns and admires the moon, so that children can understand the meaning of home and reunion...

Traditional festivals and cultural education can enable children to understand the historical and cultural knowledge of our country, understand customs and habits, social etiquette norms, etc., deeply feel the charm of traditional culture, and thus love our country and nation more.

Traditional cultural education can also develop children's intelligence very well, such as lantern riddle guessing during the Lantern Festival, which can not only stimulate children's interest well, but also fully develop their logical thinking ability.

Wrapping rice dumplings, making lanterns, and cutting window flowers can exercise children's hands-on ability, and children's strong hands-on ability can enhance spatial thinking ability, which is very helpful for learning mathematics and other science subjects in the future.

Only the grandmother who Chinese used 1 pair of chopsticks and 2 crafts for 5 festivals to cultivate 2 famous school bullies

1 pair of chopsticks to teach children etiquette, cultivate high emotional intelligence; 2 crafts to stimulate interest, find goals; 5 festivals to inherit traditional culture, exercise hands-on ability, improve children's IQ.

After listening to her cousin's educational methods, everyone suddenly realized: it seems simple, but in fact, it has a profound impact on children, and if you want to learn her educational methods, you must cultivate them from an early age.

Soon to our most solemn festival: Spring Festival, this year's New Year, take the children to do these 4 things, take them to participate in the preparation of the festival, more sense of ceremony, and have a Spring Festival full of New Year's flavor!

Only the grandmother who Chinese used 1 pair of chopsticks and 2 crafts for 5 festivals to cultivate 2 famous school bullies

Prepare spring links and window flowers, so that children have a sense of participation and achievement

Pasting Spring Leagues and Window Flowers is a must-do thing for every household, you can take older children to write a couplet, and when Chinese New Year's Eve pasted on the door, it will have a special sense of achievement.

The smaller ones can cut the window flowers, or take them to buy items such as spring lanterns and tell them the meaning of preparing the spring league.

Make your own food and let the taste of the New Year remain in your memory

When people grow up and remember their childhood, they will have an unforgettable taste that lingers in their memories.

Take them to make their own hometown food, fried oil fruits, make pastries, beat rice cakes, etc., so that children can inherit their handicrafts, but also let them leave a deep memory of the beauty of childhood in their taste.

Only the grandmother who Chinese used 1 pair of chopsticks and 2 crafts for 5 festivals to cultivate 2 famous school bullies

Visit the temple fair, visit the flower street, and feel the festive atmosphere

Visit the temple fair in the north, visit the flower street in Guangdong, and take the children to feel the lively atmosphere of the local festival.

You can also take your children on a trip, go to a distant place to feel the different customs of people, and learn better stories about the New Year.

Take your children to learn about traditional culture and learn about the folklore of traditional festivals

In addition to the Spring Festival, we also have a lot of traditional festivals, each festival has different sources and customs, with children to understand each festival, not only can enrich the knowledge of children, but also cultivate children's patriotic consciousness, inherit national culture.

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