
Anecdote: When the man came home, he saw the old cow in tears, and his wife said: Stick the chopsticks in the water

author:Little sun

The man returned home

In the far east, there is a place called Qingyun Town. The landscape here is beautiful, the people are outstanding, and it is a place where Taoist culture prevails. The townspeople revere nature and take pleasure in practicing Taoist magic. There is a family surnamed Li in the town, and the head of the family, Li Qingyun, is a profound Taoist who travels all year round to explore the way of heaven and earth.

One evening, the sun was setting, and the sky was flooded with a golden glow. Li Qingyun has been traveling abroad for many years, and finally decided to return to his hometown to visit his wife and the old cow at home after a long absence. He rode a white horse, crossed mountains and rivers, and his heart was full of longing for home.

The moment Li Qingyun stepped into the house, a familiar and warm atmosphere came to his face. He looked around and saw that not a single plant or tree in his home had changed, but the traces of time had left a mottled mark on the corner of the wall. He put down his bags and went into the house, where he saw his wife sitting at the table, busy with her head down.

"Lady, I'm back." Li Qingyun called softly.

The wife looked up, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she turned calm again. She stood up, walked up to Li Qingyun, and said with a smile, "Husband, you're finally back." Over the years, you have traveled all over the world, what adventures have you encountered? ”

Li Qingyun shook his head and said with a smile: "Although there are many adventures, what worries me the most is the people and things in my family. He turned his gaze to the corner of the house, and saw the old cow that had been with him for many years lying there quietly, with tears shining in his eyes.

Anecdote: When the man came home, he saw the old cow in tears, and his wife said: Stick the chopsticks in the water

Li Qingyun's heart moved, stepped forward, and gently stroked the back of the old cow. The old cow raised his head, his eyes full of grievances, as if he had a thousand words to tell. Li Qingyun's heart tightened, and he asked, "Old man, what's wrong with you?" Why is it so sad? ”

The old cow lowered his head and let out a low wail. Li Qingyun was even more puzzled in his heart, he turned to look at his wife and asked, "Lady, what is going on with Lao Niu?" ”

The wife sighed and said slowly: "Husband, you have been away from home for many years, and you don't know what happened at home. In recent years, a series of strange things have happened in the town. In the dead of night, there is always a strange sound coming from the mountains, which makes people feel uneasy. And the old cow, who seems to be able to sense these bad omen, often weeps at night. ”

When Li Qingyun heard this, his brows tightened. He knows very well that family cultivation emphasizes the unity of nature and man, and lives in harmony with nature. Now that such a strange thing is happening in the town, there must be some kind of imbalance between heaven and earth. A sense of urgency welled up in his heart, and he decided to find out the truth and restore peace to the town.

That night, Li Qingyun sat quietly in the house, closed his eyes and began to perceive the breath around him. He felt an eerie aura coming from the mountains, as if something was peeking into the town in the dark. With a sinking in his heart, he decided to go to the mountains to investigate himself.

Early the next morning, Li Qingyun said goodbye to his wife, took a long sword and a Dao talisman, and set out on the road to the mountain. The mountain road was rough and thorny, but his heart was full of determination and courage. He walked through dense forests, crossed mountain streams, and finally came to a hidden place in the mountains.

I saw that the clouds and mist here were shrouded, and the gloomy atmosphere was even stronger. Li Qingyun's heart tightened, he took out the long sword, held it tightly in his hand, and walked forward step by step. Suddenly, a gloomy wind blew, blowing away the clouds and mist, revealing an ancient altar. The altar was filled with strange artifacts and charms, emitting a faint glow.

Anecdote: When the man came home, he saw the old cow in tears, and his wife said: Stick the chopsticks in the water

Li Qingyun was shocked in his heart, and he stepped forward and carefully observed these magic weapons and charms. He found that the artifacts were engraved with strange runes, and the charms were painted with various vicious patterns. His heart moved, took out the Dao talisman, and began to compare it carefully. After some comparison, he was surprised to find that the runes and patterns were very similar to an evil spell recorded in Taoist texts.

Li Qingyun knew in his heart that it must be someone who cultivated evil spells here, which led to the strange things that appeared in the town. A surge of anger welled up in his heart, and he decided to destroy this source of evil. He took out his long sword and swung out a stream of sword qi to attack the magic weapons and charms on the altar.

However, these magic weapons and spells seemed to possess great power, and the sword qi dissipated when it touched them. Li Qingyun's heart was in a hurry, he knew that he had to find a flaw in this evil spell in order to defeat it. He closed his eyes and began to intently feel the breath around him.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a familiar aura coming from under the altar. His heart moved, and he stepped forward, only to see a hidden hole under the altar. He took a deep breath and jumped into the hole.

The cave was pitch black, and I couldn't see my fingers. Li Qingyun took out his long sword and groped his way forward in the dark. Suddenly, he felt a powerful aura rushing towards him, and his heart tightened, and he swung his long sword to meet it.

After a fierce battle, Li Qingyun finally defeated the evil force hidden in the cave. He returned to the altar and destroyed the remaining artifacts and charms. As the last spell dissipated, the entire altar collapsed into ruins.

Li Qingyun stood on top of the ruins, looking at the town in the distance, his heart was full of relief. He knew that he had eliminated the source of evil and that peace would be restored to the town. He took a deep breath and turned to walk down the mountain.

Anecdote: When the man came home, he saw the old cow in tears, and his wife said: Stick the chopsticks in the water

Li Qingyun returned home, looking at the old cow who was still crying, and there were many doubts in his heart. He walked up to the old cow and asked softly, "Old man, why are you still so sad that you are no longer affected by that evil spell?" ”

The old cow raised his head, tears glistening in his eyes, as if he was telling something. Li Qingyun's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered his wife's previous words. He turned to look at his wife and asked, "Lady, does the old cow's tears have anything to do with our family?" ”

The wife sighed and said slowly, "Husband, you don't know anything. This old cow has followed us for many years and has long understood human nature. It weeps because it foresees a catastrophe about the beginning of our family. ”

When Li Qingyun heard this, he was shocked. He knew very well that although the cultivators of the family could perceive the heavenly opportunities, they were often unable to change the fixed number. He pondered for a moment and asked, "Lady, when will this great tribulation come?" And how do we respond? ”

The wife shook her head and said, "I can't predict exactly when." But the old cow couldn't stop crying, something big must have happened. We need to be prepared in advance to prevent the unexpected. ”

Li Qingyun nodded, he knew in his heart that as a Taoist cultivator, he had the responsibility to protect his family and fellow villagers from disasters. He decided to retreat and practice again to improve his path in order to cope with the coming tribulation.

Anecdote: When the man came home, he saw the old cow in tears, and his wife said: Stick the chopsticks in the water

During the days of retreat, Li Qingyun practiced penance day and night, constantly comprehending the way of heaven and earth. His cultivation was refined day by day, and he gradually reached a new level. He was able to perceive the changes in his aura around him more clearly, and he also had a clearer understanding of the impending catastrophe.

Finally, one day, Li Qingyun woke up from the retreat. When he walked out of the room, he saw that it was overcast and cloudy. His heart moved, and he knew that a great calamity was coming. He immediately gathered the villagers, told them what was about to happen, and led them to prepare for it.

Soon after, a thunderbolt pierced the sky, and the entire sky seemed to be torn apart. A powerful aura of evil came from all directions, enveloping the town in darkness. The townspeople were panicked and overwhelmed.

However, Li Qingyun stood calmly in front of everyone. He took out his long sword and swung out a series of sword qi to attack the evil aura. At the same time, he chanted words in his mouth and cast Taoist spells in an attempt to dispel this evil aura.

However, this evil aura was extremely powerful, and Li Qingyun's sword qi and spells could not completely dispel it. He was in a hurry, and suddenly remembered his wife's words before. He turned to the crowd and said, "Quick! Take out all the chopsticks at home and stick them in the water! ”

Although the crowd was puzzled, they still did it. After a while, the front of every house was filled with water bowls with chopsticks. Miraculously, when the chopsticks are inserted into the water, the whole town is filled with a fresh breath, and the evil aura begins to gradually dissipate.

Anecdote: When the man came home, he saw the old cow in tears, and his wife said: Stick the chopsticks in the water

Seeing this, Li Qingyun was overjoyed. He continued to cast spells and engage in fierce battles against the aura of evil. After a hard battle, he finally dispelled the evil aura once and for all, and the town regained its light and tranquility.

After the war, Li Qingyun explained to everyone the mystery of inserting chopsticks into the water. It turns out that chopsticks symbolize the bridge connecting the three worlds of heaven, earth and man in Taoist culture. Inserting chopsticks into the water can communicate the qi of heaven and earth and dispel the evil qi. It was this simple act that saved the entire town.

After that thrilling battle, Li Qingyun's name became a good story in Qingyun Town. He is not only a Taoist master with profound Taoism, but also a brave and fearless hero who cares about the common people.

However, Li Qingyun did not become complacent because of this, but instead cultivated the Dao Law more humbly, hoping to better protect this land. He often sat in the courtyard of his home, looking at the old cow, thinking about the future path.

Lao Niu also seemed to feel Li Qingyun's determination, it no longer shed tears, but lay quietly in the courtyard, occasionally looking up at Li Qingyun, his eyes were full of trust and gratitude.

One day, Li Qingyun was in retreat and cultivating, when he suddenly felt a strange aura coming from afar. As soon as his heart moved, he immediately stopped cultivating and walked out of the room. I saw a strange cloud appear in the sky, and the sound of a dragon's groan was faintly heard in the cloud.

Anecdote: When the man came home, he saw the old cow in tears, and his wife said: Stick the chopsticks in the water

Li Qingyun was surprised in his heart, he knew that this was not an ordinary cloud, but a vision between heaven and earth. He immediately summoned the townspeople, told them that something big was coming, and prepared them to deal with it.

Soon after, that strange cloud slowly landed in the sky above Qingyun Town. After the clouds dissipated, a huge golden dragon appeared in front of everyone. The golden dragon was dressed in golden scales, and its eyes flashed with wisdom, and it slowly spoke: "I am the golden dragon of the heavenly realm, and I have come to visit someone who is destined today. ”

When everyone heard this, they were amazed. Li Qingyun stepped forward and asked respectfully, "I don't know if Lord Jinlong has arrived, do you have any advice?" ”

Jin Long looked at Li Qingyun, glanced at the people present, and said slowly: "I look at this town, although it is located in a remote area, the people are simple and the Taoism is prosperous. Today, I have come to visit a person who has a destiny and teach him the secret methods of the heavenly realm to help him protect this land. ”

Li Qingyun's heart moved, he knew that this was a rare opportunity. He took a step forward and said, "Under Li Qingyun, I am willing to practice the Heavenly Secret Method with Lord Jinlong." ”

Jin Long nodded and said, "Okay! Since you have this heart, I will pass on the secret method of the heavenly realm. However, it is important to remember that although this law is strong, it should not be abused. You need to be based on the heart of the Tao and think of the common people in order to exert its greatest power. ”

After speaking, the golden dragon turned into a golden light and flew into Li Qingyun's body. Li Qingyun only felt a powerful force surging into his body, and his cultivation instantly improved to a completely new realm.

Anecdote: When the man came home, he saw the old cow in tears, and his wife said: Stick the chopsticks in the water

From then on, Li Qingyun began to retreat and practice the secret method of the Heavenly Realm. He practiced penance day and night, constantly comprehending the way of heaven and earth. His cultivation is becoming more and more sophisticated, and he is not only able to easily deal with all kinds of evil forces, but also can cast more powerful Taoist spells.

And Qingyun Town is also under the protection of Li Qingyun, and gradually becomes prosperous. The townspeople are living in peace and contentment, and they are grateful to Li Qingyun for his dedication and contributions, and regard him as the patron saint of the town.

Time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye. Li Qingyun still sticks to Qingyun Town, guarding this land and people he loves deeply. His deeds have been praised by future generations through the ages and have become an eternal legend.

And the old cow that had been with him for many years also left this world peacefully in his company. But Li Qingyun knew that Lao Niu's soul was still with him, guarding the land and the people.

With the passage of time, the legendary story of Li Qingyun has been passed down from generation to generation in Qingyun Town, and his image has become taller and taller in people's word of mouth, and he has become the patron saint in the hearts of the townspeople. However, for Li Qingyun himself, he did not slack off in the slightest, but cherished the trust and respect from the people even more.

In the process of cultivating the secret methods of the Heavenly Realm, Li Qingyun not only strengthened his cultivation, but also comprehended many profound philosophies about heaven and earth, life, and Taoism. He incorporated these insights into his daily life, treating everyone in the town and every living creature in the land with a more tolerant and compassionate attitude.

Anecdote: When the man came home, he saw the old cow in tears, and his wife said: Stick the chopsticks in the water

One day, the sky in Qingyun Town was abnormal again. The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, as if some unpredictable disaster was about to befall him. The townspeople panicked and rushed to Li Qingyun's home to seek refuge.

Li Qingyun stood in the courtyard, looking up at the sky, his eyes flashing with determination. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and began to mobilize the Celestial Secret Technique in his body. I saw that his body began to emit golden light, and a powerful aura emanated from his body, forcing the surrounding dark clouds back a few points.

"Don't panic, everyone, this is a natural change between heaven and earth." Li Qingyun opened his eyes and said to everyone in a calm tone, "I will do my best to protect the safety of this land and everyone." ”

After speaking, Li Qingyun closed his eyes again and began to cast the Heavenly Secret Method. I saw that the dark clouds in the sky began to slowly dissipate, and the lightning and thunder gradually subsided. Eventually, a bright sun emerged from the clouds and shone over Qingyun Town, as if celebrating the receding of the disaster.

The townspeople cheered one after another, and they looked at Li Qingyun gratefully, their hearts full of respect and gratitude. They knew that it was precisely because of a patron saint like Li Qingyun that they were able to live and work in peace and contentment in this land.

Since then, there has never been any disaster in Qingyun Town. The townspeople lived a happy and peaceful life, they respected Taoist culture more, and they cherished everything that Li Qingyun brought to them more.

However, the years are not forgiving. Although Li Qingyun cultivated the Heavenly Realm Secret Method, he could not resist the passage of time after all. His gray hair gradually increased, and wrinkles crept up his face. But he still sticks to Qingyun Town, guarding the land and people he loves deeply.

Anecdote: When the man came home, he saw the old cow in tears, and his wife said: Stick the chopsticks in the water

At the last moment of Li Qingyun's life, he sat in the courtyard, looking at the sunset in the sky, his heart was full of emotion and reluctance. He knew that his life was coming to an end, but he also believed that his spirit and Taoism would be passed on forever.

At the last moment of his life, Li Qingyun taught his Heavenly Realm Secret Method to the young people in the town, and told them to cherish this inheritance and use it to protect this land and people. After saying these words, Li Qingyun closed his eyes peacefully and left this world forever.

Li Qingyun's death plunged Qingyun Town into deep grief. The townsfolk came to pay their respects to the great patron saint, and their hearts were filled with endless gratitude and admiration. They know that it is precisely because of heroes like Li Qingyun that they can live and work in peace and contentment in this land.

And the old cow, who had accompanied Li Qingyun for many years, also seemed to sense the departure of his master. It lay quietly in the courtyard, its eyes glistening with tears, as if silently guarding the land it had once accompanied its owner.

Since then, the people of Qingyun Town have passed on the legendary story of Li Qingyun from generation to generation, so that more people can understand and remember this great guardian saint. And Li Qingyun's spirit and Taoism have also taken root in this land and become an eternal belief and strength.

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