
Anecdote: The man took shelter from the rain at the woman's house, and when he left, he kindly told her that the husband had escaped the disaster

author:Little sun

Guan Gong punished Qin Hui: The man took shelter from the rain at the woman's house

In ancient times, there was a magical story about Guan Gong's apparition and punishment of the traitor Qin Hui in the land of the Central Plains. This story takes place in the last years of the Northern Song Dynasty, when the world was in turmoil and the people suffered from war.

The protagonist of the story is a young scholar named Li Yi, who reads poetry and books and has a heart for the world, but because of his poor family, he can only travel around in search of a way to serve his country. One day, Li Yi traveled to a remote mountain village, the sky changed abruptly, dark clouds were thick, and heavy rain was pouring down. Li Yi had nowhere to avoid it, so he had to take shelter under the eaves of a farmer's house.

The hostess of this family is named Cui Niang, and she is a hardworking and kind village woman. Seeing that Li Yi was soaking wet, she warmly invited him into the house to warm up, and prepared hot tea and dry food for him. Li Yi was grateful, and his heart was full of respect for Cui Niang.

While the two chatted, Li Yi learned that Cuiniang's husband was a woodcutter who went up the mountain to chop firewood every day for a living. Although Cui Niang has a hard life, she is always optimistic and full of love for her husband and family. Li Yi was moved by Cui Niang's optimism and tenacity, and couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration in his heart.

The rain gradually stopped, and Li Yi got up to say goodbye. He looked at Cui Niang's unpretentious face, and an inexplicable emotion surged in his heart. He took a deep breath, and then said to Cui Niang, "Cui Niang, your husband may encounter some dangers in the near future, you must remind him to be careful. ”

Cui Niang was stunned when she heard this, and asked puzzledly: "Why did Mr. say this?" My husband went up to the mountains every day to cut firewood and never encountered any danger. ”

Anecdote: The man took shelter from the rain at the woman's house, and when he left, he kindly told her that the husband had escaped the disaster

Li Yi smiled slightly and said, "Although I am a scholar who has traveled all over the world, I have also learned some face-to-face techniques. I see that your husband's face is dark, and there is a hint of evil between his eyebrows, I am afraid that something will happen in the near future. All you have to do is remind him to be careful, and he might be able to get away with it. ”

Although Cui Niang was skeptical, she still took Li Yi's words to heart. After she saw Li Yi away, she hurried to the mountains to find her husband.

Soon, Cui Niang found her husband who was chopping wood deep in the mountains and forests. Panting, she told her husband Li Yi's words and reminded him to be more careful. Although the woodcutter felt a little ridiculous, he decided to go down the mountain early after looking at his wife's anxious eyes.

That night, the woodcutter returned home and told Cui Niang about it. Cui Niang had palpitations after hearing this, and she was even more convinced of Li Yi's prediction. She was secretly glad that thanks to Li Yi's reminder, her husband could return safely.

However, the good times were short-lived. Soon after, a strange thing happened in the mountain forest. It is said that in the evening of that day, a group of robbers suddenly broke into the forest, ready to rob passing pedestrians. They lay in ambush on both sides of the mountain road, waiting for their prey to appear.

At this moment, a burly man with a majestic face suddenly appeared on the mountain road. He was holding the Blue Dragon Glaive Knife, wearing a green robe and golden armor, majestic and imposing. The robbers were shocked and fell to their knees and begged for mercy.

That man is Guan Gong's manifestation! His eyes widened angrily, and he shouted: "You wait for the rats, you dare to do evil here!" Today I will do the right thing for heaven and punish you. With that, he swung his sword at the robbers. I saw the sword flashing, blood splashing, and the robbers fell to the ground one after another.

Anecdote: The man took shelter from the rain at the woman's house, and when he left, he kindly told her that the husband had escaped the disaster

It turned out that Guan Gong was furious when he learned that Qin Hui and other traitorous ministers had troubled the dynasty and oppressed the people. He decided to go down to earth himself to punish those who did evil. And on that day he appeared in the mountains and forests to punish the robbers.

And the reason why the woodcutter was able to avoid this disaster was precisely because of Li Yi's reminder. It turned out that Li Yi was not an ordinary person, but a young general under Guan Gong's seat. He was ordered by Guan Gong to travel to the world, looking for people who were destined to teach martial arts and the art of war. When he met Cui Niang, he saw that she was kind-hearted, simple and lovely, so he decided to secretly help her family.

When the news spread that Guan Gong had appeared to punish the robbers, the entire mountain village was boiling. People thanked Guan Gong for his kindness, and at the same time, they were full of respect and gratitude to Li Yi. They knew that it was Li Yi's reminder that saved the woodcutter's life and saved the entire mountain village from a disaster.

However, the story doesn't end here. Before Li Yi left the mountain village, he left a book of the art of war and a book of martial arts secrets to Cui Niang and her husband. He told them that if they studied the knowledge in these two books diligently, they would be able to achieve great things in the future.

Cui Niang and her husband were grateful to accept Li Yi's gift. Since then, they have studied and practiced martial arts and the art of war, not only protecting the safety of themselves and their families, but also becoming a force for justice in the mountain village. Li Yi, on the other hand, continued his traveling career, looking for more destined people to teach martial arts and the art of war, so as to benefit the common people in the world.

Time flies, and years pass in the blink of an eye. Cui Niang and her husband gradually emerged in the village with the martial arts and art of war secrets left by Li Yi. They not only helped the villagers resist many foreign enemies, but also taught the young people in the village some basic self-defense skills, so that the whole mountain village was full of harmony and tranquility.

Anecdote: The man took shelter from the rain at the woman's house, and when he left, he kindly told her that the husband had escaped the disaster

However, the general trend of the world is always unpredictable. At this time, the power of the traitor Qin Hui became more and more rampant, and he colluded with foreign enemies to frame Zhongliang, pushing the Great Song Dynasty to the brink of storms. Although Cui Niang and her husband are in a remote mountain village, they also feel this turbulent undercurrent.

One day, when Cui Niang was sorting out the books in her home, she inadvertently turned over two secret books left by Li Yi. She recalled Li Yi's exhortation and Guan Gong's apparition, and she couldn't help but feel a strong sense of mission in her heart. She decided to pass on the essence of these two books to more people, so that they could work together to defend themselves against foreign enemies and traitors.

So, Cui Niang and her husband began to travel around, looking for people with lofty ideals to teach martial arts and the art of war. They trekked through mountains and rivers and went through a lot of hardships to finally find some like-minded partners. Under the guidance of Cui Niang and his wife, these people quickly grew into a strong team.

However, Qin Hui's eyes and ears have long been all over the world. When he learned that Cui Niang and his team were teaching martial arts and the art of war, he was shocked. Fearing that these men would become a threat to his power, he ordered his men to eliminate them at all costs.

A big war is about to break out. Cui Niang and his team, under the protection of Guan Gong, bravely resisted Qin Hui's army. With their superb martial arts and exquisite military skills, they repelled Qin Hui's attacks again and again. However, Qin Hui's army was large after all, and Cui Niang's side gradually fell into a bitter battle.

At this moment, a loud bang suddenly sounded in the sky. I saw an auspicious cloud floating, and Guan Gong's figure appeared in front of everyone again. He was holding the Green Dragon Glaive Sword, wearing a green robe and gold armor, and he was mighty. He glared at Qin Hui's army and shouted: "Traitor Qin Hui, you have troubled the dynasty and framed Zhongliang, today I will do the right thing for heaven!" ”

With that, Guan Gong swung his sword and slashed at Qin Hui's army. Seeing the sword light flickering and the momentum like a rainbow, Qin Hui's army was defeated one after another under Guan Gong's sword. Guan Gong took advantage of the victory to pursue and killed all the way to Qin Hui's mansion.

Anecdote: The man took shelter from the rain at the woman's house, and when he left, he kindly told her that the husband had escaped the disaster

Seeing that the situation was not good, Qin Hui hurriedly gathered his subordinates to resist. However, in front of Guan Gong, they were as vulnerable as ants. Guan Gong beheaded Qin Hui under the horse with a single sword, removing a major scourge for the common people in the world.

After Qin Hui's death, his power quickly collapsed. The Great Song Dynasty was able to regain peace, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. And Cui Niang and their team were also named heroes of the country by the imperial court because of their outstanding performance in the war against Qin Hui.

However, the Cui Niang couple did not become complacent because of this. They are well aware that the general trend of the world is uncertain and they still need to continue to work hard. As a result, they continued to travel around, taught martial arts and the art of war, and cultivated more people with lofty ideals to contribute their strength to the defense of the Great Song Dynasty.

Cui Niang and his team, under the protection of Guan Gong, not only succeeded in eradicating the traitor Qin Hui, but also brought long-lost peace and tranquility to the Great Song Dynasty. However, they know that this is only the beginning, and there are still many injustices in the world that need to be corrected.

So, Cui Niang and his wife led the team to continue to travel around the world, teaching martial arts and the art of war, and also teaching Guan Gong the spirit of loyalty, bravery, and justice. They walked through mountains and rivers, through grasslands and deserts, leaving their footprints and legends everywhere they went.

As time went on, more and more people joined their ranks. Some of them are oppressed people, some are officials who are dissatisfied with the corruption of the imperial court, and some are knights who deeply admire the spirit of Guan Gong. Together, these people form a powerful force that fights together for justice and for the well-being of all living beings.

Anecdote: The man took shelter from the rain at the woman's house, and when he left, he kindly told her that the husband had escaped the disaster

However, things in the world are always full of uncertainties. Just as Cui Niang and their team were gradually growing, a mysterious force suddenly appeared in front of them. This force acts strangely and ruthlessly, not only brutally plundering the people, but also secretly sowing discord in an attempt to undermine their unity.

Cui Niang and his wife realize that there must be an ulterior motive behind this mysterious force. They decided to dig deeper and uncover the truth behind this. After some twists and turns, they finally discovered that the leader of this mysterious force was actually controlled by the remnants of Qin Hui, who was killed by Guan Gong back then.

It turned out that although Qin Hui was dead, his remnants had not completely dissipated. They are secretly accumulating strength in an attempt to make a comeback. They use the influence of the Cui Niang couple and their team in the civil society in an attempt to sow discord and undermine their unity, thus creating opportunities for themselves.

When Cui Niang and his wife learned the truth, they were furious. They decided to strike again and eradicate this evil force once and for all. They have united people with lofty ideals from all over the world to form an even stronger team, ready for a final decisive battle against this force.

On the day of the decisive battle, the sky was cloudy, lightning and thunder. Cui Niang and his team fought fiercely on the battlefield with the remnants of Qin Hui's forces. The two sides have come and gone, and the battle is extremely fierce. However, under the blessing of Guan Gong and the heroic leadership of Cui Niang and his wife, they finally won the victory and successfully eradicated this evil force.

After the battle, peace and tranquility were restored to the world again. Cui Niang and their team have become heroes and legends in people's hearts. Their deeds have been treached through the ages, inspiring countless people to fight for justice.

Anecdote: The man took shelter from the rain at the woman's house, and when he left, he kindly told her that the husband had escaped the disaster

And the spirit of Guan Gong has also been inherited and carried forward among them. People are even more convinced that only loyalty, courage and justice can overcome all evils and difficulties. They will continue to fight for the well-being of all living beings in the world.

After Cui Niang and their team successfully eradicated the remnants of Qin Hui's forces, their reputation was in full swing among the people, and they became the patron saints in the hearts of the people. However, they were not satisfied with this, but strengthened their determination to seek the well-being of the common people in the world.

In the days that followed, Cui Niang and his wife not only continued to teach martial arts and the art of war, but also set about building schools to teach the people to read and reason, and to teach the techniques of agriculture and handicrafts. They know very well that only by raising the cultural level and skill level of the people can the country truly achieve prosperity and strength.

Thanks to their efforts, the mountain village has gradually rejuvenated. The farmland is full of the fragrance of rice, the handicraft workshop is rumbling, and the school is full of books. The people lived a life of peace and contentment, and were full of gratitude to Cui Niang and their team.

However, things in the world are always full of uncertainties. One day, an army from a foreign tribe suddenly invaded the Central Plains, intending to occupy the territory of the Great Song Dynasty. Although the imperial court sent troops to resist, due to the corruption and incompetence of the army, it soon fell into a bitter battle.

After Cui Niang and his wife learned the news, they did not hesitate to lead the team to the front line to support. With their superb martial arts and exquisite military skills, they repeatedly made meritorious achievements on the battlefield and won precious respite for the imperial army.

Anecdote: The man took shelter from the rain at the woman's house, and when he left, he kindly told her that the husband had escaped the disaster

However, the power of the foreign army was too strong, and the imperial army gradually fell into trouble. At this moment, Guan Gong appeared again. He held the Green Dragon Glaive Knife, wore a green robe and gold armor, and led the heavenly soldiers and generals to the battlefield. Under the leadership of Guan Gong, Cui Niang and their team fought to the death against foreign armies.

After a fierce battle, the foreign army was finally repulsed. However, Guan Gong also exhausted his divine power in this battle, and finally turned into a golden light and disappeared into the sky. Although Cui Niang and their team were grieving, they also knew that Guan Gong had completed his mission.

After the battle, the imperial court gave them rich rewards and honors in recognition of the heroic performance of the Cui Niang couple and their team. However, Cui Niang and his wife were not complacent because of this, but strengthened their determination to seek the well-being of the common people in the world.

After returning to the mountain villages, they continued to teach martial arts and the art of war, set up schools, and improved the cultural level and skill level of the common people. At the same time, they also actively traded with neighboring countries, introduced advanced agricultural and handicraft technologies, and promoted the economic development of the mountain villages.

Thanks to their efforts, the mountain village has gradually become a prosperous and powerful place. The people lived happily ever after, and they were full of gratitude to Cui Niang and their team.

And the spirit of Guan Gong has also been inherited and carried forward among them. People are even more convinced that only loyalty, courage and justice can overcome all evils and difficulties. The deeds of the Cui Niang couple and their team have been praised through the ages, and have become a model for inspiring future generations to fight for justice and seek the well-being of the common people in the world.

This story is widely circulated among the people and has become an eternal legend. It not only shows the great image of Guan Gong, the god of loyalty and righteousness, but also conveys the spiritual power of loyalty, courage and justice, inspiring countless people to fight for justice and seek well-being for the common people in the world.

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