
Ariel Lin stayed up late to sleep until she collapsed, and she coaxed her to divorce: How hard is it to coax the children to sleep?

Ariel Lin stayed up late to sleep until she collapsed, and she coaxed her to divorce: How hard is it to coax the children to sleep?

Original | Pregnancy

Summary: Sleeping is simply purgatory on earth!

How bitter it is to coax asleep, people who have coaxed it know!

A while ago, the pregnant mother solicited a topic, the topic content is: what is the most collapsed moment after becoming a mother?

One mother replied: There is nothing more devastating in this world than coaxing a baby to sleep.

Ariel Lin stayed up late to sleep until she collapsed, and she coaxed her to divorce: How hard is it to coax the children to sleep?

The days of pregnancy vomiting passed, the danger of childbirth survived, the pain of milking passed, did not think, and finally lost to coaxing the baby to sleep.

Coaxing children is technical work, and coaxing children to sleep is physical work.

Because you never understand, why he doesn't like to sleep so much, why does he have so many tricks before going to bed, drinking water, hugging and tickling, touching his face and picking his nostrils and pulling his hair...

Ariel Lin stayed up late to sleep until she collapsed, and she coaxed her to divorce: How hard is it to coax the children to sleep?

It's time to sleep without sleeping, and use your mother-in-law as a toy!

It's not just a one-person breakdown, a lot of moms have had a breakdown on the way to sleep.

Two days ago, Ariel Lin shared her postpartum life, and after having a baby, her life was all filled with babies.

After the baby was born, Ariel Lin has been taking care of the baby by herself, bathing and feeding herself.

Ariel Lin stayed up late to sleep until she collapsed, and she coaxed her to divorce: How hard is it to coax the children to sleep?

Taking care of a small baby really takes a lot of time, sometimes to work, she even needs to squeeze when she wears makeup to get out.

And the biggest change after becoming a mother is that before there is no baby, she is easy to chase drama before going to bed.

Ariel Lin stayed up late to sleep until she collapsed, and she coaxed her to divorce: How hard is it to coax the children to sleep?

But after having a baby, chasing dramas becomes staying up late to coax children to sleep, and it is really difficult to coax babies to sleep.

Sleeping is really a problem of the century for every parent.

Every mom/dad who coaxes a baby to sleep has a bitter history.

Coaxing the baby to sleep is definitely a five-star problem, and the mother who has experienced the difficulty of sleeping must understand that a child who does not sleep well is simply a small demon, which will drive life crazy.

A while ago, the chat records of a bunch of 32-year-old couples who were divorcing were exposed, because the coaxing children were too broken, and the mother was so angry that she wanted to divorce.

Ariel Lin stayed up late to sleep until she collapsed, and she coaxed her to divorce: How hard is it to coax the children to sleep?

From 9 o'clock to 11 o'clock, drink water countless times, go to the toilet countless times, to do this and that, torture my mother to the point of collapse and want a divorce.

Ariel Lin stayed up late to sleep until she collapsed, and she coaxed her to divorce: How hard is it to coax the children to sleep?

The house and the car are all floating clouds, and when the mother only wants to sleep comfortably, not to be grinded by the child.

Pregnancy also has many fan mothers share their own experience of falling asleep.

"Don't sleep during the day, don't sleep at night, hum and chirp every night, like that, and then hug before you sleep, tonight don't want to coax or not hug, directly scold, coax, be tortured for 5 years!" 」

Ariel Lin stayed up late to sleep until she collapsed, and she coaxed her to divorce: How hard is it to coax the children to sleep?

"Sleep, I once told my baby about 10 picture books at a time, thick and thin, and finally I cried when I looked at the picture books."

Ariel Lin stayed up late to sleep until she collapsed, and she coaxed her to divorce: How hard is it to coax the children to sleep?

"I turn off the lights at nine o'clock every day to go to sleep, I have to tell stories all the time, and I tell a story N times, and I don't know how many times I've been woken up when I fell asleep..."

Ariel Lin stayed up late to sleep until she collapsed, and she coaxed her to divorce: How hard is it to coax the children to sleep?

When it comes to sleeping, it is really a history of blood and tears for one person!

Why is it so hard to sleep?

In fact, sleep problems are very common in children, especially toddlers and preschoolers, insomnia, bedtime fear, night terrors, sleepwalking and bedwetting can disrupt children's natural sleep patterns.

Many children's sleep problems are related to daytime behavior and bedtime habits.

For example, Huang Lei, because the child's daytime activity is not enough, so in the normal bedtime, the child is still energetic and does not want to sleep.

Ariel Lin stayed up late to sleep until she collapsed, and she coaxed her to divorce: How hard is it to coax the children to sleep?

So what are the specific reasons why it is difficult for children to fall asleep?

Not enough activity during the day and too much sleep. As Huang Lei said, if the child can "discharge" normally during the day, then at night he will "power off" and "charge" in time, or sleep too much during the day and the amount of activity is not enough, then the battery life will become longer.

Eating too much sugary food during the day, or watching TV before bedtime, can disrupt your child's sleep.

pressure. Children can also be stressed, usually from home or school, such as being bullied at school, or the family atmosphere is very tense (parents quarrel, etc.), and the pressure can make it difficult for children to sleep.

caffeine. Many sodas and energy drinks contain caffeine that can keep your child up from sleeping at night. Try to limit your child's intake after lunch. It is best to drink as few of these drinks as possible.

Other medical problems. It can be a sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome, or it can be caused by nasal congestion, growth pain, or itchy skin caused by eczema caused by allergies.

Many factors can make it difficult to sleep, but as long as parents have patience, they can help children establish good sleep habits, help children fall asleep and maintain good sleep.

Before sharing ways to go to bed, moms need to know how long their babies sleep each day.

Children often need more sleep than adults to achieve optimal physical condition, and specific sleep schedules can be consulted by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Ariel Lin stayed up late to sleep until she collapsed, and she coaxed her to divorce: How hard is it to coax the children to sleep?

Sleeping enough every day is important for your child's health.

As the old saying goes: children sleep well, the body can be good, which is also the reason why parents coax their children to sleep on time every day, it is important to sleep well, and it is more important for children.

Studies have shown that children who get enough sleep on a regular basis can improve their attention, behavior, learning, memory, and overall physical and mental health.

Ariel Lin stayed up late to sleep until she collapsed, and she coaxed her to divorce: How hard is it to coax the children to sleep?

Lack of sleep can cause a series of problems for children.

Lack of sleep can make a child grumpy, irritable, or overly emotional.

Inability to concentrate.

Bad spirits, absent-mindedness, poor concentration.

Difficulty getting out of bed.

I often feel sleepy earlier than normal bedtime.

Lack of sleep can bring a series of problems to a child's life, and at the same time, long-term lack of sleep can also lead to high blood pressure, obesity and even depression.

So how can you make it easy to sleep and make your baby sleep better?

In fact, if you can train the baby's sleep habits, plus some sleep-coaxing skills, you can make it easier to sleep and make the baby sleep better, which is divided into two steps:

1. Establish a good bedtime routine

Make a sleep schedule. Let the baby go to bed at the same time every day, adhere to a fixed daily schedule, including the bath time before going to bed every day, change into comfortable pajamas, tell stories, drink milk, massage, do things to relax the baby, let these form a fixed habit, you can tell the baby that it is time to sleep at this point.

After your baby starts to have a circadian routine, you can try to help him establish a good bedtime routine, which is basically when the baby is 3-6 months old.

Have an awake but sleepy baby lie down to help your baby learn to fall asleep independently.

The benefit of establishing a good bedtime routine is to tell your baby through long-term persistence that it's time to sleep.

Ariel Lin stayed up late to sleep until she collapsed, and she coaxed her to divorce: How hard is it to coax the children to sleep?

2. Ten ways to help your baby fall asleep

Every baby is unique, and your baby's sleep is related to many factors, such as age, health, physical development, stomach capacity, daytime activity level, feeding style, intake, personality, sensitivity to the environment, etc. There are also family factors and sleep environment that will affect your baby's sleep.

Therefore, there is no unified standard answer to help the baby fall asleep, each mother knows the baby best, and guiding the baby to sleep according to the baby's life habits is the most suitable way for the baby.

But these quick and easy ways to help make it easier to fall asleep, and moms can try:

Maintain a normal routine. Maintain the basic rules of the evening work and rest time. Keep the same bedtime routine every day, change diapers, feed, hiccup, and get back to your crib.

Turn off all lights. Light will definitely affect the baby's sleep, turn off the lights, the dark environment can help the baby to adapt to day and night, if necessary, choose a small night light, orange light is softer than blue white light.

Make sure the bed is only used for sleeping. Don't read or do homework in bed, or use bed as a punishment, use the bed only when sleeping, and let the child associate bed with rest and relaxation.

Make sure the bedroom is comfortable. Children will fall asleep more easily and better at comfortable temperatures, and if there is noise outside, white noise from a fan or sound equipment can help mask it. Make sure there aren't too many toys in your child's bed as these can distract your child from sleeping.

Don't let your child go to bed too hungry or too full. Eat small snacks (such as hot milk and bananas) before bedtime, but be careful not to overeat within an hour or two before bedtime, and limit caffeinated drinks.

Maintain enough exercise during the day. Regular exercise can make the baby fully discharged, recommend an hour of exercise every day, take the child to do outdoor sports, but also try to keep the child away from strenuous exercise within three hours before going to bed.

Take care of naps. Usually, children need at least 4 hours between sleeps before they get tired and take a nap again. Although different children have different needs for sleep, it is important to make sure that your child does not sleep too long or too close to bedtime at night.

Turn off the screen at least 2 hours before bedtime. Blue light from televisions, phones, tablets, and video games can disrupt the body's sleep/wake cycle and make it harder for people to fall asleep. Turn off these devices at least 2 hours before bedtime and leave them outside your child's bedroom while you sleep.

Reduce stress and fear before bedtime. Stress and fear can keep your child from falling asleep, and spending relaxing time with your child before bedtime helps your child relax.

Place your hands on your baby's chest before bedtime. If your baby is still awake or sleeping lightly, place your hands on your baby's chest for a few minutes. Gentle pressure can bring comfort and comfort to your baby, allowing him to settle down a little. Remember, it takes 20 minutes to achieve deep sleep.

Ariel Lin stayed up late to sleep until she collapsed, and she coaxed her to divorce: How hard is it to coax the children to sleep?

The last thing to say is: establish good sleep habits for babies, focus on persistence, and occasional sleep problems will also pass.

However, if the baby has difficulty falling asleep more than 3 times a week in a few months and affects the baby's life during the day, this may be unexpected that the baby has insomnia or other sleep disorders, if there is a problem, be sure to talk to the pediatrician in time to rule out potential problems.

I hope every baby can sleep soundly and the body is great!

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