
The fetus develops differently every month, and the precautions for expectant mothers are different, so we must pay attention to it!

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The fetus develops differently every month, and the precautions for expectant mothers are different, so we must pay attention to it!

Every woman has taken on the responsibility of conception since the moment she measured two bars, which is also the beginning of a new stage in life. Becoming a mother is not easy, you need to go through a long pregnancy of ten months, be careful in everything, and experience the pain of childbirth. From a fertilized egg to a healthy fetal baby, it has undergone many tests, and pregnant mothers also face countless challenges, and there will be dangerous conditions throughout pregnancy if they are not careful.

The fetus develops differently every month, and the precautions for expectant mothers are different, so we must pay attention to it!

Colleague Kobayashi is four months pregnant, has passed the early pregnancy reaction and no longer vomiting, colleagues said that it is almost the same as the past three months sentenced to two people, mental state is much better, appetite greatly increased. After the first trimester, the fetus was relatively stable, and Kobayashi even walked faster than in the first three months. But on monday, just after the fourth month, Kobayashi suddenly took a leave of absence because of symptoms of threatened miscarriage.

The fetus develops differently every month, and the precautions for expectant mothers are different, so we must pay attention to it!

It turned out that after lunch on Saturday, Kobayashi took advantage of her husband's time to sweep the floor when she brushed the dishes, and accidentally almost slipped, but fortunately supported the back of the sofa. The husband heard the voice and rushed out of the kitchen to help Kobayashi to lie down on the sofa for a while, did not expect some bleeding in the afternoon, went to the hospital to check the doctor said that there were signs of threatened miscarriage, but the problem was not big enough to be hospitalized for a few days to protect the fetus.

Kobayashi believes that after the pregnancy reaction period, the mind and body feel relaxed, sweeping the floor should be exercised, and this kind of thing has happened.

The fetus develops differently every month, and the precautions for expectant mothers are different, so we must pay attention to it!

There are different precautions every month during pregnancy, according to the characteristics of fetal development every month, many external interferences bring risks, and expectant mothers need to avoid.

1, 1 month of fertilized eggs afraid of "high temperature"

In the first month of pregnancy, the fetus is in the fertilized egg stage, but the kidneys and liver and lungs of the fetal baby have entered the formation stage. If you are exposed to high temperatures at this time, there is a risk of deformity, such as fever for expectant mothers or saunas, which will bring harm to the fertilized eggs.

2, 2 months of fetal fear of "random medication"

When you are 2 months old, you have developed into an embryo, and many expectant mothers begin to have early pregnancy reactions, at this time there will be symptoms such as loss of appetite and fatigue. If you have discomfort and need to be treated under the guidance of a doctor, do not use drugs indiscriminately, otherwise it will lead to fetal birth defects.

3, 3 months of fetal fear of "smoking and drinking"

By 3 months, the fetus already has a heartbeat, the expectant mother should contraindicate smoking and drinking, and the harmful substances in tobacco and alcohol will lead to the risk of miscarriage or cause developmental delay. At the same time, expectant mothers should also stay away from the environment where others smoke to avoid second-hand smoke.

4, 4 months of fetal fear of "noise"

The fetus has heard by 4 months of development, and he can feel the ambient sounds outside the mother's stomach and can also hear the heartbeat of the expectant mother.

The fetus develops differently every month, and the precautions for expectant mothers are different, so we must pay attention to it!

This is the best time for prenatal education to start, and expectant mothers can listen to more soft and soothing music, away from noisy environments and crowded places.

5, 5 months of baby fear of "nutritional deficiencies"

5 months of fetal baby can already do small movements in the mother's belly, hair also began to grow, this is also a period of rapid development, if the pregnant mother nutrition can not keep up, will affect the baby's development. However, there is excess nutrition, and expectant mothers cannot control their weight well, and there are mobility problems or affect later production.

Tips: Pay attention to the scientific and reasonable combination of diet, provide adequate nutrition for fetal development, and also pay attention to weight control.

6, 6 months old baby is afraid of "tired"

Although the fetus is already in a stable stage in the second trimester, if the mother is more tired or the long-distance journey is bumpy, it will still affect the fetus, and serious signs of miscarriage will occur.

The fetus develops differently every month, and the precautions for expectant mothers are different, so we must pay attention to it!

Expectant mothers try not to go far away, and go out to be accompanied by their families, according to their physical condition, they must rest when they feel tired.

7, 7 months old baby is afraid of "emotional fluctuations" of mothers

7 months have reached the third trimester of pregnancy, the perception in the mother's stomach has become stronger, if the mother's emotional tension can easily affect the baby. Therefore, expectant mothers should pay attention to adjusting their emotions and keeping their mood comfortable.

8, 8 months old baby is afraid of "strenuous exercise"

8 months pregnant, the expectant mother is very bulky to wear clothes and shoes is also a problem, there will be leg puffiness or pregnancy complications, at this time the expectant mother's slightly strenuous exercise may cause premature birth.

9, 9 months old baby is afraid of the mother "nervous"

In the last month of pregnancy, many pregnant mothers worry about the problem of childbirth, become nervous and even afraid, and such emotions will also affect the baby.

Therefore, to maintain a peaceful attitude and successfully pass the final stage, the mother-to-be should believe that she can give birth to the baby smoothly, and also believe in the doctor's technical level.

Pillow Parenting Message:

Many expectant mothers in the first trimester are tortured by morning sickness, because the pregnancy and baby are not stable, and they must be careful at all times. In the second trimester of pregnancy, due to the gradual enlargement of the fetus, the pressure on the mother-to-be's body increases, the back pain is sore, and the whole pregnancy is also plagued by frequent urination and poor sleep, and I am worried about whether the baby at each birth examination is not successful. Pregnant mothers are hard!

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