
In fact, the more "fierce" a woman is, the more a man loves you

In fact, the more "fierce" a woman is, the more a man loves you


Zhang Ailing has a sentence, which is always nagged by women:

In a word, the most profound definition of men is made.

The man's heart is actually a needle in the seabed. The more he spends time with whom, the more he will worry about the person who "can't get it."

Perhaps, the world always thinks that the ups and downs of love stories, but the most important thing about love is the long stream of water in the ordinary.

If you are experiencing ordinary love and performing a small love story, then you must balance your calm heart and don't envy those romantic or poignant loves.

Because the bitterness hidden behind the beauty of love is an unspeakable pain.

For example, compared to men, "what is not obtained is always in turmoil, and those who are favored have no fear." So, when a woman gives him more, the more he looks down on you.

On the contrary, the more you "don't give", the more he can't let go of you, and the more he wants to cherish you.

Love is not vain, but a real life. Although loving a person needs to be honest, it does not prevent you from using some small means to maintain your love and let the man's heart be firmly tied to yourself.

So, women, a little "fierce", don't take men as their own everything, love themselves, in order to get more love.

In fact, the more "fierce" a woman is, the more a man loves you


Women always fantasize about meeting a perfect lover and want to have a sweet marriage.

However, love is often like a person's life.

Walking through the twilight of the morning, tasting all the tastes of life, Fang knows that the taste in it, there are sorrows and joys, there are sour, sweet and bitter.

Therefore, if you don't want to "things are people and not everything", then treat your love well and don't live up to your past efforts.

Because, women's love is often the deeper the love, the more love the more immersed, and the man's love, often the more love the more vain, the more love the more numb.

So, women, remember these three "don't give" and be tough on him.

"Let go" fiercely and don't give him too much company

There is a poem: "I live at the head of the Yangtze River, and the king lives at the end of the Yangtze River." Thinking about the jun every day, I don't see the jun, and drink the water of the Yangtze River together."

It sounds sour and romantic.

The spring water of that river, flowing slowly, from upstream to downstream, connects the two hearts.

However, if after marriage, a woman thinks about "Jun" at home every day, so many and a half will change its taste.

When you put your days on him, every day to see him, stick to him, grind him, maybe at first, he will enjoy you and his stickiness, but after a long time, he will get tired, tired, will despise you.

Love is to keep each other, but you have to let him have the joy of "small victory over the new marriage" for you, so that he can take the initiative to miss you and miss you, so that your love can be deeper.

Therefore, women must not feel that they confess to men every day: Husband, I miss you. He'll be happy. Over time, confession becomes a kind of ordinary, and reply also becomes a perfunctory.

Love him, let you keep a little distance, let his heart hold for you, let him take the initiative to come to you, take the initiative to come close to you.

Be ruthless, spend more time on doing your own thing, work hard, improve yourself, go shopping with your girlfriends, drink tea, do yoga together, go to the studio to draw a picture...

The joy of life is that when you love, you are sweet and sweet, and when you are not together, you remember each other.

In fact, the more "fierce" a woman is, the more a man loves you

Say some "harsh words" and don't give him so much attention

Perhaps, in this lifetime, the words that people can remember can either move you, or they can move you, or they deeply hurt you.

Of course, in love, we don't encourage women to be harsh on men, but if he really doesn't pay so much attention to you, you must say "harsh words" in front.

After all, in the emotional world, there will be some external temptations, and there will be some inevitable transgressions.

Even if you are excellent, you can't resist the freshness that an outsider brings to him.

Therefore, when it is time to let him know, be sure to let him understand where your bottom line is, don't get by, don't forgive at will, let him feel that it doesn't matter if he hurts you.

Remind him appropriately, always let him understand your thoughts, and say some "harsh words". In his opinion, it is not necessarily that you are "unlovable", but on the contrary, it will let him see that your heart is valuing him, and it also makes him have a wake-up call.

If you find that he has signs of wanting to cheat, you must calmly tell him your thoughts, don't let your love end up in helplessness and sadness, and don't cry alone, as if nothing happened.

If he loves you, he will definitely value you, if he does not have you in his heart, then you do not have to be sad, what you should do, do it, this relationship, there is no regret.

In fact, the more "fierce" a woman is, the more a man loves you

Be a "cruel man" and don't always think about taking good care of him

Once a friend sent a circle of friends after divorce: the world is infinite Dan green hands, a sad painting can not be done.

This sentence makes people sound sour.

At that time, she had just gone through divorce procedures with her lover.

In our eyes, she and her husband were a model couple in the circle of friends, and we had to "laugh" at every party.

After her divorce, she once heard a friend talk about it, and once, when she went to his house as a guest, the woman was busy in the kitchen alone, but the man only cared about drinking and chatting with other people in the dining room. Their two-year-old child slept in the bedroom, woke up crying, and the man did not go straight to the child's bedroom, but went to the kitchen and asked the woman to see the child, and at that time, the woman was holding a spatula and had just poured the dish into the pot, and her eyes were anxious.

The man didn't say anything, went back to the dining room, and didn't care about the children. The friend rushed over to help, and the man muttered: It's okay, she's busy.

Friends said that this kind of marriage, at first glance, is a woman holding on alone.

Yes, in this life, it may be easy to find a person who is in love, but "love and affection" does not mean that in life, they can help each other and take care of each other, nor does it mean that they can balance the housework.

Love, you need to be a "cruel person", spread the housework to each other, don't always think about taking care of him.

Don't be alone and take it all on yourself, you give everything for him, and if he doesn't feel your love, you are giving in vain.

In love, romance does not mean that you must love "confused" and love soberly, in order to make two people get along longer and healthier.

Also, in order to let him feel your hard work, in marriage, grow together, and help each other.

In fact, the more "fierce" a woman is, the more a man loves you


The promise of love, perhaps the most beautiful thing is: no regrets.

However, often the more deeply loved the person, the more they will become enemies after the love is broken.

Therefore, women can love persistently, love romantically, love thoughtfully, but must love soberly, love a little "careful thinking", with a little "small means".

Some women, once they enter marriage, let themselves be lower and lower into the dust, but this humility will not blossom.

Two people, not tired of getting along, can love for a long time; get along without getting tired, in order to be fine and long-term.

Don't live like a marionette, being manipulated by men.

Love fiercely, don't always stick to him, in order to have free space, in order to have the beauty of distance; don't always follow him, listen to him, you should have your own opinion, you should also have your own bottom line; don't always think about him, take care of him like a child, want him to understand you, start with the allocation of housework...

May every woman understand the truth, don't get lost in love, don't leave regrets in life, don't live up to yourself, and don't live up to the fate of two people.

In fact, the more "fierce" a woman is, the more a man loves you

Author: The Frank Fox

Figure, network

May you find in my words the ordinary years, a strong affection! Thanks for your attention!

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