
Feng Yan and Wolong are equally famous, Zhuge Liang can't win Sima Yi, can Pang Tong win?

In 231, Zhuge Liang launched the Fourth Northern Expedition. At that time, Cao Zhen was seriously ill, and from then on, Sima Yi officially set foot in the battlefield of Guanzhong. Sima Yi did not listen to Zhang Guozhi's advice and missed the fighter, causing Zhang Gao to die unjustly at the wooden gate. The two clashed for the first time, and Sima Yi was defeated by losing thousands of men, and was more cautious from then on.

Feng Yan and Wolong are equally famous, Zhuge Liang can't win Sima Yi, can Pang Tong win?

Zhuge Liang trained soldiers, improved the means of transport, wooden cattle and horses, and 3 years later, sent troops from the Chu Chuan Road to prepare for a duel with Sima Yi.

However, #Sima Yi chose to stick to the wall, believing that logistical supply was Zhuge Liang's weakness, and as long as the other side ran out of food, it would retreat without a fight.

Although Zhuge Liang actively organized the soldier Tun Tian in Wuzhangyuan, he planned to fight a protracted war with Sima Yi. However, fate tricked people, Zhuge Liang soon died of overwork, and the Northern Expedition ended in failure.

Feng Yan and Wolong are equally famous, Zhuge Liang can't win Sima Yi, can Pang Tong win?

Needless to say, Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi were both masters of the game. Sima Yi's retreating soldiers without a fight bought victory at the lowest cost; Zhuge Liang repeatedly attempted to lure the snake out of the cave, but never rushed to attack the city, also to save the Shu army. The two can be said to be on an equal footing.

Such a battle makes the audience look very depressed, but this is the trick between the masters. As long as one side does not show flaws, the other convenience is difficult to win. However, some people believe that Kong Ming did not understand the art of war, and his military level was not as good as that of Feng Yan, so the Northern Expedition could not be achieved.

Feng Yan and Wolong are equally famous, Zhuge Liang can't win Sima Yi, can Pang Tong win?

So, if Pang Tong was replaced by Sima Yi, would the result change?

Unfortunately, instead of succeeding, there will be one more tourist attraction next to Weishui - Luofeng River.

Pang Tong and Zhuge Liang were known as "Phoenix Chicks" and "Wolong", and those who had one of them could win the world, so they were treated by Liu Bei and admired by the world.

So what's going on here? It turned out that there was a hermit named Pang Degong in Jingzhou, Pang Tong was his nephew, and Zhuge Liang's second sister married his son. That is to say, Pang Degong is the elder of the two, so it is natural to praise the junior. Later, he recommended them to Sima Hui, so the two became more famous, and Pang Tong was even the head of the Jingzhou celebrities in Sima Hui's eyes.

Feng Yan and Wolong are equally famous, Zhuge Liang can't win Sima Yi, can Pang Tong win?

Pang Tong became famous, ran to Zhou Yu to work, did his gongcao, roughly managed personnel, and may also help to get some ideas. After Zhou Yu's death, for some reason, Sun Quan did not retain him, and Pang Tong went to Liu Bei, and after the recommendation of Zhuge Liang and Lu Su, he was finally promoted from Xiaoxian Ling to General Zhonglang of the Military Division. Later, Liu Bei entered Xichuan, and Pang Tong enlisted as a military division, and was finally shot dead in Luo County.

Looking at Pang Tong's resume, his strategy has the following two characteristics.

1. Abduction or assassination

Liu Bei once asked Pang Tong, did Zhou Yu want to kidnap me? Pang Tong said that there was a truth. Given that the style of conduct in this matter is the same as that of Liu Zhang's captors, it can be roughly inferred that this idea was most likely proposed by Pang Tong.

After Liu Bei entered Sichuan, he would meet with Liu Zhang, and Pang Tong suggested that Liu Zhang be taken hostage on the spot and seize the power of Yizhou.

Feng Yan and Wolong are equally famous, Zhuge Liang can't win Sima Yi, can Pang Tong win?

After Liu Bei entered Yemeng Pass, Pang Tong offered 3 strategies, the middle strategy was to "booby trap and kill the famous Shu generals Yang Huai and Gao Pei stationed at Baishui Pass, and then march into Chengdu." ”

However, except for the third time, Sun Quan did not hold Liu Bei hostage, nor did Liu Bei hold Liu Zhang hostage.

Why? Although it is feasible to capture the king first, it may not be beneficial. After the Battle of Chibi, was Sun Quan able to fight against Cao Cao's army on his own? If Liu Bei held Liu Zhang hostage, would he be able to submit to the hearts of the people of Xichuan?

2, good attack

As mentioned above, Pang Tong once offered Liu Bei 3 strategies, of which the best strategy was to "select elite soldiers and directly attack Chengdu day and night, which can be decided in one fell swoop."

From Yemeng Pass, where Liu Bei was stationed, to Chengdu, several important cities and pools such as Fuxian, Mianzhu, and Luoxian were necessary places, and with Liu Bei's tens of thousands of men alone, and most of them were infantry, how could they take Chengdu, which was heavily guarded, silently and calmly?

Feng Yan and Wolong are equally famous, Zhuge Liang can't win Sima Yi, can Pang Tong win?

In fact, Liu Bei assassinated the Shu generals Yang Huai and Gao Pei, and after solving his worries, he went all the way south and occupied Fu County. Subsequently, Liu Zhang sent Li Yan and others to block Liu Bei at Mianzhu, and the Shu army was defeated, and the Shu generals Zhang Ren and Liu Xun retreated to Luocheng. When Zhang Ren was killed, Liu Xun changed his strategy and chose to stick to no battle.

Liu Bei saw that Luocheng was difficult to conquer for a while, and could only urgently dispatch Zhuge Liang, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun into Yizhou to help. After they captured Jiangzhou, they divided their troops into two routes, Zhang Fei went north to occupy Ba County and Basi County, while Zhao Yun went upstream to capture Jiangyang and Qianwei Counties.

Pang Tong led his army to continue to launch a strong attack on Luocheng, but was unfortunately killed by a stray arrow, and Liu Bei took a year to take Luocheng.

Feng Yan and Wolong are equally famous, Zhuge Liang can't win Sima Yi, can Pang Tong win?

After that, the three-way army met in Chengdu, and with Ma Chao coming to help, Liu Zhang chose to surrender the city.

It can be seen that even if Liu Bei chooses the middle strategy, if there is no zhuge liang, Zhang Fei and other foreign aid, he may not be able to take Chengdu. If Pang Tong's best strategy had been chosen in the first place, the possibility of failure can be said to be quite large.

In short, Pang Tong likes to take shortcuts, always thinking of a trick to get the other party, but the risk is too big.

As can be seen from the above, Pang Tong attacked mainly, and liked the sword to take the side of the front, Sima Yi was good at defending, and he would not send troops without the certainty of victory. So what will happen when these two people meet?

In fact, from the death of Pang Tong, we have found the answer. Pang Tong encountered the enemy of Jianbi Qingye, and there was basically nothing he could do.

Feng Yan and Wolong are equally famous, Zhuge Liang can't win Sima Yi, can Pang Tong win?

If Pang Tong wants to assassinate Sima Yi, sima Yi is more refined than a monkey, and wants to ask him out, the probability of success is 0. What about assault? The Wei cavalry was stronger than the Shu infantry, and without Zhuge Liang's invention of Zhuge Liang's Zhuge Lian crossbow, it was an egg touching a stone.

Therefore, once Pang Tong met Sima Yi and Pang Tong's assassination failed, he could only attack strongly, and then the Shu army was defeated, and Weishui was likely to become the Luofeng River. What do you think?

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