
How to look at Li Bin: "Why do you still buy oil trucks?" "We think Li Bin is actually not wrong!

"I can't understand at all, why do you still buy oil trucks now, in addition to being able to smell some gasoline, what else is good?" Listen? It is such a sentence that network public opinion is fried again.

How to look at Li Bin: "Why do you still buy oil trucks?" "We think Li Bin is actually not wrong!

As the boss of one of the new car-making brands, Li Bin's remarks are likely to cause shock, including this time. In the "Why still buy a gas truck?" After the remarks were exposed, whether it was ordinary consumers or car critics, various objections on the Internet followed. In fact, while Li Bin's remarks continue to heat up, we believe that to distinguish one thing, we should not only discuss the present, but also take a long-term view.

Therefore, our view of "Car 314" just believes that Li Bin's view this time cannot be said to be wrong, but can only be said to be too radical. Just like elon Musk said at the beginning that he would send humans to Mars, aren't many people laughing at him? What about now? Step by step, SpaceX is turning dreams into reality.

So back to the question of whether the fuel vehicle can be bought or not this time, we believe that Li Bin is not wrong, but everyone's position is different.

How to look at Li Bin: "Why do you still buy oil trucks?" "We think Li Bin is actually not wrong!

Different patterns, naturally different perspectives

As Wu Maolin, founder of Che314 Auto Network, often said, "Standing on the third floor and standing on the level of the thirtieth floor, the scenery you see will naturally not be the same!" Why do many people think that Li Bin's remarks are too extreme? In fact, it is caused by the different heights of the station. In simple terms, a company's employees will only think about whether the company can pay salaries on time, and never think about where the salary will come from, while the boss will consider whether he can pay his employees and where the money will come from.

As the founder of Weilai Automobile, Li Bin's vision naturally looks farther. After all, the development of new energy is in line with the general direction of the industry, especially in the current situation, we must strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. As a representative of the transportation industry, the green transformation of the automotive industry is a very important part of global carbon emission reduction. So we can see that the industry has vigorously promoted and popularized new energy vehicles, and new energy vehicles have also received strong subsidies. Because in this way, it can not only promote the development of clean energy, but also promote the green transformation of the automotive industry and achieve carbon emission reduction.

How to look at Li Bin: "Why do you still buy oil trucks?" "We think Li Bin is actually not wrong!

Many car companies, including Audi, Mercedes-Benz, and Volvo, have announced the time to stop selling fuel vehicles, which is enough to show that it is only a matter of time before new energy vehicles replace fuel vehicles. That being the case, what is wrong with what Li Bin said? It is just a truth that is about to be realized, and it is only because some people cannot accept it, and how can the so-called people standing on the low floor look into the distance?

Niolai New Energy station is accurate, only the automatic driving is not enough

In addition, in our opinion, Weilai's layout and position in new energy are more accurate. First of all, at the product level, Weilai did not start from the range extender product like the ideal, but directly focused on pure electric vehicles. In this way, Weilai is naturally one step faster than ideal in the pure electric vehicle track. On the other hand, the ideal side, the range extender technology is a bit of a "take off the pants and fart" feeling.

And the ideal ONE is also a bit fooled in terms of product strength. 1.2T three-cylinder engine, the actual fuel consumption is not much lower. In addition, range extended vehicles will also face problems such as traffic restrictions, which also leads to ideals having to speed up the layout of pure electric products. At the beginning of this year, Ideal said it would deliver the first all-electric model in 2023. What does this mean? The ideal has fallen behind at the starting point.

How to look at Li Bin: "Why do you still buy oil trucks?" "We think Li Bin is actually not wrong!

On the other hand, Weilai not only chose the right route in the product layout. At the same time, in solving the problem of new energy endurance, it is also in the right direction. The power exchange mode can be said to be the best solution to solve the charging efficiency of new energy at this stage, although many people have not been optimistic about the power exchange mode. But in our view, the problem of mileage anxiety is not actually the endurance, but how to make the charging of new energy vehicles as convenient as ordinary fuel vehicles.

According to the data, during this year's National Day holiday, Weilai National Highway Replacement Power Station provided users with a total of 27581 times of power replacement and energy replacement services, an increase of 94.0% compared with the week before the National Day, an increase of 272.6% over last year. It can be said that Weilai's power exchange mode has begun to show results and has been recognized by many users.

Of course, Weilai is not without shortcomings at present. For example, the autonomous driving accident that occurred this year has deeply affected the entire industry. After the accident, the manufacturer no longer deliberately emphasized the automatic driving function, but changed it to a driver assistance function. As far as the current three giants of new car-making forces are concerned, Xiaopeng's XPILOT is relatively leading, of course, Weilai has not given up its efforts in this field. In the ET5 advertisement, you can see the introduction of the "latest generation of automatic driving system NAD", of course, the actual experience is still needed time to verify.

How to look at Li Bin: "Why do you still buy oil trucks?" "We think Li Bin is actually not wrong!

Do you have to buy a tram now? It has to vary from person to person!

Let's go back to the beginning of the question, "Why do you still buy a gas truck?" In fact, you can also ask rhetorically, do you have to buy a tram? Do I have to buy a tram to buy Weilai? In fact, we think that this has to vary from person to person or from place to place. For example, everyone knows that there are huge environmental differences between the north and the south.

In contrast, the winter in the north is often a scene of ice and snow, and the cold environment, as we all know, will certainly have a certain impact on the batteries of new energy vehicles. The milder climate of the South, do not have to worry about this trouble. Of course, this is not to say that people living in the north cannot buy trams. Just in terms of choice, we recommend pure electric vehicles that support the power exchange mode.

So the question is, do you think you can only buy Wei Lai? Definitely not! After all, there is more than one car company that supports the power exchange model. For example, Chang'an and Geely also involve power exchange modes. For example, at this year's Chongqing International Auto Show, Geely showed its unmanned power exchange technology and devices to the public. Is it a bit surprising that no one has changed the power throughout the whole process, and the owner does not even need to get off the car? In addition, Changan is also laying out in the field of power exchange, but at present, it is mainly involved in commercial areas such as the rental industry.

How to look at Li Bin: "Why do you still buy oil trucks?" "We think Li Bin is actually not wrong!

At least we can see that large car companies still pay more attention to the power exchange mode. As for the future, I believe that when the opponents are laying out the replacement power station, there will be more car companies to join. Therefore, as long as the rapid penetration and popularization of the power exchange model are solved, we firmly believe that the entire industry will usher in a new wave of growth.

The advantages of power exchange are obvious, but the environmental pollution is still debatable

Needless to say, the advantages of the power exchange mode compared to the charging mode are more significant and the application is more extensive, but the power exchange mode is not without shortcomings. Not to mention that there is no possibility of mutual exchange of electricity between various car companies at present, but whether the replaced battery will cause pollution is also a problem that is more worthy of the concern of Weilai and Li Bin.

In fact, as early as the initial stage of new energy vehicles, we expressed concern about the pollution and huge environmental problems that waste power batteries may bring. It should be known that the waste battery has many properties such as acid, alkali, heavy metal, etc., and in the process of treatment, it will inevitably lead to serious environmental problems.

How to look at Li Bin: "Why do you still buy oil trucks?" "We think Li Bin is actually not wrong!

Now, from top to bottom are highly advocating new energy vehicles, in order to return the sky a blue sky and white clouds, but also a green mountain and green water, but if these waste batteries are not properly handled, then what is the significance of developing the half-day new energy vehicle industry? Therefore, if This time Li Bin is talking about "Why do you still buy oil trucks?" After that, follow up and talk about how to solve the pollution problem of power batteries, I think there must be many people who clap their hands and praise.

Under the call of "jinshan yinshan is not as good as green mountains and green water", all car companies are looking for a way out. However, for now, many technical problems are really difficult to solve. Everyone knows that the best way to deal with waste batteries is to recycle and disassemble, but this process still faces many high technical thresholds and restrictions. Therefore, in the future, it will definitely take the relevant departments to work with many car companies to overcome the difficulties and ensure that the waste battery is reduced or even eventually avoided in the process of treatment.

Write at the end

In Li Bin's "Why do you still buy a gas truck?" After the remarks came out, we can see that many car critics who play "for Skywalker" are trying to deliberately take the rhythm. In fact, the automotive self-media industry is really chaotic now, and it can even be said that it is a mixture of fish and dragons. For example, some car critics have misleading consumers, and the more obvious problem is the false mileage.

How to look at Li Bin: "Why do you still buy oil trucks?" "We think Li Bin is actually not wrong!

Obviously, 400 kilometers is actually only 300 kilometers, so what is the core problem of this situation? In fact, it is the difference between working conditions, actual and high speed. Not only new energy vehicles, but also fuel vehicles have this problem, and urban fuel consumption and high-speed fuel consumption are certainly not a concept. The environment in which the vehicle is driven is different, and the error can even be as high as one-third. Therefore, the quality of some automotive self-media is really worrying.

Of course, in addition to some car critics with chaotic rhythm, resulting in Li Bin being "besieged" by netizens, the level of Weilai's public relations team is also incomprehensible. After his boss's remarks came out, the public relations team did not play any substantive role at all, did not explain and explain in a timely and effective manner, and just let the situation continue to aggravate. What is the use of such a PR team coming? What do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's discuss it together!

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