
These types of pregnant mothers should be bedridden!

Jun Mom scientific parenting

Junjun Mom's scientific parenting team

These types of pregnant mothers should be bedridden!

As we all know, every pregnant mother-to-be is protected at home by the "national treasure" level, and the elderly often say that they should do more exercise during pregnancy to facilitate the smooth production of the later stage, but today Jun Mom wants to share with you that there are these types of pregnant mothers during pregnancy not only can not exercise but also have a good bed rest, follow Jun Mom to see it together


Embryos are unstable


These types of pregnant mothers should be bedridden!

After clinical statistics, about 30% of pregnant mothers will have bleeding in the first trimester, this phenomenon is called the phenomenon of threatened embryo instability, which is manifested as brown secretions in the lower body, which should be as bedridden or lying as possible, do not exercise and move as little as possible. If the brown discharge is not very large, it generally does not last too long, and it does not need to be bedridden for too long, but it is also necessary to minimize strenuous exercise.

These types of pregnant mothers should be bedridden!

However, it should be noted that if there are more brown secretions, and even a little "aunt red", you must pay attention to it, and go to the hospital in time to check and confirm the specific conditions of the body.



Hypertension during pregnancy has always been a problem that needs to be paid attention to during pregnancy, and pregnant mothers should prevent and adjust according to their daily physical conditions and the results of obstetric examinations. If the high blood pressure is very severe, it is likely to be a precursor to eclampsia.

These types of pregnant mothers should be bedridden!

This phenomenon is likely to cause intracranial hemorrhage, convulsions and epilepsy due to rising blood pressure. Therefore, when blood pressure rises and is assessed as a precursor to eclampsia, pregnant mothers should stay in bed as much as possible to avoid exercise and stimulate blood pressure to continue to rise. At the same time, pregnant mothers should also try to keep their mood calm to keep their blood pressure as stable as possible.


The fetus develops slowly

Insufficient nutrition or insufficient rest during pregnancy is a common factor leading to fetal baby developmental delay, but if the fetal baby is stunted in the case of adequate nutrition and sleep, then the doctor is likely to determine that the pregnant mothers are overworked and cause the fetal baby to have developmental stress.

These types of pregnant mothers should be bedridden!

The doctor will also recommend that pregnant mothers should try to stay in bed to reduce the body's energy consumption, increase the blood flow of the placenta, and create a more suitable environment for the fetus.


Placenta previa

After 28 weeks of gestation, the placenta attaches to the lower segment of the uterus, and even the lower edge of the placenta reaches or covers the inner opening of the cervix, which is lower than the preludum exposure, called the placenta previa. Placenta previa is one of the main causes of bleeding in the third trimester of pregnancy and is a serious complication during pregnancy.

These types of pregnant mothers should be bedridden!

If in the middle and third trimester of pregnancy, there will be painless bleeding, if the doctor said that it is a placenta previa during the obstetric examination, the doctor will instruct you to stay in bed, then the pregnant mother must pay close attention to it and strictly follow the doctor's advice, so as to effectively prevent repeated bleeding of the placenta previa and endanger the fetus.

These types of pregnant mothers should be bedridden!

The development of the embryo is like planting a tree, the sapling is transferred to the new soil, the sapling must grow new roots and whiskers, and the trunk will draw new shoots and shoots; The more and deeper the roots grow, the thicker the branches grow, and even if it is windy and rainy, it will not easily bring down the tree.

These types of pregnant mothers should be bedridden!

Placental cells are like tree roots, embryos are like tree buds, and embryos can only thrive if placental cells grow to enough depth and breadth to the uterine wall and absorb enough nutrients. As long as the placental cells are deeply rooted and firm enough, even if it is windy and rainy, strenuous activity will not lead to miscarriage.

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