
General Yang Chengwu made great achievements in battle, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he raised three generals for the motherland, and his children were all pillars

If you want to ask which was the most important battle fought by the Red Army in those years,

"Flying to Seize Luding Bridge"

I am afraid that it will be the first choice of many people, and the founding general Yang Chengwu was one of the leaders who commanded this battle in the first place, and this battle of that year was also a heavy stroke in his military career.

Later, in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, he went on a crusade to the west and traveled all over most of China.

It made an important contribution to the final victory of the Chinese revolution.


General Yang Chengwu was born in 1914, and although his family was poor since childhood, his father still gritted his teeth and provided him with private schools. Knowing that the opportunity to study was not easy to come by, he has always been very hardworking, and then he was admitted to the middle school in the province.

But he knew that the only way to change the status quo of the country was to make radical changes.

At the age of 15, he joined the revolutionary ranks, became a soldier in the Red Army, and officially began his military career.

General Yang Chengwu made great achievements in battle, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he raised three generals for the motherland, and his children were all pillars

In 1985, the 50th anniversary of the capture of Luding Bridge, General Yang returned to the place where he had fought that year, remembering the feats of the 22 brave soldiers of the Red Army that year, and his heart was full of mixed feelings. At that time, he was the political commissar of the Red Fourth Regiment, and together with the regimental commander Huang Kaixiang, he led the soldiers to march 240 miles in a day and night, and finally rushed to Luding Bridge before the enemy reinforcements.

Under the fierce enemy artillery attack, a commando team of 22 warriors attacked the bridge. The planks of the bridge had been removed, and they climbed the iron rope with their bare hands and forcibly crossed the river.

The enemy thought that the rushing Dadu River below, and only 13 chains were left on the bridge, such a natural danger would definitely stop the Red Army's footsteps.

Unexpectedly, it was these 13 chains that split the road to the victory of the revolution.

General Yang Chengwu made great achievements in battle, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he raised three generals for the motherland, and his children were all pillars

General Yang also made many military achievements during the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the highest general killed by the Japanese army in the war was killed at his hands. In the War of Liberation, he was brave and resourceful in winning many battles in succession and made great achievements for New China.

On the Korean battlefield, he also left his footprints, the 20th Army he led,

It gave the U.S. army a fatal blow, so it also set a record for the highest number of enemies destroyed in the month.


In the 1955 ceremony, Yang Chengwu became one of the 55 generals who founded the people of New China. In this life, he made great contributions to the revolution and the country.

But what is even more remarkable is that he also trained three generals for the country.

General Yang married his wife Zhao Zhizhen in Hebei at the age of 24, and his wife was the director of the Women's Aid Society, and two like-minded people also devoted themselves to their respective work after marriage, one fighting bravely at the front line and the other doing logistical support in the rear.

General Yang Chengwu made great achievements in battle, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he raised three generals for the motherland, and his children were all pillars

Although they are often separated because of their working relationship, their relationship has always been good. He had 10 children, but because he joined the revolution, he often had to move with the troops and could not take care of them, so he had to foster them with relatives and friends. Unfortunately, 3 children died of illness.

The remaining 7 children, under the careful cultivation of the husband and wife, have grown into elites in various industries.

Three of them were also promoted to general.


General Yang's second son, Yang Dongming, joined the army at the age of 17, and then studied rocket generators at Beihang Airlines, continued to serve in the Air Force after graduation, and was promoted to lieutenant general in the Air Force in 2007.

In addition to the second son, General Yang's eldest son, Yang Dongsheng, was also a soldier, a high-caliber student who graduated from Tsinghua University, and unlike his brother's air force, he had been in the army and was promoted to major general in 1998 because of his outstanding achievements.

To say that among these children of General Yang, the most legendary one is the second daughter Yang Junsheng. In this name, there is a little bit of heroism in the woman, in 1961 was admitted to the "Kazakh military industry" known as Tsinghua in the army, and originally worked in the second artillery like her brother Yang Dongsheng.

General Yang Chengwu made great achievements in battle, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he raised three generals for the motherland, and his children were all pillars

However, in 1983, whether it was her ideological performance, her own quality or professional ability were quite outstanding, she was transferred to the armed police force that had just been formed, and then she took root in the armed police, and also made quite excellent achievements, and was promoted to the armed police professional and technical major general in 1996.

This is the first female general in history to be armed police.

General Yang Chengwu made great achievements in battle, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he raised three generals for the motherland, and his children were all pillars

We often hear that there are 4 generals in the two generations of General Yang's family, and this glory can be said to be extraordinary, and the children's achievements are inseparable from General Yang's education. In the special period, their family has also experienced a lot of hardships, but they have not given up, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles they encounter, in adversity and good times, they have always insisted on struggling, which is worth learning from all of us.

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