
During the counterattack against Vietnam, the son of the general was surrounded by enemy troops and shouted at the artillery group of our army: Fire at me!

Since ancient times, the children of high-ranking officials have lived in ivory towers and are well protected. Even the son of the ancient Yellow Emperor charged unharmed, and the son of this admiral was able to fight on the battlefield. And when surrounded, they were able to shout out to the artillery group of our army: The spirit of sacrifice to fire at me is really rare. But encirclement is rare in modern warfare, so what's going on?

During the counterattack against Vietnam, the son of the general was surrounded by enemy troops and shouted at the artillery group of our army: Fire at me!

This self-defense counterattack against Vietnam took place in 1979, which was an extraordinary year for China. The extraordinary gave birth to a heroic figure. The war was due to the deterioration of Sino-Soviet relations, Sino-Vietnamese relations gradually changed from "deep friendship between Vietnam and China, comrades and brothers" to confrontation and conflict. Vietnam continues to create conflicts on the Sino-Vietnamese border, which has seriously affected the lives and development of the people on our border, and after many diplomatic notes and warnings, the situation has not changed, and self-defense and counterattack have become the only way. In this war, many high-ranking cadres and disciples participated, including Li Heping, the son of the general, who originally wanted to transfer Li Heping to the headquarters as a staff officer to avoid the pain of the war.

During the counterattack against Vietnam, the son of the general was surrounded by enemy troops and shouted at the artillery group of our army: Fire at me!

In order to be able to defend the country, Li Heping also wrote a blood letter, and finally led the army to fight as he wished. From this, it can be seen that Li Heping's body is flowing with the blood of a male lion and has a spirit of perseverance and bravery. "The Red Army is not afraid of expeditions and difficulties" Even if the future is full of dangers and full of thorns, he must also cut through thorns and defend his family and country. According to Li Heping's later recollection: He repeatedly invited him to the battlefield, encountered many obstacles, fortunately succeeded in the end, experienced large and small battles, and escaped from death many times, such an experience is unforgettable.

During the counterattack against Vietnam, the son of the general was surrounded by enemy troops and shouted at the artillery group of our army: Fire at me!

It was in one of these battles that Li Heping successfully led the army to break through the Vietnamese defenses and easily took the position, which was a happy event to raise a toast, who expected that the Vietnamese army would soon reorganize its forces, go back and forth, and adopt a roundabout tactic, encircling the army led by Li Heping on all sides, catching them off guard. Just when the Vietnamese army intended to capture Li Heping and his army, Li Heping was not afraid of danger and made a shocking decision: to launch a wireless telegram and ask our artillery group to fire at her! Suddenly, shells were pouring out everywhere, and the Vietnamese army was caught off guard, suffering heavy casualties, and completely lost the spirit of the beginning. Li Heping and the soldiers hid in the bunker and escaped the shell attack.

During the counterattack against Vietnam, the son of the general was surrounded by enemy troops and shouted at the artillery group of our army: Fire at me!

The brave will be favored by the god of luck. Through this campaign, Li Heping won the title of courageous dedication, and the reputation of his army was also a hit, and in a later interview, Li Heping did not take credit for it, but thanked his father for not making himself special, but supporting him to fight.

During the counterattack against Vietnam, the son of the general was surrounded by enemy troops and shouted at the artillery group of our army: Fire at me!

Under such family education, it is no wonder that Li Heping did not retreat like a stupid boy, and when he encountered danger, he went forward bravely, was not afraid of sacrifice, and "shooting at me" was not something that anyone could shout. It is precisely because of such soldiers that the people of the mainland can live a happy life without the worries of war.

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