
Confinement in winter, pregnant women keep in mind these five points to recover quickly, away from "confinement disease", milk is still very sufficient

Every year, many "expectant mothers" have their due date in winter, which makes them a little worried. Because of the cold winter and low temperature, how to sit well and not fall ill has become their most concerned issue.

If you or your family are also worried about the winter confinement, then the next five tips must be collected, or transferred to those around you who need it.

Confinement in winter, pregnant women keep in mind these five points to recover quickly, away from "confinement disease", milk is still very sufficient

Five major strategies, so that Bao Mama does not worry about confinement in winter, away from "confinement disease", and has sufficient milk

Strategy 1: The indoor environment should be comfortable

The harsh winter colds make many "expectant mothers" feel intimidated. However, it is not difficult for mothers to sit well and recuperate in the cold season.

In the north, there is generally collective heating, confinement in a heated room, and the mother does not have to worry about the cold outside. If there is no collective heating condition, it is best for pregnant women to turn on air conditioning to keep warm.

The indoor temperature that is most suitable for confinement is around 26 degrees, and excessive heat or cold can make the mother and baby feel uncomfortable.

In addition to room temperature, indoor humidity is also very important, at 50%-60% humidity, mothers and babies will feel more comfortable. In winter, the climate in most places is relatively dry, if the home has air conditioning or heating, it is more important to pay more attention to humidity indicators.

Confinement in winter, pregnant women keep in mind these five points to recover quickly, away from "confinement disease", milk is still very sufficient

If you find that the humidity in the room is low and somewhat dry, it is recommended that expectant mothers prepare a humidifier in advance. In the process of using the humidifier, we must pay attention to the cleaning of the humidifier. The water used in the work of the humidifier should preferably be able to choose filtered water, so as to ensure the health of the family as much as possible.

In addition, every morning and afternoon, it is best to ensure that the window is opened for ventilation for 15 to 30 minutes, and during the window opening period, the mother should try to avoid blowing directly against the wind.

Strategy 2: Confinement must also "move"

Women who have either a vaginal birth or a caesarean section cannot lie in bed and rest all the time during their postpartum confinement period. Constant bed rest inactivity is not conducive to uterine contraction to discharge lochia, nor is it conducive to blood circulation throughout the mother's body, for women who have been caesarean section or circumpartum lateral incision, appropriate daily activity is also conducive to promoting the recovery of wounds.

Confinement in winter, pregnant women keep in mind these five points to recover quickly, away from "confinement disease", milk is still very sufficient

One thing that requires special attention is that if the mother is active in a relatively weak postpartum situation, it is best to let the family take care of it, and the time of daily activity should not be too long, otherwise it may be counterproductive.

Strategy three: personal hygiene should pay attention

When it comes to confinement, many people have this view that pregnant women can neither bathe nor wash their hair during confinement. Therefore, many pregnant women do not pay attention to personal hygiene and cleanliness during confinement, and wear an "oil head" every day.

To tell the truth, such a confinement method, for them every day is a torment, some pregnant women are eager to immediately out of the confinement, painful and happy to take a bath.

Now the living conditions have improved, even in winter, pregnant women can bathe and wash their hair during confinement. It is recommended that women bathe and wash their hair one to two weeks after giving birth.

Confinement in winter, pregnant women keep in mind these five points to recover quickly, away from "confinement disease", milk is still very sufficient

In addition, in the winter bath must pay attention to do a good job of keeping warm, do not get cold, it is best to open the heating equipment.

After washing hair and bathing, dry the body in time, use a hair dryer to dry the hair, there is a point to pay special attention to, the mother's body during confinement is not fully restored, in order to prevent infection, during confinement bathing is best to choose a shower, rather than sitz bath, tub.

Strategy four: don't "cover" in winter

The older generation often believes that during the confinement period, pregnant women should be "fully armed" and more "covered", otherwise it is easy to fall into the so-called "confinement disease".

Some women are afraid of confinement disease, even in the cold season, they will wear a lot. Cotton clothes, cotton pants, hats "fully armed", even if the body is hot and sweaty, the mother is also forced to endure, it can be seen that the mothers are really fighting for their lives in order not to fall ill.

Confinement in winter, pregnant women keep in mind these five points to recover quickly, away from "confinement disease", milk is still very sufficient

In fact, such a practice is unscientific, "covering" is easy to let yourself suffer, not to mention, but also may affect your own physical health. If the mother spends every day in an uncomfortable state and rest is not guaranteed, then the mother is more likely to fall into the root of the disease.

If the temperature in the room is suitable, the mother does not need to be "fully armed", it is recommended that the mother choose to wear more breathable cotton clothes to wear, do not need to be forced by the pressure of the elders to make themselves feel uncomfortable. Because it is easy to sweat after childbirth, if it is covered all the time, it is not conducive to the recovery of the postpartum body.

Confinement in winter, pregnant women keep in mind these five points to recover quickly, away from "confinement disease", milk is still very sufficient

Strategy Five: Scientific Diet MilkY

It is said that for babies who are 6 months old, their mother's breast milk is the best food they can eat when they come into the world. Many "expectant mothers" have fantasized about the scene of breastfeeding for their children during pregnancy, which is so sweet and warm, so in order to be able to breastfeed, many mothers will desperately drink a lot of soup and water after childbirth, in order to make more milk. But is this really the case with the scientific approach?

Indeed, drinking soup can promote milk secretion, but the choice of soup must be paid attention to, if you immediately after childbirth, you will make up for it, drink too much greasy soup, it is not helpful for milk, but there is harm.

Confinement in winter, pregnant women keep in mind these five points to recover quickly, away from "confinement disease", milk is still very sufficient

Postpartum women are weaker and more suitable for eating some light semi-liquid foods. Wait until one to two weeks after giving birth, and then start to drink some meat soup such as crucian carp soup slowly, which is better for milking and postpartum recovery.

In addition, the postpartum diet must also be balanced, to ensure that the intake of an appropriate amount of vegetables and fruits, as well as meat every day, which is conducive to the recovery of the body, but also conducive to the secretion of milk.

In addition to ensuring dietary science, another key point is to let newborns suck more, which can stimulate the secretion of maternal prolactin. Binge-on supplementation and drinking meat soup, in addition to making it easy for women to block milk, are not conducive to maternal weight management after childbirth.

Confinement in winter, pregnant women keep in mind these five points to recover quickly, away from "confinement disease", milk is still very sufficient

Parenting message

Winter confinement is actually not as difficult as many "expectant mothers" imagine, with the above five major strategies, I believe that mothers can also stay away from "confinement disease" in winter.

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