
The 40 figurative sentences summarized by "CCTV News" must have been favored by the text!

The so-called literary talent is not only in the plot, but also in the use of words, sentences, and even the use of personal names and punctuation.

And one of the most wonderful of all the gifts of words is the elven metaphors.

There are some figurative sentences that you will know as soon as you read them: they were written by a person who was favored by words.


Describe 【Good Weather】

The weather was as fresh as the beginning of a serious illness. (Chen Xianfa)


Describe [Wind Rising]

The wind blew up the fallen leaves on the ground, as if to add a sentence. (Wooden Heart)


Describe [rain falling]

Rain is a cloud that is locked in the sky but has escaped from prison. (Anon.)


Describe the undulating road

The asphalt road is undulating, and the road seems to be stuck to the waves. I walked on this mountain road, and I was like a boat. (Yu Hua)


Describe 【Winter Tree】

In winter, the muscles of the tree tensed, waiting for the bow of spring. (Zhang Zao)


Describe [Moss]

Moss, like a kind of melancholy of nature. (Jiang Xun)


Describe 【Snow】

"What is snow?" "The Twilight of the Dark Clouds." in Adonis


Describe 【River Water】

The river was cold, as if glass were flowing. in Márquez


Describe [Stars]

Looking up, it was a rainstorm of starlight. (Anon.)


Describe 【Moonlight】

The forest leaks moonlight, and it is as sparse as residual snow. (Zhang Dai's "Golden Mountain Night Drama")

The river flows around Fangdian, and the moonlit flowers are like thunderbolts. (Zhang Ruoxuan, "Spring River Flower Moon Night")


Describe [First Encounter]

One breezy morning, you and I first met. The summer cicada narrowed the heavens and the earth. It is too narrow to have a past, nor to accommodate the future. (Jian Yue)


Adjective [First Love]

It was the first time I liked a member of the opposite sex, like a closed valley suddenly opening up and the wind blowing in endlessly. (A B)


Describe [Crush]

I'm like a pocket watch in your pocket, tightly wound, and you can't feel it. in Zweig


Describe [unrequited love]

I gave my whole soul to someone who seemed to think of it only as a flower, inserted in the button hole of his coat, just a trinket to decorate his vanity, a kind of summer embellishment. in Wilde


Describe [Love]

Love shook her head and slipped into your arms, warm as a cat. (Inspired by Shuji Terayama's poem "Nouns", the first sentence of this poem is: Replace the word love with the word cat)


Adjective Heartbreak

Some people who have lost love will immediately turn their sadness like a rotten leg called Huazi, a bloody public exhibition, a mercy for people, or a matter of passing, like a warrior's golden sores, undressing instructions, and people are amazed. (Qian Zhongshu)


Describe [Heartbreak]

When the heart is broken, it is like the wood cracking, completely cracking along the grain from top to bottom. (Julian Barnes)

The way she cried that night, I looked at it in my memory. She always felt that it was a rupture that only a teenager had, and now she had reached an age when she could not bear that rout at all. So she always reminded me of the silk that had been torn off repeatedly: the destruction of the delicate in the beginning, and the destruction that followed was closer to the dry mouth itself, and closer to my heartbreak. (Anon.)


Describe 【Youth】

Everyone's youth is a dream, a form of chemical madness. in Fitzgerald


Describe [Thoughts]

Si Jun is like a full moon, and the night is reduced. (Zhang Jiuling, "Endowed with the Emergence of the King")


Describe [loneliness]

Loneliness can turn into acid that corrupts people. (Haruki Murakami)


Describe [tired]

I was tired and pale, like an old sweater that you wouldn't wear anymore but wouldn't throw away. (Janet Winterson)


Describe [resentment]

When he did not come, this resentment put the money on the book like a profit, only to wait for him to come back to settle the account. (Qian Zhongshu)


Describe [irritability]

The irritable mood at the moment, like the result of dividing ten by three, is endless. (Natsume Soseki)


Describe [Melancholy]

I was twenty years old, and I was as sad as a dry orchid. Dressed like a flying quail horse like a dog, Linqi fencing raw copper roar. (Li He's "Song of Sorrow")


Describe [unforgettable]

The whole world became a terrible memorial, reminding me everywhere that she existed and that I had lost her! (Emily Brontë)


Describe [Farewell]

The wind and clouds are scattered, and it is like rain. (Wang Yue, "Gift to Cai Zi Du")

Life does not meet, moving like a participatory businessman. (Du Fu's "Gift to the Eight Virgins of the Guard.") Samson and Shang belong to the east and west, and the two stars are separated by distant galaxies. When one side rises, the other falls. For hundreds of millions of years, we will never meet. )


Describe 【Time】

Time is sliced, like thinly sliced butter, spread over different things. (Emma Donojo)


Describe [old age]

As you age, you believe less and less. It's the same as teeth wear. It is neither cynical nor suspicious, it is just wear and tear. (Haruki Murakami)


Describe the eyes of the defeated team

I did not show weakness, and stared at her even harder, who knew that my gaze in front of her, like a newspaper on fire, gradually collapsed and curled. (Nanae Aoyama)


Describe [Fruitless Love]

Long-term acquaintance does not accumulate into love, just like the daily climate in winter, you can't add today's temperature to yesterday's, so that tomorrow will accumulate into a warm spring day. (Qian Zhongshu)


Describe the embarrassing state

I think the current state is like a bus that can't wait, waiting for so long, and then walking or taking a taxi will be annoying. (Yamamoto Nobunsuke)


Describe [empty eyes]

His eyes were like two holes poked out of a snow pile. (Raymond Chandler)


Describe [Feelings in Illness]

Vinegar, soy sauce, pepper oil, minced leeks, scalded by the hot snow-white tofu, emitted a bit of a fragrant taste, so fragrant that Shoko had to hold her breath; holding the bowl, looking at the dark green leek minced, his hand could not stop shivering. After taking a bite, the tofu scalded a path inside. (Lao She. This passage is for "Camel Xiangzi" in xiangzi sick, lying for three days and three nights, he struggled to the bridge to eat a bowl of old tofu, "burn a road in the body" a sentence is amazing. )


Describe the ugliness of human nature

The viciousness of a loyal and honest person, like the grit in rice or the unclean thorns in a bone fish fillet, will give people an unexpected pain. (Qian Zhongshu)


Describe [Wordless Silence]

Midoriko was silent on the other end of the phone, silent for a long time, like all the drizzle of the world falling on all the lawns of the world. (Haruki Murakami)


Describe [Familiar Feelings]

I returned to my city, familiar as tears, as veins, as mumps as childhood. in Mandelstam


Describe [Me in Time]

Night came to me again and again, making me suspect that I was the chronograph tool of the universe. (Anon.)


Describe [The End of Life]

At the end of life, it is like a person reading at dusk, reading and reading, without noticing that the light is dimming, until he stops to rest, only to suddenly find that the day has passed, the sky is already very dark, and then look down at the book but can not see anything clearly, the pages are no longer meaningful. in Maugham


Describe [this life]

Floating life is just like the water at the bottom of the ice, day and night flowing east people do not know. (Du Mu,"The Fenhe River Freezes")

Life is everywhere like, it should be like Flying Flying On Slush. (Su Shi, "Kazuko Yushi pond nostalgia")


Describe the state of life I want

I'm full of summer feelings. Like a fruit stained with honey wine. This kind of fainting is drunkenness. I was like a fly on a ripe grape, and for half a day I didn't move. (Wang Zengqi)

Content from: Composition material Xueba synthesized from CCTV news "Night Reading"

Image: Sugar Sugar

The copyright of the picture and text belongs to the author, please indicate the source when reprinting

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