
What's scarier than being poor, in fact, is your "fixed" mindset

What's scarier than being poor, in fact, is your "fixed" mindset

Text/End Of Little North

01: Preface

I don't know if you've found:

Two people from the same starting point, after a period of time, have completely become two types of people, they originally did not have any gap, why did they finally have a gap?

To put it simply, it is self-contained thinking.

Because he didn't want to change in his bones, he couldn't listen to any opinions, and he couldn't understand the accuracy of other people's opinions, and when others did it, he still felt that he was particularly smart.

Self-contained thinking is really terrible and will affect a person's life.

I believe most netizens have heard such a story:

There are two wives who come to buy a house, one chooses to take a loan to buy a house, because of the loan, so he moved into the house early and lived in a new house for a lifetime;

Another old lady had been saving money to buy a house, she just wanted to save enough money to sell, the rest did not want anything else, and finally died and could not afford to buy a house.

Of course, this premise is that house prices cannot rise, and once they rise, it is even more different.

You see, the two old ladies are the same foundation, the only difference is the thinking, because this thinking has led to two completely different lives.

What's scarier than being poor, in fact, is your "fixed" mindset

02: Poverty is not terrible, thinking is terrible

The reason why many people start from the same point and end up walking differently is that in the final analysis, it is the trouble of self-contained thinking.

Because of the influence of his thinking, he was careful in everything he did, and even lost his last chance.

If everyone knew at the beginning that this was the result, then it would not be so cautious, because it was because of fear, so they let themselves go a difficult way in the future.

In the past, when watching "Camel Xiangzi", I felt that Xiangzi was too bitter, felt that fate was unfair, and why let him suffer such suffering.

He has worked hard all his life, but he has always worried about his livelihood.

At the beginning of the north drift, Xiangzi had hope in his eyes, on the one hand, he had endless strength, on the other hand, he pulled the car with his heart.

Generally speaking, once a person has these two points, he will generally get rich, but everything is never absolute.

What's scarier than being poor, in fact, is your "fixed" mindset

Shoko's idea is particularly simple, she worked hard and tried to buy a rickshaw of her own, so that the money she made was her own.

His thinking is on this level, so all his motivation for effort is to buy a rickshaw.

Logically, having his own rickshaw, there is no need to save money all the time, but Shoko only knows how to save money, and he can't listen to the good advice given by others.

You know, it was a chaotic world, and there were many unexpected situations.

When Shoko finally saved enough money and bought a rickshaw, she was snatched away by the rebels and the people with the car.

Although he tried his best to escape, the new car that pinned his hopes on him could not be found.

If at this time, Shoko can realize the problem, he should not be obsessed with continuing to save money to buy a new car, he may change a new job, and he will have another life.

But Shoko did not, because of the influence of his thinking, he continued.

What's scarier than being poor, in fact, is your "fixed" mindset

He continued to save money to buy a new car, and although some people suggested to him that he should engage in private fundraising to buy a car, he was afraid of paying interest, so he insisted on saving money himself.

In short, he couldn't listen to anything, only that he felt that he was the most right.

In this way, seeing that the savings had been saved enough, but I did not expect that there was still a problem, the main family who worked on their own got into trouble, and because they did not catch the main family, they intimidated Xiangzi in every way.

Under such circumstances, Shoko had to hand over her savings to save her life.

Shoko worked hard all her life, but she also fell poor all her life.

In fact, Shoko's life is our true portrayal, if we do not change our thinking, just blind efforts, then the result may be the same as Shoko.

A person's temporary poverty is not terrible, what is terrible is the old thinking.

What's scarier than being poor, in fact, is your "fixed" mindset

Once you have this kind of thinking, no one can listen to their thoughts, they are obviously for your own good, but you think he is going to hurt you.

Self-contained thinking is so terrible that it can even ruin your whole life and make you live in pain for the rest of your life.

The Nature of Poverty says:

"The poor do not understand the rules of the operation of society, are shackled in a mode of exhaustion, and can only stand still."

This is deeply true.

If people want to succeed, only hard work is not enough, they must dare to jump out of a pattern, only by jumping out of this mode, it is possible to break through the clouds and see the sky.

What's scarier than being poor, in fact, is your "fixed" mindset

03: Self-contained thinking will force people to a dead end

Some people always seem to be like this, they don't hit the south wall and don't look back, always think that they are the right, in fact they have been wrong outrageously wrong, but they have not known.

I have a relative, and that's the kind of person.

He was originally okay with business, but in the end it got worse and worse, and the reason why this result occurred was that he thought that his thinking had affected him.

Friends who have opened supermarkets know that tobacco has a stall, and this stall is particularly important to themselves, because it indicates how many cigarettes you can get, and many people desperately upgrade, but relatives are different.

Since he was a supermarket halfway through, when he found that he had more than 10,000 yuan of tobacco every month, he was a little panicked and did not want to press so much money.

Everyone else was busy upgrading, but he took the initiative to downgrade, and although the business manager at the time explained the situation to him, he insisted on himself.

In this way, his gear was reduced, and he could not get the cigarettes that others could get, and the customer group was naturally lost.

What's scarier than being poor, in fact, is your "fixed" mindset

When he wanted to upgrade, he found that it was too late.

Relatives especially regret, although in this world, many things are sold, but regret medicine is no one sells.

Due to the serious loss of customers, the store with a special number of relatives could not continue to operate, and finally had to close its doors.

If, in the beginning, relatives did not think like this, and could listen to the advice of others, rather than insisting on themselves all the time, would this still be the result?

But his relatives did not listen, he felt that he was right, completely unable to see through, and he could not blame others for such a result, but only on himself.

If you also have a self-contained mindset, then it is best to change immediately, although it is difficult to force yourself to accept this developing society, but you must also try to accept, only in this way, your life will be more exciting.

Although it is important for a person to be down-to-earth, if his thinking does not change, he can only work blindly, and the final result is naturally sad.

What's scarier than being poor, in fact, is your "fixed" mindset

04: Conclusion

Therefore, instead of just knowing how to work hard, it is better to try to improve yourself.

When you raise your ability to a certain level, the result is completely different.

At that time, you can see more things, you are more willing to listen to the opinions of others, and you can better see the development of the world.

So why worry about how life doesn't go smoothly?

About the Author:

Su Xiaobei, a young writer and marriage counselor, has been engaged in psychological counseling for 13 years, if you have confusion about marriage and love, you can leave me a message.

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