
At the beginning of 30 works of literature, the first one is very familiar, and the last one is very wonderful

At the beginning of 30 works of literature, the first one is very familiar, and the last one is very wonderful

Not long ago, "Night Reading" did an issue of "those amazing to the end of your literary works" (poke link review: sorry, spoilers), many readers left a message asking when to come to the beginning of the issue, gong gong ~ come!

At the beginning of 30 works of literature, the first one is very familiar, and the last one is very wonderful

Beginning of 30 literary works

The first one is very familiar, and the last one is wonderful


Happy families are similar, unhappy families are different.

[Russian] Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina


From Sichuan to Hunan, there is an official road to the east. When this official road approached the border of western Hunan to a small mountain town called "Cha Tong", there was a small stream with a small white tower by the stream, and a single family lived under the tower. There was only an old man, a girl, and a yellow dog.

Shen Congwen", "Border City"


It is not difficult to understand a person who has been dead for a thousand years.

Lin Yutang "The Biography of Su Dongpo"

At the beginning of 30 works of literature, the first one is very familiar, and the last one is very wonderful


All children in the world grow up, with one exception.

James Barry, "Peter Pan"


The Dursleys, who live at 4 Privet Road, always proudly say that they are very well-behaved people, please, please. They have never had anything to do with mysterious and strange things, because they do not believe in the evil ways.

J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone


Mrs. Dalloway said she was going to buy flowers herself.

Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway


That night, I learned that you already existed: a life descended into the world in order to overcome nothingness. I opened my eyes and lay in the darkness, and I was convinced you were there. You exist. It was as if a bullet had hit me, and my heart stopped beating. When you hit me again, infinite wonder rises in my heart.

Oriana Farage, "Letter to an Unborn Child"


If I were to make a concise summary of the era when I grew up before the First World War, then if I say: It was a golden age of peace — I hope I would say it most brilliantly.

Stephen Zweig, "Yesterday's World"

At the beginning of 30 works of literature, the first one is very familiar, and the last one is very wonderful


If I can, I will write down my regrets and sorrows, for the Son, for myself.

Lu Xun's "Wounded Death"


What we are going to introduce is Xiangzi, not the camel, because "camel" is just a nickname; then, let's first say Xiangzi, and casually talk about the relationship between camel and Xiangzi.

Lao She "Camel Xiangzi"


When I was ten years younger than I am now, I got a casual career, going to the countryside to collect folk songs. Throughout the summer of that year, I was like a sparrow flying around, wandering in the countryside full of knowledge and sunshine.

Yu Hua "Alive"


The years of life pass like flowing water.

Zhang Hateshui "Golden Powder Family"

At the beginning of 30 works of literature, the first one is very familiar, and the last one is very wonderful


In early July, in the sweltering heat, in the evening, a young man came out of a hut he had rented from the landlord of Lane C and walked slowly and hesitantly in the direction of K Bridge.

[Russian] Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment


If music is the food of love, then play it; play it as much as you can, so that love will die of choking.

William Shakespeare, The Twelfth Night


Reno called this morning. I thought he was asking me for money again, and I was ready to refuse him, but he called for another reason: his mother was missing.

Elena Ferrante, "My Genius Girlfriend"


Soon you will be eighty-two years old. The height was shortened by six centimeters and the weight was only forty-five kilograms. But you are as beautiful, elegant as ever, and you have impressed me. We've spent fifty-eight years together, and my love for you is growing stronger. My chest has this annoying emptiness again, and it can only be filled when your burning body is nestled in my arms.

Andrei Goetz, "To D: A History of Love"

At the beginning of 30 works of literature, the first one is very familiar, and the last one is very wonderful


I am an old acquaintance of rain and snow, and I am ninety years old. The rain and snow look old to me, and I also look at them old.

Chi Zijian,"The Right Bank of the Erguna River"


The sun came through the large glass window, shining on the wall of the big white paper paste, on the three-drawer table, on my little bed. I woke up, still lying in bed, looking at the many small, tiny dusts flying in the sun's rays.

Lin Haiyin,"Old Things in Seongnam"


Since I was a child, my father used to tell me the story of Kinkaku.

[Japanese] Yukio Mishima "Kinkaku-ji Temple"


Seriously, when I first met Charles Strickland, I didn't think there was anything special about him, but today, his greatness is recognized.

Maugham, "The Moon and Sixpence"

At the beginning of 30 works of literature, the first one is very familiar, and the last one is very wonderful


In February and March 1975, on an ordinary day, the fine rain was sprinkled with a little bit of snowflakes, and they were pouring onto the earth. The season is almost stinging, of course, the snow will no longer remain, often before it lands, it has disappeared without a trace. The harsh and long winter of the Loess Plateau seems to be over, but the truly warm spring is far from coming.

Lu Yao,"Ordinary World"


When my brother Jem was nearing the age of thirteen, he suffered a severe fracture in his elbow. When the injury heals, he is no longer afraid, lest he never play rugby, he will rarely think about his injury.

Harper Lee, "To Kill a Mockingbird"


The story has no beginning and no end: the author chooses from his own experiences a moment that allows him to look back at the past or look to the future, which is completely arbitrary.

Graham Green, "The End of Love"

At the beginning of 30 works of literature, the first one is very familiar, and the last one is very wonderful


The cold wind is like a knife, using the earth as a cutting board and treating sentient beings as fish and meat. Thousands of miles of snow will turn the dome into a furnace and melt all things into silver.

Gu Long "Amorous Swordsman Ruthless Sword"


The waters of the Qiantang River are endless day and night from the edge of Niujia Village in Lin'an Province, Liangzhe West Road, and flow into the sea in the east. On the banks of the river, dozens of black cypress trees, their leaves as red as fire, are in August. The weeds in front of the village and behind the village have just begun to turn yellow, and under the reflection of a slanting sun, it has added a little bit of depression. Under two large pine trees were a bunch of villagers, men and women and a dozen children, listening intently to a thin old man.

Jin Yong's "Legend of the Archery Hero"


The wind blew very tightly, and the snow flakes flew in the air like torn cotton wool, falling everywhere without a purpose. ...... It was already evening, and the lights on the side of the road had not yet been lit. Everything in the street gradually disappeared into the gray twilight. The road is full of water and mud. The air is cold. A hopeful pedestrian who struggles to walk down a secluded street – that is, a warm, bright home.

Barkin "Home"



The water rolling in the east of the Yangtze River, the waves exhaust the heroes. Success or failure turned to the sky: the green mountains are still there, and the sunset is red a few degrees.

White-haired fisherman on the river, used to watch the autumn moon and spring breeze. A pot of turbid wine is happy to meet: how many things in ancient and modern times are in laughter.

Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms

At the beginning of 30 works of literature, the first one is very familiar, and the last one is very wonderful


There is a legend that there is a bird that sings only once in a lifetime, and that song is more beautiful than the song of all the creatures in the world. From the moment it leaves the nest, it searches for the thorn tree until it gets its wish and rests. Then it plunged its body into the longest, sharpest thorn and let go of its singing voice between the wild branches. In a moment of dying, it transcended its own pain, and the song overshadowed both the lark and the nightingale. It's a beautiful song, and the song ends in the end. Yet the whole world listened silently, and God smiled in the firmament. Because the best things can only be exchanged for deep pain and great trauma... Anyway, that's what the legend says.

[Australia] Colline McCullough, "Bird of Thorns"


It was a day in March.

If you're going to write a story, don't start with that. There is no worse start than that.

[Us] O. Henry, "Spring on the Menu"

At the beginning of 30 works of literature, the first one is very familiar, and the last one is very wonderful


You're about to start reading Italo Calvino's new novel, If on a Winter Night, a Traveler.

Italo Calvino, "If on a Winter Night, a Traveler"

Text/CCTV News "Night Reading" reorganization

Photo/Visual China

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