
An older woman gave birth prematurely with one action, the child was blind at birth, and she had not seen her mother at the age of 5

An older woman gave birth prematurely with one action, the child was blind at birth, and she had not seen her mother at the age of 5

"I was 38 years old when I gave birth to Han Han, which is considered to be an older childbirth, so I have always done the pregnancy test on time, and the results of the test have never been abnormal, and I never thought that my child would get seriously ill." From the moment the child was born, he had not enjoyed a single day of happiness, had been suffering from illness, almost lost his life due to lack of oxygen at birth, and within a few days he had symptoms of hydrocephalus and blindness, and had just undergone two hydrocephalus flow surgeries just after the full moon. When I thought my son could recover slowly, he not only failed to recover his vision but was also diagnosed with epilepsy and stunting..." Zhou Rufen said of her son's pain. (Pictured is Zhou Rufen's 5-year-old son Han Han.) )

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An older woman gave birth prematurely with one action, the child was blind at birth, and she had not seen her mother at the age of 5

"Watching his son grow up day by day, he has never been able to perceive the outside world well, he can't speak, he can't walk, and his eyes can't see." Whenever I saw Han Han lying alone on the hospital bed, I thought his world must be dark and lonely, I opened my mouth and cried out To Han Han, seeing his face full of loss was full of joy in an instant, his hands were raised in the air and kept scratching, trying to find my direction, all this I saw in my eyes, pain in my heart. Because my son is insecure, he likes to knock things and use his voice to alleviate his helplessness, and I often carry my son to the corridor for fear of disturbing people in the same ward. (Pictured is Zhou Rufen feeding medicine to her son.) )

An older woman gave birth prematurely with one action, the child was blind at birth, and she had not seen her mother at the age of 5

Zhou Rufen, 43, lives in a small mountain village in Chuzhou, Yunnan Province, and has been farming for generations. Although the life of a family of three is poor, it is also happy, in 2016, 38-year-old Zhou Rufen accidentally became pregnant, and the couple decided to leave the child in the womb after discussion. The family has been looking forward to the arrival of a new life, but they did not expect that the whole family had changed drastically after the birth of this child. (The picture shows Zhou Rufen looking at her son's diagnosis certificate.) )

An older woman gave birth prematurely with one action, the child was blind at birth, and she had not seen her mother at the age of 5

On October 18, 2016, Zhou Rufen, who was 34 weeks pregnant, took a wash on the floor when she was preparing to take a bath at home, and after taking the things, she felt abdominal discomfort the next morning, and after a while the amniotic fluid broke, and her husband sent her to the hospital and was told by the doctor that she was going to give birth prematurely and that she must give birth to the child immediately. On October 19, Zhou Rufenshun gave birth to a son, Zhou Jinghan, but before Zhou Rufen could see her son, the couple was told a frightening news, "The child has been sent to rescue due to lack of oxygen." The two men were dumbfounded, anxious like ants on a hot pot, but they could only stand outside the ICU. (Pictured is Zhou Rufen teaching her son to speak.) )

An older woman gave birth prematurely with one action, the child was blind at birth, and she had not seen her mother at the age of 5

The two men stayed outside the ward day and night for 9 days, but they waited for a desperate news. "Your child has symptoms of hydrocephalus and is likely to be invisible to his eyes, and if the situation is severe, he will need surgery." In this case, the two people finally saw the first side of their son, the little child was pricked with needles, there were many transparent tubes on his body, and Zhou Rufen finally couldn't hold back the tears when he saw his son like this for several days. "Why would God let such a young child suffer, even if I am sick, it is better than the child..." (Pictured is Zhou Rufen wiping his son's hands.)

An older woman gave birth prematurely with one action, the child was blind at birth, and she had not seen her mother at the age of 5

Because Han Han's condition failed to improve, he had a right hydrocephalus flow surgery just after the full moon, but after a few days of re-examination, the doctor found that there was still water in Han Han's brain, and Han Han had to do a second left hydrocephalus flow surgery. When zhou Rufen returned home from the hospital, she thought that after her son underwent two surgeries, his condition would slowly recover and his eyesight would recover, but he did not expect that his son's condition would change again.

An older woman gave birth prematurely with one action, the child was blind at birth, and she had not seen her mother at the age of 5

Han Han, who was 5 months old, not only did not regain his eyesight, but also had other abnormalities. His body was shaking abnormally, twitching, his hands and feet were weak, he only slept for 2 hours a day, and Zhou Rufen held his son day and night but had no effect. She took her son to Kunming Children's Hospital again, and Han Han was diagnosed with epilepsy and stunting caused by hydrocephalus. (Pictured is Zhou Rufen giving her son a massage.) )

An older woman gave birth prematurely with one action, the child was blind at birth, and she had not seen her mother at the age of 5

"The best treatment is to take medicine to control epilepsy, and long-term rehabilitation treatment for developmental delay will also improve, otherwise the child may not walk or speak for a lifetime." Treatment is expensive, so be prepared. "Zhou Rufen listened to the doctor's words and her mind went blank, and she sat paralyzed on the ground when she was soft." He is still so young, how can he experience so much pain, he must treat his son, I can't let him do this for the rest of his life. (The picture shows Zhou Rufen taking her son to see flowers.) )

An older woman gave birth prematurely with one action, the child was blind at birth, and she had not seen her mother at the age of 5

In July 2017, Zhou Rufen took her son to a rehabilitation hospital to start treatment, and her husband worked at home to take care of his daughter. Han Han gets a nerve injection every two days, a needle of 200 yuan, the treatment fee is charged by the minute, 80 yuan for 20 minutes, plus a bottle of anti-epileptic drugs for hundreds of yuan, a day is hundreds of dollars. After half a year of treatment, the borrowed money and the family's money were spent completely, and in desperation, Zhou Rufen could only take her son out of the hospital and return home, relying on medicine to control the disease.

An older woman gave birth prematurely with one action, the child was blind at birth, and she had not seen her mother at the age of 5

Until May 2019, Zhou Rufen got good news from patients that there is a hospital in Kunming that specializes in treating such children, and part of the treatment fee can be waived. Zhou Rufen seemed to grasp the straw of life, and she borrowed a sum of money overnight to return to the hospital with her son. After returning to the hospital again, what bothered Zhou Rufen the most was that Han Han often cried at any time, often woke up people in the same ward in the middle of the night, and at first the patients endured the child's illness, but over time, more and more people would talk to Zhou Rufen about Han Han's crying. "I can't help it, my son doesn't understand things, he can't perceive everything in the outside world, he can't understand my words, and he can't control it at all." Since then, Zhou Rufen has developed the ability to wake up in seconds, as long as her son has moved, she will immediately wake up and hold her son and run outside the ward to coax, sometimes even standing outside for a night.

An older woman gave birth prematurely with one action, the child was blind at birth, and she had not seen her mother at the age of 5

Fortunately, Zhou Rufen's persistence has seen results, and Han Han has learned to eat by himself and sleep longer and longer. Although he still can't walk and talk, when Zhou Rufen usually talks to her son, Han Han has learned to listen quietly, and sometimes responds to her with a "hmm, mmm" tone. Rehabilitation treatment is very difficult and difficult, and every small progress of Han Han is a great comfort for Zhou Rufen. (Pictured is Zhou Rufen teaching her son to walk.) )

An older woman gave birth prematurely with one action, the child was blind at birth, and she had not seen her mother at the age of 5

"Seeing that my son has made some progress, my heart is very happy, but now that he has been treated for several years, the family has long owed a large debt, no one is willing to lend me money back to my hometown, and my husband's salary is only 3,000 yuan a month, which is simply not enough for his son's treatment." The doctor said that he would insist on treating his son, and if he gave up halfway, his previous efforts would probably be in vain, and I really didn't know what to do to save my son. Zhou Rufen looked at Han Han's well-behaved face, and her heart was full of guilt and heartache. (Editor/Suri) If you are willing to help these unfortunate patients recover their health as soon as possible, please click the font in parentheses to jump to Tencent Happy Donation to donate: [], or open WeChat - Pay - Tencent Public Welfare - Search for "Breaking Dawn Serious Illness Relief Plan" can also make love donations, thank you for your great love! For more details, please pay attention to Penguin: Photojournalist. Original works, unauthorized, it is strictly forbidden to reprint in any form, infringement will be investigated!

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