
Although Li Dazhao sacrificed too early, his descendants and children were all very contentious, and all of them were high-ranking officials!

We all know that at the beginning of the last century, our country experienced a period of time that can be said to be very unbearable and even humiliating. Fortunately, during that dark time, a group of very great pioneers brought the seeds of revolution to our land, formed it into a burning trend, and completed the great rejuvenation of the nation! What we want to talk about today is one of the most great figures, and he is Comrade Li Dazhao!

Most readers know most of him in a few textbook articles, but this was a revolutionary pioneer when he was a man of letters. He was one of the first people in our country to accept Marx's thought, and he can be said to be the leader of our great leader on the revolutionary road!

Although Li Dazhao sacrificed too early, his descendants and children were all very contentious, and all of them were high-ranking officials!

He had an extremely firm revolutionary spirit, but in the face of the severe torture of the enemy at that time, he still kept the secrets of his comrades and did not reveal a single bit. Later killed by an angry enemy, he was in his prime at the time and ended his glorious but short life.

Fortunately, by the time of his heroic righteousness, he already had several children. Although his wife's cultural level is particularly low, their offspring thrive under the influence of their father's spirit and under the wholehearted upbringing of their mother.

None of his descendants disgraced him, they were all very good, highly accomplished, and very loyal to the party.

Although Li Dazhao sacrificed too early, his descendants and children were all very contentious, and all of them were high-ranking officials!

First of all, his eldest son, whose name was Li Baohua, resolutely and resolutely began to follow the party after his father's death, and became a very good progressive youth at that time. Later, it has made great contributions in many aspects of our country, such as agriculture, industry, finance and so on. He holds many important positions, including central committee members, provincial party secretaries and so on.

The second is his second son, although not particularly famous, but also follows his father's legacy, dedicates himself to the party and the people, and is prominent in many aspects, having served in the party committee secretary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other positions.

The youngest son, Li Xinhua, was only five years old when his father died, and after studying, he devoted himself to the cause of education in our country.

The eldest daughter, Li Xinghua, when her father was imprisoned, she also helped her mother take care of her younger siblings after her father left, and later devoted herself to education and had great achievements in folk literature.

The youngest daughter, Li Yanhua, was also very young when her father died, and her deepest impression of her father was that his father often taught her to study hard, and when she grew up, she devoted herself to education!

Although Li Dazhao sacrificed too early, his descendants and children were all very contentious, and all of them were high-ranking officials!

Comrade Li Dazhao's descendants are very good, because of the time reason, he only introduced his children to everyone, and his grandchildren were also very outstanding.

The reason they gave for this is that the spirit left by Comrade Dazhao, as well as the concept of education, has been spurring them to become better and not to take a detour!

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