
Another mistake swallowed accidentally, the mother used the Heimlik method to save the child's life, and she would not come to learn soon

Wen | Yuan's mother's parenting diary original, welcome to forward and share personally

Parents are of course most concerned about the safety of their children, but as the baby develops little by little, the range of activities becomes larger and stronger, and many accidents are not under the control of parents.

But the response of parents in the face of sudden and unexpected parents is crucial, after all, time is precious in the moment of life and death, and having a certain amount of first aid knowledge and ability can escort children.

Another mistake swallowed accidentally, the mother used the Heimlik method to save the child's life, and she would not come to learn soon

The child is choked by noodles, and the mother uses the Heimlich method to relieve the danger

Cases of throat jams occurring every year in children swallowing, from babies as young as a few years old to elementary school students, causing varying degrees of harm.

Through these cases, it can also be seen that if parents can have a sense of prevention or master the correct first aid methods, they can reduce the harm to their children, otherwise they will regret it if it causes tragedy.

Recently, there was another accidental swallowing accident, thanks to the mother's wit and decisiveness, using the Heimlich method to save the child's life.

In the video taken by the surveillance, it can be seen that the father was originally going to take the two daughters downstairs, but the younger daughter did not stand still after drinking the water, and one stumbled to the head, causing the noodles eaten in the morning to flow back into the trachea.

Another mistake swallowed accidentally, the mother used the Heimlik method to save the child's life, and she would not come to learn soon

Within a minute, the little daughter was silent and her limbs were stiff, and she couldn't watch it.

In a hurry, the father called for his mother, and the mother could not take care of too much, remembering the Heimlique law and immediately gave first aid to the daughter. However, because the mother did not really practice it, the action was not standard enough, and the daughter never reacted at all.

Another mistake swallowed accidentally, the mother used the Heimlik method to save the child's life, and she would not come to learn soon

So the whole family went out to take the daughter to the hospital, after entering the elevator, the mother did not stop the emergency, repeated operations several times, and finally the little daughter spit out the noodles and made a faint sound.

After being sent to the hospital, the relevant examinations were also carried out, and now the little girl is out of danger.

Another mistake swallowed accidentally, the mother used the Heimlik method to save the child's life, and she would not come to learn soon

After the video attracted widespread attention, Bao Mom personally reminded parents that although they finally used the Heimlich method to save their daughters, they delayed a lot of time due to the non-standard action, hoping that parents would take the foreign body into the throat seriously and learn the correct first aid method.

Another mistake swallowed accidentally, the mother used the Heimlik method to save the child's life, and she would not come to learn soon

Parents who don't know Heimlique yet, come and learn

The Heimlich First Aid Method is named after the American surgeon Heimlich, which uses squeezing to make the air flow to shock the foreign body out and thus be rescued, the correct operation is as follows:

For young children under 3 years of age, the rescuer should let the child lie on his arm, the foot should be higher than the head; the other hand should be slapped in the middle of the child's shoulder blade, and after 5 strokes, the child's condition should be observed, and if the foreign body is not vomited for so long, repeat this action;

Another mistake swallowed accidentally, the mother used the Heimlik method to save the child's life, and she would not come to learn soon

If repeating it multiple times still has no effect, the rescuer can flip the child over and press the index and middle fingers together towards the position of the child's chest to the next finger.

For children over 3 years of age and adults, the rescuer should stand behind the rescued person, hold the rescued person's waist with his arm, and grasp the fist of the left hand with his right hand.

Another mistake swallowed accidentally, the mother used the Heimlik method to save the child's life, and she would not come to learn soon

After maintaining the posture, the rescuer extends the thumb of his left hand and places it in the middle position under the chest and abdomen of the rescued person, and then suddenly tightens his arm to apply pressure to the abdomen of the rescued person, repeating this action until the foreign body comes out.

In the event of a swallowing accident, the parent's reaction determines whether the child is safe or not

Step 1: Observation, first aid

The first thing parents have to do is to observe the baby's reaction. Your baby's airway and throat are very narrow, so it will be difficult to breathe after getting stuck in a foreign body, and the face will turn black and purple.

At this time, the most effective is the Heimlik method, do not use the way of cutting and drinking water to flush first aid, blind belief in the home remedies the last injury is still the child.

Step 2: Send to the hospital for examination can not be less

Regardless of whether the parents themselves have completed the first aid, they must send the child to the hospital for re-examination, and some foreign bodies may be stuck in the throat, but the parents cannot judge with the naked eye.

Therefore, regardless of whether the parents themselves have completed the initial first aid, they must send the child to the hospital for a closer examination.

Another mistake swallowed accidentally, the mother used the Heimlik method to save the child's life, and she would not come to learn soon

Step 3: Preventing accidents is key

Accidents represent unknown possibilities, all accidents can not be controlled, so rather than mastering a variety of first aid methods, it is more important for parents to prevent accidents.

For children under 3 years old, they are basically not allowed to stay alone, and even if they are alone, they must ensure that there are no small parts or dangerous items around them;

In the child's diet should also pay attention to, there are hardcore or seed food can not be directly to the child to eat, easy to swallow food should be far away from the child...

There are too many cases of suffocation death caused by eating a foreign body by mistake, but this injury could have been avoided, and young parents should be more careful in the process of taking their babies and not let the painful tragedy happen again.

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