
American men live-streamed killings, killing their ex-girlfriends first and then their ex-wives, and committing suicide by drinking bullets in front of the police

author:Commentator for the flower planter

The gunshots in the United States have never stopped, and unfortunately, new things have been added to the panic of the people. A desperate black man who tells the story of the crime on the live broadcast and then commits suicide, leaving an endless psychological shadow on the viewer.

According to US media reports, on December 11, 44-year-old black man Rajay Sharif Black said in a live broadcast: "I killed my ex-girlfriend, the next one will be my ex-wife, they upset me, made me depressed, I can't go to jail, so I will commit suicide... I would like to advise you not to lie and not to play with other people's feelings. ”

American men live-streamed killings, killing their ex-girlfriends first and then their ex-wives, and committing suicide by drinking bullets in front of the police

(Rajay Sharif Black)

Blake stood in the doorway of his ex-wife's room when he was live, looking like he was lying, after he killed his ex-girlfriend, the live broadcast was interrupted, during this time, he killed his ex-wife and shot himself. Police have now identified both of the women victims as Blake's predecessor, and the city's police chief said: "This is a terrible tragedy. ”

It is reported that the high incidence of gun crime in the United States has become a social disease, in 2021 alone, the number of people who died from gun crime in the United States exceeded 37,000, and there are countless other injuries and disabilities, and this number is still growing.

American men live-streamed killings, killing their ex-girlfriends first and then their ex-wives, and committing suicide by drinking bullets in front of the police

On November 30, local time, a vicious shooting incident occurred in a school in Michigan, the United States, a 15-year-old middle school student passed through the corridor of the campus, suddenly shot at the classmates around him, causing 4 deaths and 7 injuries, the reason for the shooting was just curiosity, according to his account, this gun was a gift from his parents, and he had not touched the gun before.

American men live-streamed killings, killing their ex-girlfriends first and then their ex-wives, and committing suicide by drinking bullets in front of the police

Worse still, just five days after the case, several Politicians in the United States posted a group photo of gunmen on social media to celebrate the upcoming Christmas, a move that caused dissatisfaction among the families of the victims of the school shooting and also caused a wave of scolding among the American people.

American men live-streamed killings, killing their ex-girlfriends first and then their ex-wives, and committing suicide by drinking bullets in front of the police

(Screenshot of US politician Twitter)

On the evening of December 12, the people of Texas, USA, were participating in the vigil, throwing multicolored balloons into the sky, and a car drove over, and the muzzle of the black hole hole was revealed in the window, shooting indiscriminately at the crowd, causing 1 death, 3 people dying, and 10 seriously injured. It all happened so quickly that the police had no clue, and the gunman is still at large.

American men live-streamed killings, killing their ex-girlfriends first and then their ex-wives, and committing suicide by drinking bullets in front of the police


It is worth mentioning that the high incidence of gun crime in the United States is also related to racial contradictions, not long ago, a white youth shot and killed two people but was found innocent of the news spread, immediately caused a big "earthquake" in the United States public opinion, countless Americans took to the streets to protest this decision, believing that the judicial judgment is biased, is a preferential treatment of white identity, former US President Trump and current President Biden also for this matter.

American men live-streamed killings, killing their ex-girlfriends first and then their ex-wives, and committing suicide by drinking bullets in front of the police

Due to the severity of racial discrimination, black people in the United States have no shortage of gun revenge, and the division of American society is increasing, all of which is visible to the naked eye, and the proliferation of guns provides an outlet for hatred and brews countless tragedies. Just as the black man in this case impulsively killed his ex-girlfriend, he knew that he was doomed, so he took the risk and killed his ex-wife without stopping.

Many tragedies begin on impulse, and guns in hand are the best accomplices.

Although there are shootings every once in a while, the US gun ban order still cannot be enforced, and the racial contradiction is still a dead knot, which is extremely inconsistent with the self-proclaimed "democratic freedom" of the United States. Is "freedom" in the United States the freedom to shoot and kill others? (Editor: FY)

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