
In 2012, when a woman reported her husband for murder 14 years ago, Lychee Lin dug up two bones: I'm afraid it will become the third

author:Talk about giving a branch of spring, talk about giving a branch of spring

Born as a roommate, died as a cave dust.

Others are still reluctant to each other, but I am with the King.

Qianlou is a poor man, and his wife forgets his poverty.

He lacks a farmer, and his wife is as respectful as a guest.

Tao Qian does not make a living, and Zhai Shi earns his own salary.

Liang Hong refused to shi, Meng Guang ganbu skirt.

Although Jun did not read, he heard about it.

After a thousand years, the legend is like a person.

Life is not dead, you can't forget it.

He who needs food and clothing, but is full and warm.

Vegetables are enough to fill the hunger, why should we anoint the sorghum.

Why should the splendid text be splendid.

The monarch's family has a training, and the innocent descendants are left behind.

I am also a virgin, and I am married to Junxin.

Shu Bao is poor and plain, and the old man is happy with him.

This is a poem written by Bai Juyi, which expresses Bai Juyi's vow to be in love with his wife, cherish his lifelong marriage and love attitude, and the life sentiment of being poor and happy, respecting each other. The noble love of the ancients who treated marriage without fear of poverty and stayed together for a lifetime still shocked us when we read it today.

In 2012, when a woman reported her husband for murder 14 years ago, Lychee Lin dug up two bones: I'm afraid it will become the third

夫妻本是在这个世界上最亲近的两个人,可是,2012年9月2‬日,有一个叫李聪芝的女人却来到广东从化太平镇派出所举报自己的丈夫欧阳攀杀人。 随之,公安民警在李聪芝的指认下,将埋在茘枝园林‬里的两具女性尸骨挖了出来。 事‬隔‬14‬年‬,‬这对夫妻的罪恶终于暴晒在阳光下。


In 2012, when a woman reported her husband for murder 14 years ago, Lychee Lin dug up two bones: I'm afraid it will become the third

It starts with a sad and bizarre family story.

1. Hunan husband and wife go south to start a business, and the husband marries and cheats

Li Congzhi and Yang Pan were both born in 1968 in Yinping Village, Guiyang, Chenzhou, Hunan Province, and the two married and gave birth to a son, Ouyang Da (pseudonym).

1994年夫妻俩带着三岁的欧阳大从‬老家来到广东广州从化太平镇承包了十多亩的荔枝园,夫妻俩日夜勤劳苦干,终于把曾经一片荒芜的荔枝园经营得硕果累累。 赚了钱后,夫妻俩在荔枝园旁盖了一栋房子‬,‬李聪芝还生下了二儿子欧阳二(化名),日子过得红红火火,外人都非常羡慕。

In 2012, when a woman reported her husband for murder 14 years ago, Lychee Lin dug up two bones: I'm afraid it will become the third

There is a saying that men with low-level interests become bad once they have money and power.

Ouyang Pan is no exception, after earning money, he changed his previous diligent efforts and became inflated. 他再也不亲自打理果园了,而是请了几个工人帮他打理,他自己不是出去打牌就是喝酒玩‬乐‬。 ‬

老话说烟酒不分家,酒色让人垮‬。 ‬

没多久欧阳攀就在太平镇上认识了24岁的湖南妹子阿芳,一个贪财一个图‬色,这对男女就像苍蝇见了臭肉一样的难舍难分。 Ah Fang came out of the society at a young age, had more eyesight, saw that Ouyang Pan had a certain amount of financial resources, and urged him to divorce and marry himself, so that he could have a big tree to rely on in the second half of his life.

How could Ouyang Pan be willing to abandon his wife and children? He was just trying to be fresh and stimulated, so in the face of Ah Fang's urging, he turned a blind eye and perfunctorily. Later, Li Congzhi became aware of her husband's extramarital affair and forced him to cut off with Ah Fang, and Ouyang Pan only restrained somewhat.

Ah Fang felt that he was being toyed with by the old man, and was very unwilling, frequently looking for Ouyang Pan and forcing him to either divorce or give her money.

After the Spring Festival in 1998, Ah Fang asked Ouyang Pan for 1,000 yuan, and Ouyang Pan only gave her 200 yuan, and Ah Fang was very angry and felt that she had been insulted. A few days later, she asked Ouyang Pan for money, but Ouyang Pan did not give it, and a fierce quarrel broke out between the two. Ah Fang said angrily: Either give enough money, or divorce and marry me, or be careful of your two sons!

The two smart and lovely sons were the treasures in Ouyang Pan's heart, and seeing Ah Fang threatening himself with great momentum, he was born from the guts: he killed her and made her disappear completely!

In 2012, when a woman reported her husband for murder 14 years ago, Lychee Lin dug up two bones: I'm afraid it will become the third

2. Husband and wife join forces to kill their husband's lover, and since then there have been unjust souls in the lychee garden

Ouyang Pan confessed his mistake to his wife in chagrin, saying that he could not be thrown off by Ah Fang, Li Congzhi heard that Ah Fang might retaliate against his son, she was anxious, and her hatred for Ah Fang was deeper. When her husband said he was going to kill Ah Fang, she silently agreed.

In April 1998, Ah Fang asked Ouyang Pan for money again, and Ouyang Pan pretended to promise: My family's money is buried under a lychee tree in a glass bottle by my wife, you go with me to get it! Ah Fang believed it to be true, and happily followed Ouyang Pan back home.


Of course, Li Congzhi knew what her husband was going to do and said: "Okay, let's go get it together!" After saying that, he led the way in front, Ah Fang walked in the middle, Ouyang Pan followed at the end, and the three of them walked towards the depths of the lychee garden in the darkness of the night.


夜幕的掩盖下,‬欧阳攀趁阿芳不注意,抡起事先准备好的木棒朝阿芳头上砸去,阿芳应声倒地,痛苦地‬呻吟不止。 李聪芝见阿芳奄奄一息,‬大声喝止丈夫住手,可欧阳攀训斥道:你快帮我望风,我要把她埋掉! ‬


后来欧阳攀又用水泥封住了埋尸阿‬芳‬的‬土坑,并安慰妻子:别怕! Heaven knows this, you know, I know!


In 2012, when a woman reported her husband for murder 14 years ago, Lychee Lin dug up two bones: I'm afraid it will become the third

After the incident, Ouyang Pan said this in the trial: I saw my wife trick her into going to the lychee forest to get money, and Ah Fang beat my wife, so I beat her to death. Ouyang Pan told the judge about his version of killing his lover to protect his wife and children. 可法庭随后对李聪芝单独讯问时,李聪芝说的‬是‬两人早已商量好把阿芳骗进荔枝园打死的版本。

Li Congzhi spent day after day in fear, but what comforted her a little was that Ouyang Pan finally relented in the wilderness and ran the orchard with peace of mind, she only hoped that the family would be safe and sound, and raise her two children to become talents. But she never expected that only six years after an ann's birthday, another wronged soul would be added to the lychee garden.

3. Six years after the first killing of talents, the ghosts of the lychee garden were buried again

One day in February 2004, Ouyang Pan's cousin Chen Mouying took her 3-year-old son to her home to live in. Chen Mouying has some mental problems, and occasionally he will be silly. During the period, Li Congzhi repeatedly urged her to hurry back to her home, but Chen Mouying just would not return.

Ouyang Pan had evil thoughts again, remembering that one of Li Congzhi's cousins had not yet found a wife, and wanted to introduce his cousin to Li Congzhi's cousin Li Mou as a wife, so as to collect the introduction fee from it. However, Li Mou, who rushed from Hunan to Conghua, did not look at Chen Mouying, but wanted her 3-year-old son.

Ouyang Pan then consulted with Li Congzhi and sold his cousin's child. Subsequently, Ouyang Pan first sent Li to the railway station, and after returning home, he drove a motorcycle to take his cousin Chen Mouying's child to the railway station and handed it to Li, and collected 2800 yuan. Li Congzhi deceived Chen Mouying, saying that the child had been sent to another relative's house.

陈某英发疯般又‬哭‬又‬闹‬抓住欧阳攀不断质问并‬要‬他‬找‬回‬自己的孩子。 ‬


The next day, she ran to the lychee forest, and sure enough, she found traces of new soil next to the pit where Ah Fang was buried.

Terrified, she wanted to report her husband, but when she thought about Ah Fang, she couldn't get rid of it, if she and her husband were both imprisoned, what would happen to her two young sons?

With a fluke mentality, she dismissed the idea of reporting her husband.

In 2012, when a woman reported her husband for murder 14 years ago, Lychee Lin dug up two bones: I'm afraid it will become the third

Ouyang Pan, who also held a fluke mentality, knew that he was carrying two murders, and if the East Window incident occurred, he would undoubtedly die, so he simply broke the jar and broke it, and now he was drunk and drunk, drunk and dreaming of death every day, and handed over the affairs of the orchard to his wife to take care of.

Li Congzhi trembled and took up the burden of family and career, after her two sons went to middle school, she began to do her best to take care of the orchard, and gradually grasped the economic power, she knew that her husband was fierce and dissenting, if he did not isolate him financially, he would not separate the wine, and sooner or later the family would be corrupted by him.

欧阳攀自己整天在外面醉生梦死,‬风流快活,妻子却把果园打理得井井有条、红红火火,他暗自高兴有个这么能干的妻子。 But when he found that there was no new record in his bank card, only constant expenditure, he asked his wife where his income had gone.

李聪芝理直气壮说:你天天什么都不管,‬只‬会‬在外面混,我一个女人家又要管孩子又要打理果园,钱哪有那么好赚? It's been almost a loss in both years!

其实,‬李聪芝自己开了一个银行卡,把所有的钱都存到自己卡里。 Ouyang Pan was dumbfounded by his wife, and he himself knew that he was responsible for the murder, so he had to be a man with his tail between his legs and borrow wine all day to pour sorrow.

The orchard became increasingly popular under the care of Li Congzhi, and the planting area was also expanded, and she also invited her brother and other relatives from her hometown to help manage the orchard. Ouyang climbed to see that his wife's mother's family occupied almost the management position of the entire orchard, and he was very unhappy, but he could not do anything, so he had to let his wife raise the pocket money every month to 2,000 yuan. Li Congzhi refused: Two children have to spend so much money to go to college, you spend 1,000 yuan a month is enough!

Ouyang Pan held a breath in his heart, but he had to accept it.

In 2012, when a woman reported her husband for murder 14 years ago, Lychee Lin dug up two bones: I'm afraid it will become the third

In the Spring Festival of 2010, Ouyang Pan's family returned to their hometown in Guiyang for the New Year, and their success and the appearance of their two sons made the neighbors envious, and the family had unlimited scenery.

On the fifth day of the Chinese New Year, Li Congzhi met his better classmate Lao Tang in middle school on the street, and learned through conversation that Lao Tang had failed to start a business, his wife divorced him, his daughter died prematurely, etc. Many of these years of unhappiness made him look very haggard. Li Congzhi moved his heart of compassion and invited Old Tang to run sales in his orchard, and Old Tang agreed.

After returning to Conghua, Ouyang was very happy to see that Lao Tang and his wife were working together seamlessly, and sales were also rising. But seeing that the two of them went in and out every day, intimate, it seemed that they did not put themselves in their eyes, and they could not help but burn in the fire, quarreled with Li Congzhi many times, and even proposed divorce to divide the family property equally.

Old Tang vaguely felt that the quarrel between the couple was related to him, and in order not to disturb the family life of his old classmates, he had to resign and go home. Although Li Congzhi was very reluctant to give up this left arm and right arm, he had no choice but to clamor for her husband all day, so he had to give his old classmate a fee to let him go back.

In 2012, when a woman reported her husband for murder 14 years ago, Lychee Lin dug up two bones: I'm afraid it will become the third

4, luck to hide the crime, but her husband's frequent domestic violence made her have the courage to report

After Old Tang left, Ouyang Pan did not relent, and every time he drank too much wine, he scolded Li Congzhi. Every time the two sons from college on the outside world came home to see their father grumpy, he scolded his mother, sometimes saying that he would fight, but his mother never fought back, and they did not understand why their mother was so reclusive.

Once Ouyang Da comforted: Mom, I am about to graduate, when I graduate and find a job and settle down, I will pick you up and take you away, so that you will not be angry at home and suffer!

Li Congzhi's eyes were red and he said: Mother has been for you and your brother all these years, as long as you have a good life with your brother, your mother is willing to do anything, and after your parents are gone, you have to take good care of your brother

On September 2, 2012, Ouyang, who had already joined the work, returned home with Ouyang Er. As soon as the brothers arrived home, they noticed that their mother's right eye was visibly red and swollen. Ouyang Er quietly asked his mother what was wrong with his eyes, Li Congzhi did not want to tell his son, but as soon as he was wronged in his heart, tears involuntarily flowed down: Your father beat him!

Ouyang Er couldn't help but question his father: Dad! You're going too far, why are you always bullying my mom?!

Ouyang, who had already drunk a lot of wine, saw that his son had counted himself like this, and he was immediately angry and frustrated, and he grabbed Ouyang Er's mobile phone and fell to the ground. Ouyang Er ran away in anger, but Ouyang Pan refused to give up, and actually rushed into the kitchen and raised a kitchen knife to chase Ouyang Er, fortunately, Ouyang Er ran fast, and Ouyang Pan did not catch up.

But after Ouyang Pan returned home, he threatened Li Congzhi again: If you don't get the second brother back for me, I will hack you to death!

Li Congzhi was frightened, and Ouyang Da quickly protected his mother and pulled her away.

Worried that his brother would come home and anger his father again, Ouyang Da let his mother hide, and then hurried to the street to find his brother. The horrified brothers felt that their father was unreasonable, so they decided to go to the police station together to call the police.

Until this time, Li Congzhi finally realized that if she did not report her husband again, she might be the third woman to be buried in the lychee garden. She said to her two sons: I will go to the police station now, and you can just let the police wait for me.

Later, Ouyang Er proved in court:

  • When I returned to Taiping from Baiyun District on September 2 this year, my brother came to pick me up and take me to dinner at the Lychee Forest Cottage where my parents lived. When I went back, I saw that my mother's right eye was red and swollen, and after I asked my mother, I learned that my father had hit me, so I quarreled with my father, my mobile phone was also broken by him, he chased me with a kitchen knife, and told my mother that if I didn't go back, I would hack my mother to death. Later, my eldest brother met me on the way back to Beixing.
  • I went with him to the Beixing police station to call the police and said that I had a fight with my dad and that my dad was going to hack my mom to death. Later, at about 21:00, the police went to the Lychee Forest Cottage to take my parents to the police station, when my brother's girlfriend accompanied my mother to the police station. Later, my eldest brother's girlfriend passed by the police station and learned that my mother said that my father had killed someone more than ten years ago. As soon as I was born, I began to live in Taiping Town, Conghua City.
  • My parents came to live in the lychee forest hut in Niuxinling, Taiping Town, Conghua City, more than 20 years ago. My parents' feelings have always been bad, and my father often beat my mother, which can be said to be abusive. My dad was usually grumpy and would beat me when he saw my mom upset. Our brothers and sisters either went out to work or went to school, and rarely returned to live in the lychee forest hut.

At the police station, Li Congzhi knew that he took the initiative to expose the Lychee Garden blood case, and he would certainly not be able to escape the guilt, but he still plucked up the courage to expose the fact that her husband killed Ah Fang and his cousin more than ten years ago, and the police were very shocked, and then arrested Ouyang Pan.

In 2012, when a woman reported her husband for murder 14 years ago, Lychee Lin dug up two bones: I'm afraid it will become the third

Due to the seriousness of the case, the Conghua Municipal Public Security Bureau immediately reported the case to the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau.

9月3日上午,从化市公安局刑侦大队技术中队会同广州市公安局刑警支队对现场进行勘验,并在李‬聪‬芝‬和欧阳攀的带领和指认下,在荔枝园挖出两具女性尸骨。 Ouyang Pan and Li Congzhi confessed to the crimes committed that year.


In 2012, when a woman reported her husband for murder 14 years ago, Lychee Lin dug up two bones: I'm afraid it will become the third

In October 2013, the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court held a trial of the murder of Ouyang Pan and Li Congzhi. In view of the long time in which this case occurred, the existing evidence did not meet the evidentiary standards for the immediate execution of the death penalty, so there should be room for the sentencing of defendant Ouyang Pan.

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 232, 240, 48, 1, 50, 57, 56, 1, 25, 1, 26, 1, 27, 67, 1, 3, 69, 52 and 53 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the judgment is as follows:

In 2012, when a woman reported her husband for murder 14 years ago, Lychee Lin dug up two bones: I'm afraid it will become the third

Ouyang Pan was sentenced to death in the first instance, with a two-year suspension of execution and restriction on commutation;

Li Congzhi was sentenced to 16 years and 6 months in prison. Both were not satisfied with the verdict and separately retained lawyers to file an appeal.

In the end, the Higher People's Court of Guangdong Province upheld the guangzhou Intermediate People's Court's judgment that sentenced defendant Ouyang Pan to death with a two-year suspension of execution and restrictions on commutation;

The Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court revoked the sentence imposed on defendant Li Congzhi for intentional homicide and sentenced him to 16 years and 6 months in prison, and changed his sentence to 10 years' imprisonment.

In 2012, when a woman reported her husband for murder 14 years ago, Lychee Lin dug up two bones: I'm afraid it will become the third

Afterwards, the public security organs said that because Ouyang Pan could not provide the real name and home address of the victim "Ah Fang", as well as relevant information that may be found to find the real identity of "Ah Fang", the DNA information data of the victim "Ah Fang" has now been entered into the database of the nameless corpse of the Ministry of Public Security.

And when the police found Chen Mouying's family and told them that Chen Mouying had been killed by her cousin Ouyang Pan many years ago, the Chen family could not believe it anyway, they said that they thought that Chen Mouying and her husband had a conflict and gambled and left home, and at first they also looked around, and then slowly stopped looking for it.

If it were not for Li Congzhi being beaten by her husband and turning herself in with great fear, then these two unjust souls might have been buried forever in the lychee forest, and Ouyang Pan's crimes might have been forever drowned by the wind and sand of the years.


This real case warns us:

1, once a person has done something wrong, after fear, he will be insensitive. Perhaps praying for luck can escape the punishment of the law, but the shackles of the heart cannot be lifted.

2, the sheep dancing with the wolf, do not forget their own identity, if you want to save yourself, you also have to become a wolf. But when the stick of sin is raised and the innocent lives of others are arbitrarily taken away, the rest of their lives are doomed to be a grievous event.

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