
What if your child is bullied in school

This question Xiaobian has asked a lot of friends around me, most of the friends and colleagues are saying that I have raised a child with hard work, I myself am not willing to fight or scold, bullied, I and him desperately .......

What if your child is bullied in school

I think as a parent, this is a normal answer but not the correct answer, in the xiaobian 15 years of school was also bullied, at the end of March Suzhou Lingbi campus bullying incident, the father who guarded the country for 15 years directly collapsed, 14-year-old son yin and yang two

What if your child is bullied in school

What if our own children encounter bullying, remember the following 3 points

Contact the teacher at the first time, and the school will communicate and mediate,

Make a complaint to your local education bureau

Is the most important, immediately call the police, the police come to the back is also to mediate, but you must clearly investigate the legal responsibility of the other party, if the other party is over 16 years old need to bear criminal responsibility, less than 16 also to investigate the other party's public security responsibility, resolutely do not agree to mediation, so that the other party will have a record of the previous criminal record, after the state civil servants as soldiers, such a need for political trial of the link can not pass

Be sure to instill the correct three views on the child from an early age, if you encounter it, don't be afraid, communicate with the child for the first time, so as not to make the child depressed in the future, prevent other bad thoughts, if others hit you, you are still in defense

At the end of the day, the more likely it is that this will happen in poor places, and parents are too busy earning money to work and have no way to spend time with their children

What would you do if your child experienced school bullying can be discussed in the comments below

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