
"Fake Dink" is creeping up, more tragic than Real Dink, and three things are already in front of you!

Whether to have children or not is a choice, some people like children, give birth to one is not enough to chase the second child, some people because of various reasons, think that the two-person world is also very good, the necessary conditions for white heads and old age, not necessarily necessary to have children's adjustment, two choices, there are two groups, the former is called "fertility group", the latter is called Dink.

The Dink people have been accepted by the public, but in just a dozen years, but in recent years, the number of groups has shown an upward trend, and the division has begun to be clear, including "true Ding" and "fake Ding", as the name suggests, the real Dink is iron-hearted and does not want children, and the couple firmly does not want children.

"Fake Dink" is creeping up, more tragic than Real Dink, and three things are already in front of you!

What is a "fake ding"? Relatively speaking, it is much more complicated, they are in the name of Dink, but there is a staged wavering mentality, and if we want to understand fake Dink, we must start from the reasons for their formation.

1. External pressure

The reason why there are a large number of young couples who do not want to have children, life and work pressure occupies most of the reasons, especially in some big cities, it is not easy for two people to work hard, high house prices plus high prices, even if you buy a house, there are mortgages and car loans and other necessary expenses, raising children has become a luxury thing, the material foundation is not solid, the demand for children is compressed to the extreme, because they dare not give birth, it becomes not born.

2. Internal causes

Today's children, pay attention to intensive breeding, unlike a large number of brothers and sisters in the past, free range can also grow up. The cost of parenting and education has increased dramatically, young people even if they have enough money, but they do not have enough energy, they do not have the confidence to raise a child, and some young people, because they had the trauma of the original family as a child, did not have a happy childhood, and have no interest in having children.

"Fake Dink" is creeping up, more tragic than Real Dink, and three things are already in front of you!

In addition, there are old people with babies in the family, worried about the contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, no old people in the family to help, women are bound to lose their jobs and become full-time mothers, all kinds of worries, creating a large number of Dink couples.

3, the impact of the other half

There is also a Dink couple, one of which is determined not to have children, and the other is forced to make a compromise, which can not be called a pure Dink, passive party, the mentality will also change, may also affect the state of Dink.

Most of these people have a wait-and-see attitude towards the "childbirth", not to have children, but not for the time being, as for when to want, it depends on the timing, but human beings have a fertility period, and the matter of having children cannot be dragged down indefinitely, either simply do not, or take advantage of the young to hurry to have one, in between, the drawbacks will slowly become prominent, and the "fake Dink" will be more "sad" than the real Dink.

"Fake Dink" is creeping up, more tragic than Real Dink, and three things are already in front of you!

Disadvantage one is the crisis of middle-aged marriage

We usually watch the news, there have been a lot of similar problems, the couple did not want children when they were young, but when they were about 40 years old, the man suddenly proposed to have a child, the woman either did not give birth, or could not give birth, the marriage of two people broke down, the man turned his head and found a young girl, enjoying the happiness of a family of three, and the woman was miserable, there was no child under the knee, the husband could not rely on it, and could only lament the injustice of fate alone.

Do Dink couple, the most feared is this situation, the child is actually the reason for the couple's reverse purpose, although sad and ridiculous, but this is also the inferior root of people, no one can guarantee that decades will remain unchanged, middle-aged lonely, will covet the hilarity of children, can not say who is right and who is wrong, can only say that encountered, the woman is more pitiful.

So the real Dink is a more intimate form of marriage for couples, and they are still happy and happy in their later years, and they will not regret not having children.

"Fake Dink" is creeping up, more tragic than Real Dink, and three things are already in front of you!

Second, there are more and more elderly women

Older mothers are not all chasing the second child, a considerable part of them are still firstborn, they are either Dink to middle age want to have a child, or is the "final condition to have a baby" group, more than 40 years old to become a parent, the excitement can be understood, but there are many drawbacks.

First of all, the risk factor of older mothers to give birth rises, the best age for women to give birth is 26-32 years old, after 40 years old, there are many problems, which require special attention.

"Fake Dink" is creeping up, more tragic than Real Dink, and three things are already in front of you!

In addition, raising children is a big problem, couples of this age, parents basically can not help with children, really in the state of "there are old and young", plus older, with children are also unable to do all kinds of work, wait until the children work to get married, they are also more than 70 years old, but can enjoy the old age life? Probably not so carefree.

The third drawback is the problem of old-age care

Dink is from abroad, the initial crowd is also very fixed, referring to both sides have a relatively stable and high-income job, husband and wife two concepts advanced, the same thinking, the time to have children to travel, work, improve themselves, maintain a high quality of life, so understand it, people are rich and leisurely, but choose not to be bound by children.

So the pension problem does not have to worry at all, they buy a lot of insurance, but also saved enough capital to pension, but today's "fake" Dink family, most do not have such conditions, neither the determination to have children, nor enough financial support, the pension problem in the old age, can be imagined.

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