
A well-grown embryo suddenly stops developing? Most of this has to do with these reasons

When there is a new life in your belly to breathe with you, to exercise together, to sleep together, that strange mood is wonderful, especially for people who are first-time mothers. But sometimes something unexpected happens, the child is unfortunately stillborn... Fetal arrest is one reason.

A few days ago, a mother asked me backstage: Why are there so many fetal stops now? The baby who had been developing well a few days ago suddenly stopped. Several friends around me have also had fetal arrests.

Is it because the current food and environment are not good, which has led to so many people's fetal stoppage?

A well-grown embryo suddenly stops developing? Most of this has to do with these reasons

In recent years, fetal arrest is indeed often heard, so what exactly is the situation that causes fetal arrest? Is it related to the current diet and environment?

What is fetal stoppage?

At the beginning of pregnancy, everything was normal, in the B timeout, in the womb saw the fetal heart bud, the joy and excitement of the mood is self-evident. However, after a period of time, when I went to check again, the fetal bud of the fetal heart was gone, the gestational sac was much smaller than the normal gestational sac, and the embryo stopped growing, and this abnormal image was that the fetus stopped.

Like a seed, although it takes root and sprouts in the soil, it does not continue to grow into a crop for various reasons. Embryonic cessation generally occurs after 5 weeks of pregnancy and within three months.

A well-grown embryo suddenly stops developing? Most of this has to do with these reasons

When embryos are stopped, vaginal redness, bleeding and lower abdominal pain occur, and the original nausea, vomiting, chest swelling and other early pregnancy reactions will weaken or disappear. There are also people who do not react at all, and the embryo quietly stops growing.

Fetal stoppage is also a kind of miscarriage, but it is called abortion.

Causes of fetal arrest

Expectant mothers especially hope that the fetus can grow up healthily, but now there seems to be more and more mothers who have fetal arrest, what is the reason?

The causes of fetal arrest can generally be divided into six categories:

1. The cause of the seed: the abnormality of the chromosome, the fetal stop that occurs in this situation indicates that the child itself has defects, and it is barely enough to grow to the fetal bud with a fetal heart. This situation may come from the man, such as the small tadpole is not energetic enough, the risk of deformity is high; it may also come from the woman, such as the poor quality of the eggs, we can think of it as a protective response of the body to ensure the health of the offspring, is a survival of the fittest image.

2. Uterus: With the opening of society, many people have sex before marriage, do not take contraception, are pregnant and do not want children, so they have abortions. If the woman frequently miscarries, the uterine lining is too thin and the uterine adhesions occur, and the embryo cannot grow.

There are also uterine malformations, endometriosis, uterine polyps, etc., and fetal arrest may also occur.

3. Endocrine problems: If there are endocrine problems, such as older pregnant women, polycystic ovaries, poor ovarian energy, insufficient progesterone, high prolactin, low thyroid function, etc. may cause fetal arrest.

4. Infection problems: pelvic infection, chlamydia infection, mycoplasma infection, as well as cytomegal cell infection, rubella virus infection and other viral infections, can also cause fetal arrest

5. Autoimmune diseases: This is one of the reasons for the recurrence of fetal arrest, such as anti-cardiolipin antibody syndrome, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid, etc., which will affect the health of the fetus.

6. Unknown cause: Even the use of modern medical means can not find out what causes it.

How can I prevent fetal arrest?

Although there are many reasons for fetal arrest, there are many reasons that can be controlled. If the first fetal stop occurs, it can be considered as an accident, do not worry too much, when pregnant again, pay attention to scientific and reasonable preparation for pregnancy. If fetal arrest occurs twice or more times, it cannot be considered an accidental event, and a comprehensive examination is required, screening for the cause of fetal arrest, and targeted treatment.

So how to prevent it?

1. Carry out pre-pregnancy examination and guidance before pregnancy, carry out planned pregnancy preparation, quit smoking and alcohol, and the woman supplement folic acid in the first three months of pregnancy. If there has been a fetal stop, six months after surgery, try to conceive.

2. If it is caused by disease, environment, nutrition, etc., high-risk factors should be avoided, such as avoiding exposure to radioactive substances, chemical substances, pesticides, etc. Actively participate in treatment, prepare for pregnancy under the guidance of doctors, actively cooperate with doctors after pregnancy, conduct prenatal examinations according to doctors' requirements, and receive correct guidance for pregnancy care.

A well-grown embryo suddenly stops developing? Most of this has to do with these reasons

3. Develop good living habits, regular work and rest time, nutritional balance.

4. Both sides choose a movement mode that suits them to enhance their physique. Pregnant women pay attention to balanced intake of nutrients, if the body is weak, it is difficult to give birth to a healthy baby.

5. Keep a good attitude, don't give yourself too much mental pressure, the mental pressure is too big, the baby does not dare to live in your womb.

6. Women should learn to love themselves and not to do drainage surgery often. If you don't plan to have children, be sure to do a good job of contraception, don't think that men will marry you because of children. Frequent miscarriage surgery can thin the endometrium, cause recurrent miscarriages, or adhesions to the uterus can cause fetal arrest.

Of course, not all fetal stoppage can be treated, if it is due to genetic factors caused by embryo cessation, there is basically no way to prevent it, and other methods such as adoption can be considered. But this is very rare.

I hope that all expectant mothers in the world can give birth to healthy and cute babies.

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