
Guo Jia predicted that Sima Yi would rebel, and finally the prophecy came true, how did Guo Jia know?

During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao had a very powerful staff officer by his side, this person was named Guo Jia. Guo Jia was a native of Yuxian County, Henan, and initially followed Yuan Shao. However, Guo Jia believed that Yuan Shao was "indecisive and indecisive", and had neither determination nor decisiveness, and finally Guo Jia came to Cao Cao's command with the introduction of Xun Yu.

Guo Jia was resourceful and followed Cao Cao in his southern expedition to the north, not only capturing Lü Bu, but also defeating Yuan Shao. It was precisely because Cao Cao had Guo Jia by his side that he made many fewer mistakes. Sima Yi was the most important strategist of the cao clique in the later period, and he could not only strategize, but also lead troops to fight.

Guo Jia predicted that Sima Yi would rebel, and finally the prophecy came true, how did Guo Jia know?

Before Guo Jia died, he once said to Cao Cao, "Sima Yi used a profound plan, and if he didn't use it, he would kill him." However, Cao Cao at that time did not take Guo Jia's advice. Before Cao Cao died, he had said the same thing to Cao Pi, but Cao Pi did not tolerate it. In the end, the Sima family seized Cao Wei's throne.

1. The First Counselor

During the Three Kingdoms period, the crowds were born. Liu Liu had Zhuge Liang, not only to achieve headwinds, but also to establish a foundation. On the other hand, the Cao Wei clique, because of the early death of a strategist, eventually made Cao Cao's ideal of establishing a unified cause come to naught.

Guo Jia predicted that Sima Yi would rebel, and finally the prophecy came true, how did Guo Jia know?

This brilliant and resourceful first strategist was Guo Jia, who was Cao Cao's favorite and most powerful strategist, and could be called the first strategist of Cao Wei's army. Cao Cao had repeatedly stated that in the future, he would entrust all the important affairs of Guo Jia to Guo Jia. Unfortunately, Guo Jiaying died young.

Although Guo Jia was born ordinary, he showed extraordinary wisdom in his youth, and was known as "Little Taigong". When Guo Jia was 21 years old, he was introduced by a friend and defected to Yuan Shaomen. At that time, Yuan Shao had great respect for Guo Jia, but Guo Jia had already seen that Yuan Shao was not a person who had achieved great things.

Guo Jia predicted that Sima Yi would rebel, and finally the prophecy came true, how did Guo Jia know?

Soon after, Guo Jia left angrily. He was able to leave Yuan Shao when he was at his most beautiful. It takes not only courage, but also precise vision. After leaving Yuan Shao, Guo Jia spent six years at home. It wasn't until Xun Yu's matchmaking that he met Cao Cao.

When Cao Cao heard that Guo Jia had come to the camp, he was very happy and rushed to welcome Guo Jia into his tent to discuss the world's major events. Although Cao Cao was a few years old, Guo Jia was well aware of Cao Cao's situation, and Guo Jia suggested that Cao Cao attack Lü Bu while Yuan Shao attacked Gongsun Zhan.

Guo Jia predicted that Sima Yi would rebel, and finally the prophecy came true, how did Guo Jia know?

In this way, not only could Cao Cao's military strength be enhanced, but also Lü Bu's obstruction would be avoided in the future when Cao Cao and Yuan Shao fought a decisive battle. Cao Cao was overjoyed to see that Guo Jia's analysis of the combat deployment was very thorough. Guo Jia also felt this way, and when he left Cao Cao's tent, he sighed "True Lord also".

Second, the magic of the magic

In this way, Cao Cao and Guo Jia began to join forces. With Guo Jia's clever calculations, he helped Cao Cao to build qigong many times. With the help of Guo Jia, Cao Cao took advantage of Gongsun Zhan and Yuan Shao's conquest to destroy Lü Bu, who was brave and unscrupulous in Xuzhou.

Guo Jia predicted that Sima Yi would rebel, and finally the prophecy came true, how did Guo Jia know?

Guo Jia's "Ten Victories Theory" not only allowed Cao Cao to defeat Yuan Shao, but also inspired Cao Cao's ambition to unify the world. Cao Cao praised Guo Jia in this way, "Those who become a great cause alone will also be this person." Since then, Guo Jia has become the chief staff officer of the Cao Wei Group.

In order to achieve Cao Cao's great cause of unifying the world, Guo Jia followed Cao Cao to the south and north. However, on the way back to his division after pacifying Wuhuan, Guo Jia fell seriously ill and eventually died, eventually Chinese New Year's Eve eight years old. Cao Cao was deeply saddened to hear the news of Guo Jia's early death, and he disregarded the dignity of his leader and cried bitterly.

Guo Jia predicted that Sima Yi would rebel, and finally the prophecy came true, how did Guo Jia know?

"Woe to filial piety! Pain and filial piety! Shame on you! Cao Cao was not only sad about Guo Jia's death, but also sad. Thinking that Guo Jia had followed him for eleven years, if it were not for Guo Jia's advice at his side, perhaps he would not be able to calm the world so quickly.

Chairman Mao also greatly admired Guo Jia, and he recommended people to read the biography of Guo Jia many times. It is hoped that when all leading cadres do things, they will be able to have more strategies. Planning is the foundation, and only by being resourceful can we lay a good foundation for good judgment.

Guo Jia predicted that Sima Yi would rebel, and finally the prophecy came true, how did Guo Jia know?

In fact, before Guo Jia died, he once reminded Cao Cao. "Sima Yi used far-reaching calculations, and if he didn't use them, he would kill them." However, at that time, Cao Cao not only needed Sima Yi very much, but he really did not see through Sima Yi's disguise.

What can make Cao Cao look away, if it is not the real thing, it is the depth of the city government. The terrible thing is that Sima Yi belongs to the latter. After Guo Jia's death, Cao Cao's career as a horseman was no longer as smooth as before.

Guo Jia predicted that Sima Yi would rebel, and finally the prophecy came true, how did Guo Jia know?

3. The Cao Wei clique lost its country

The loss of the Cao Wei clique for a long time was due to Cao Cao's use of Sima Yi. In fact, as early as before Guo Jia's death, he had warned Cao Cao that "Sima Yi's use of far-reaching calculations." Cao Cao listened to Half of Guo Jia's words, and although he used Sima Yi, he did not trust him very much.

However, because of Cao Cao's reuse, Sima Yi exploited the loophole. In order to disguise himself, he hid in Cao Pi's think tank and served as a military master. Before Cao Cao died, he also warned Cao Pi that "Sima Yi cannot be reused." However, cao Pi used Sima Yi heavily in order to repay his favor and use his hand smoothly. In the end, the Cao Wei clique fell into the trap laid by Sima Yi.

Guo Jia predicted that Sima Yi would rebel, and finally the prophecy came true, how did Guo Jia know?

So, how did Guo Jia know that Sima Yi would rebel in the future? First, Guo Jia, who was extremely intelligent, could naturally see Sima Yi, who had a strategy. Moreover, Sima Yi's future performance also confirmed Guo Jia's speculation. At that time, Cao Cao was jealous of Sima Yi. In order to get rid of Cao Cao's suspicions, Sima Yi mixed into Cao Pi's camp.

Although Cao Cao had also warned Cao Pi before his death, Cao Pi did not take his father's last words to heart. Moreover, unlike Cao Cao, Cao Pi not only reused Sima Yi, but also reused him as a member of the heart.

Guo Jia predicted that Sima Yi would rebel, and finally the prophecy came true, how did Guo Jia know?

Guo Jia knew very well that Sima Yi was born into a large family, and naturally looked down on Cao Cao's birth. In addition, he also knew that Sima Yi was disdainful of Cao Cao. Although Guo Jia was Cao Cao's plotter, he was born into a commoner family, so he could naturally see Sima Yi's thoughts.

This is where Guo Jia is strong, the Cao group that started with force has withered away by Cao Rui's generation. The Sima family, on the contrary, was not only in a period of talent prosperity, but also received extreme trust from Cao Rui.

Guo Jia predicted that Sima Yi would rebel, and finally the prophecy came true, how did Guo Jia know?

Most importantly, Sima Yi never recognized the legitimate status of Cao Cao's regime. Guo Jia's vision was also very precise, and he saw through Sima Yi's thoughts. This is also because this flame gradually burns with the passing of Cao Cao.

Sima Yi's political ability to transcend ordinary people gradually appeared with the assistance of Cao Pi. When Cao Pi was dying, Sima Yi was selected as one of the three ministers of Gu Ming, which shows that Cao Pi trusted him very much. And Sima Yi was able to take down the Cao Wei Group in one fell swoop, which was not unrelated to his longevity.

Guo Jia predicted that Sima Yi would rebel, and finally the prophecy came true, how did Guo Jia know?

In fact, the Cao Wei clique had already lost when Cao Cao had not killed Sima Yi. Although Guo Jia had a profound design for Cao Cao, Cao Cao did not fully follow Guo Jia's advice this time. It was also his negligence that eventually caused the Cao Wei clique to lose its country.


When Cao Cao wanted to punish Sima Yi again, he realized that there was no chance. On the one hand, Sima Yi worked diligently, which really made him unable to find a flaw. On the other hand, in order to avoid falling into Cao Cao's hands, Sima Yi had long been hiding under Cao Pi.

Guo Jia predicted that Sima Yi would rebel, and finally the prophecy came true, how did Guo Jia know?

The Sima clan went from being jealous to reusing, from conscientiousness to regurgitating their masters, all of which were calculated by Guo Jia. However, the emperor is always confident, and it is this self-confidence that not only loses the country, but also opens a dark chapter in the Southern and Northern Dynasties period.

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