
Song Jian'an | Cao Pi's "Book with Wu Quality" and the life consciousness of corporals during the epidemic

Song Jian'an | Cao Pi's "Book with Wu Quality" and the life consciousness of corporals during the epidemic

The period from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms period was a period of high incidence of epidemics in ancient China, and there were more than a dozen epidemics in the literature. One epidemic after another, just like years of war and turmoil, has made people feel helpless, sad and sad from the depths of their hearts, and has also forced literati to think about the eternity and brevity of life, and strengthened the literati's sense of life.

The disasters caused by the major epidemic not only cast the shadow of death on everyone's heart, but also naturally left a sad mark on literary works. Therefore, we see that in the poems that appeal to the pen, major issues such as nature and human beings, happiness and suffering, etc., are all displayed in a strong and colorful way, in order to convey the sad state of mind of the people of the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty. At this time, literary works with the theme of "epidemic" appeared, represented by Cao Pi's "Book of Wu Quality".

Song Jian'an | Cao Pi's "Book with Wu Quality" and the life consciousness of corporals during the epidemic

February 3, Pi Bai. Years are easy to come by, don't go back and forth for four years. Three years have not seen, "Dongshan" is still sighing far away, the situation is too much, think how to support! Although the book is sparse, it is not enough to relieve its knot.

In the past years, the epidemic, the relatives and the deceased were many disasters, Xu, Chen, Ying, Liu, all died for a while, the pain can be said to be evil? In the past, the travel place, the line is even public opinion, the stop is to take over, why did you have to lose it! Every time you drink the pop, silk and bamboo play together, the wine is hot, and the poetry is written on the back, when this time, suddenly do not know the music. It is said that a hundred years of self-division, can be guaranteed for a long time, and between a few years, the number of years is complete, and it is sad to say. His posthumous writings are all one episode, and judging by his name, they have been ghost records. Remembering the past, it is still in the mind, and these sons, turned into dung soil, can they be restored?

Looking at the ancient and modern literati, the class does not protect the fine line, and it is rare to be able to stand on its own in name. And Wei Chang is a man with a single heart, a quiet desire, and the ambition of Miyama, which can be described as a polite gentleman. He wrote more than twenty articles of the "Treatise on the Middle", which became the words of a family, the meaning of the words was elegant, and it was passed on to the future, and this son was immortal. Delian often has the intention of writing, and his talent is enough to write a book, and his beauty is not successful, and he can be deplored. The intervening one reads the texts of the sons, weeps at them, and both those who have died in pain and self-contemplation. Kong Zhangzhang's table is very healthy, and the micro is prosperous. There is an escape in the business, but it is not heard; the good man of his five words and poetry is a wonderful person. Secretary YuanYu danced and gave foot music also. Zhongxuan was good at words alone, but his weakness was insufficient, and as for what he was good, the ancients could not go far beyond it. Xi Boya was cut off in the bell period, Zhongni was covered in zilu, the pain was difficult to meet, and the wounded door was not caught. But the sons are not as good as the ancients, and since the time of the time, the present beings are no longer caught. The afterlife is terrible, and the comers are difficult to blame, but I am afraid that I and the foot will not be able to see it.

The year has grown up, the nostalgia is full of worries, the time is worried, until the night is not blind, when will the ambition return to the past? He has become an old man, but he has not white ears. Guangwu said, "Chinese New Year's Eve more than ten years old among the soldiers, let alone one." "I am not as good as I am, and the year is with it." With the quality of dogs and sheep, the text of serving tigers and leopards, the light of the stars, the light of the holiday moon, and the sight of the sight, when is it easy? I am afraid that I will never return to the old tour also. Young zhuang really should work hard, the year has passed, how can climb the aid, the ancients think of the candle night tour, good and good.

Why entertain yourself? Quite a lot of said no? Looking east to Yuyi, the book is cut and narrated. Pi white.

Cao Pi had three letters to his friend Wu Qian, and Pei's note in the Three Kingdoms Chronicle of Wang Yue quoted Wei Luo as saying: "Twenty-three years after Jian'an, the crown prince and Wu Qianshu", knowing that this letter was Cao Pi's letter to Wu Qian in the twenty-third year of Jian'an. It is known from the history books that in the twenty-second year of Jian'an (217), the national epidemic epidemic was epidemic, and Wang Cang, Xu Gan, Chen Lin, Ying Yue, and Liu Zhen all lost their lives in this catastrophe. Coupled with the earlier deaths of Kong Rong, Ruan Yu and the literary representatives of an era, the "Seven Sons of Jian'an" have all fallen. Cao Pi could not contain his emotions, and wrote this letter to his literary friend, Wu Qian, who was also a powerful political helper.

At the beginning of "Book with Wu Qian", Cao Pi lamented that life is easy to grow old, years are difficult to stay, and it is easy to see when it is difficult to see other times. Then he mourned the deaths of Wang Cang, Xu Gan, Chen Lin, Ying Yue, Liu Zhen, etc. in the epidemic, recalled the joy of feasting and drinking under The Emperor, expressed the pain and sorrow of the impermanence of life, and pinned infinite mourning on every word, and every word was full of extreme sorrow. In the middle of the letter, Cao Pi, with a rational and objective attitude, continued the theory of "literature with qi as the mainstay" in the "Treatise on Classics and Essays", and made a taste evaluation of the personality and literary talents of the Jian'an sons, taking advantage of their strengths and avoiding their weaknesses, embodying the spirit of the Jian'an era and reflecting the self-consciousness of literature. At the end of the letter, Cao Pi issued an exclamation that "young and strong really should work hard", showing an enterprising spirit. At the same time, in his inquiry about Wu Qian, he not only encouraged his friends and wrote hard to endure for a long time, but also expressed his sad feelings because of the death of Wen You. With a realistic attitude, the letter reflects the social reality of the Jian'an era, and takes the epidemic as the center, opening a precedent for epidemic-themed literature.

The "Book of Wu Zhi" also confirms the "Wenxin Carved Dragon" statement that "the detailed general style of the book, the original is in the exhaustive words, the words are scattered and the pottery, the style is supported, so it is advisable to be free and lethal, and gentle to be compassionate." Civilization is calm, but also the dedication of the voice of the heart. The so-called "full speech" means to pour out what you want to say, so as to achieve the "voice of the heart" to reach friends.

It is not difficult to find that the epidemic that occurred in Jian'an in the past twenty-two years has had a great impact on Chinese literature, that is, it has strengthened the literati's awareness of life, promoted people's awakening and literary self-consciousness, and enhanced the scholars' profound understanding of the function of literature. General literary theory believes that the process of the conscious development of literature is also the process of discovery and development of human nature, and life consciousness becomes the most core element.

Since the end of the Han Dynasty, due to the stimulation and threat of frequent natural disasters, it has had a profound impact on the mentality of the literati at that time, prompting them to turn to thinking about the value and meaning of individual life, with the enhancement of individual consciousness, the scholars at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty have become more soberly aware that whether it is a prince or a rural wild man, everyone is equal in the face of death. Therefore, how to "live" has meaning has become a very sober conscious question, and then rises to the driving force for the tireless pursuit of limited life. In the face of the natural eternity and the impermanence of life, they evoke their sense of historical mission, triggering a strong positive attitude towards life, and finally had to position their immortal life value as "literature", relying heavily on "making words", so that articles can become a way for scribes in this era to realize the immortal value of life, so that literature can become the ideal ambition of meritorious service.

In Cao Pi's Book of Wu Qian, he also mentions collecting articles from deceased friends, "writing his posthumous texts, all of which are one episode." This is the profound reflection on the value of life directly triggered by the epidemic, and it is a further development of the "three immortals" thinking since the pre-Qin Dynasty, which has important literary and historical significance. In this regard, we clearly understand that the epidemic has strengthened the awareness of literature, expressed the care of literature for death and the transcendence of death, strengthened the immortality of "making words" in literary expression and appeal, embodied the irresistible nature of nature, the finiteness of life and the irresistivability of death, and realized the value of life with "articles". This has a positive effect on our contemporary promotion of excellent traditional culture in the fight against the epidemic, which should be the real meaning of our reading of "Book with Wu Qian".

Song Jian'an | Cao Pi's "Book with Wu Quality" and the life consciousness of corporals during the epidemic

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