
One Chinese character a day – root

Root gēn, every plant has roots, and everything happens has a corresponding root.

One Chinese character a day – root

Today we come to know the word [root gēn].

【Glyph evolution】

Gen, which is both the vocal and the metamorphic, is an omission of the "heel" (the sole of the foot). Heel, seal (tree) (艮, "heel", sole of the foot), heel, metaphor for the part of the tree that grows underground and makes it "stand firmly". The original meaning of the word: noun, metaphorically the vegetative organs of grass and trees growing underground and making the trees stand firmly upright. Lishu simplifies the glyph of "艮".

【Calligraphy Masters】

One Chinese character a day – root

【Definition of words】


(Shape sound.) From wood, gèn sound. Meaning: Root of Grass and Trees)

Plants grow in parts of the soil or water that absorb nutrients

If it has no roots, when the seedlings are formed and not flowered, the roots are sufficient and not decayed. --Song · Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Pen Talk"

Si Yi cut the root to seek wood, and the source of the plug wanted to flow long also. --Don S. Wei Zheng's Ten Thoughts of Emperor Taizong

The origin of things, the root cause, the basis

All things are born, and the only knowledge keeps its roots. - "Huainanzi Yuandao"

The lower part of the object, the base

The fields are wet, and the leaves are rooted in the walls. --Don S. Bai Juyi", "Early Spring"

Mathematical terms. The value of an unknown number in an algebraic equation, or the solution of an algebraic equation; Short for Square Root

Chemical terms. i.e. charged base.

Such as: sulfate; Ammonia

Continue the descendants of future generations



Half-rooted, floating like a broken stem. --Kim S. Yuan Hao asked the poem "Out of Beijing"

Eradication; eradicate

If you attack without root, you will cultivate the disease and the heart. - The Book of the Later Han Dynasty

Root investigation; investigate


For strips .

Such as: a bamboo pole; Three poles

The number of threads, yarns, belts, ropes, wires or cables of length, strength or structure suitable for a certain purpose.

For example, there is not a single barbed wire with barbs

【The Story of the Word】

One Chinese character a day – root

Seven-step poem

Wei Cao Zhi

Boiled beans are held as a soup, and wet as juice.

The beans burned under the kettle, and the beans wept in the kettle.

Born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry?

Translation: Boil the beans to make the bean soup, and the filtered beans make a juice. Bean stalks burn under the pot, and beans cry in the pot. Bean stalks and beans are originally grown from the same root, why should they be forced so hard to torture each other?

Interpretation: In the first month of the first year of the Huang Dynasty (220), Cao Cao died of illness at the age of sixty-six, and Cao Pi was promoted to the king of Wei by shizi; in October of the same year, Emperor Xian of Han was forced to give up the throne, and Cao Pi ascended the throne, calling the emperor Emperor Wen of Wei. Because of the experience of fighting for the title of crown prince, Cao Pi could not let go, and after he became emperor, he still had a grudge against Cao Zhi. Fearing that his learned and politically ambitious younger brother would threaten his throne, he thought of a way to get rid of him. Cao Zhi knew that his brother was intent on framing himself, but he could not excuse himself, so he had to respond to the poem within seven steps in extreme grief and anger.

This poem uses the same root and bean to compare the brothers who share the same father and mother, and the fried beans to compare the brother Cao Pi who mutilated his brother, expressing his strong dissatisfaction with Cao Pi, vividly and vividly reflecting the cruel struggle within the feudal ruling group and the poet's own difficult situation, deep and indignant thoughts and feelings.

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