
Ability is comparable to Zhuge Liang, the terminator of the Three Kingdoms chaos! To the ninja, he was born for the art of power

Sima Zhao's heart is well known to everyone, and Sima Yi's heart is unpredictable. Careerists, schemers, old thieves, old scheming... It is almost a personal label that Sima Yi has been unable to exonerate.

His ability was comparable to Zhuge Liang's, and he was more tolerant than Zhuge Liang, so the Three Kingdoms, which were full of heroes, finally let the Sima family take charge of the world.

Everyone in the world thought that Sima Yi rebelled at the age of seventy, and it was only by virtue of his super long life that he survived three generations of the Cao family and became the final winner.

In fact, Sima Yi can be said to be a very good use of power, in that era of heroes all over the world, few people can spend their lives to play a game of chess like him.

Ability is comparable to Zhuge Liang, the terminator of the Three Kingdoms chaos! To the ninja, he was born for the art of power

He is also a very sleek and super intellectual. At any time, you can find the most suitable time to do the most appropriate thing.

This excellent trait is especially evident in serving the three monarchs of the Cao family and in applying different tactics in the face of different enemies.

As long as he can achieve his goals, he can do anything and endure anything.

When Cao Cao first invited him to join the army, even if he hated Cao Cao no matter how much he did, he did not directly show it, lying that he was paralyzed, acting for seven years, and being monitored every day for seven years. At that time, he was still in his prime, and I asked who could have such a reclusiveness as him.

When Cao Cao was recruited again the second time, Sima Yi knew that he could not get away from the whirlpool of the storm. At this time, Cao Cao's side was already full of strategists, and he also knew that Cao Cao was not a fool, but he just saw through it and did not puncture it, and if he did not go down the steps, his life would not be guaranteed.

Ability is comparable to Zhuge Liang, the terminator of the Three Kingdoms chaos! To the ninja, he was born for the art of power

So he acted very positively, to join Cao Cao's camp, after all, he acted in a full set, continued to pretend without poking a day, and simply how to dog legs how to come.

But the master of the move, which is so smooth. Cao Cao thought to himself that seven years ago you didn't come because you hated me, and now that I'm a bit accomplished, you want to easily get reused, it's not so easy.

Therefore, Sima Yi, who had just joined the Cao camp, had his first job to feed the horses, which obviously looked down on people? But he was not annoyed, gladly accepted, and enjoyed it. He knows that in life, being good at judging the situation is the first condition for victory.

It can be seen from this that Sima Yi was able to live longer than Zhuge Liang, Cao Cao, Zhou Yu and others because he lived more thoroughly. Many times, since you can't change the reality, then face the reality peacefully.

Because if you want to achieve great things, you must first converge on the sharp edge, and from then on, no matter who has come before or after him, Sima Yi is very good at hiding, and no one can understand what he is thinking.

Ability is comparable to Zhuge Liang, the terminator of the Three Kingdoms chaos! To the ninja, he was born for the art of power

A "Tibetan" character has made Sima Yi's life from a Confucian birth to the first person in the world.

Since ancient times, the really powerful people have often been silent. From the day he decided to join Cao Ying, Sima Yi had already begun to lay out.

It can be said that Sima Yi was born for the art of power. Not only does it have a talent that is different from ordinary people, but also has a unique growth environment.

Sima Yi was born in a family of officials throughout the ages, and there were many opportunities to think about things that others could not see, and there were also opportunities to experience things that others could not see.

In other words, he was an ordinary person, who was sent down to feed the horses, and had long been angry and tried to find a way to change camps. But Sima Yi was different, he not only did a good job but also let Cao Cao relax his vigilance against him, but also let the Cao family rely on him.

As it turned out that he had a vision, Cao Cao began to accept him slowly and let him educate his son Cao Pi.

Suddenly, Sima Yi became Cao Pi's teacher, and his status took a qualitative leap. However, he still hid deeply, only doing what he should do, and never participated in Cao Pi's struggle with other princes. Secretly observing whether Cao Pi was worthy of his own assistance, sure enough, Sima Yi did not look at the wrong person, and Cao Pi was indeed a malleable talent. But he also did not rush to make a move, but suggested that Cao Pi restrain his ambitions, TaoGuang cultivated obscurity, did not move, waited for the opportunity, and hit it with one blow.

The opportunity finally came, Sima Yi was 38 years old, successfully helped Cao Pi to win the wife, and since then he has won Cao Pi's trust, but he is very sober to know that Cao Pi is only using himself, still keeping a low profile, only occasionally making some suggestions, never showing a sharp edge.

Ability is comparable to Zhuge Liang, the terminator of the Three Kingdoms chaos! To the ninja, he was born for the art of power

Although he was only plotting behind his back, it cannot be denied that Sima Yi was a military wizard.

At the age of 40, Guan Yu flooded the Seventh Army, and Cao Cao may have been a little flustered when he was older and prepared to move the capital. At this time, Sima Yi proposed a poisonous plan to unite with Eastern Wu and stab Guan Yu in the back.

At the age of 41, he presided over Cao Cao's funeral.

At the age of 42, Cao Pi took the throne, and he ushered in the spring of his career, from a behind-the-scenes strategist to a former power minister, an official to a deputy prime minister.

At the age of 47, he defeated Zhuge Jin, who was attacked by xingbing.

48 years old, beheaded Meng Da.

At the age of 59, Gongsun Yuan, the Taishou of Liaodong, declared independence, and Sima Yi, who had killed Zhuge Liang, was taken by the Wei Ming emperor Cao Rui to drive away tigers and swallow wolves. Only gave him 40,000 horses, let him single out the Northeast Asian overlord Gongsun Yuan...

It can be seen from this that the Cao family has always been wary of Sima Yi, and although it has given him a high status, it has always let him give the most difficult bones to gnaw. And after he gnawed down the most difficult bone, he did not take the slightest pride in his achievements, did not show off his shortness, did not show off his strengths, and silently did his part.

Ability is comparable to Zhuge Liang, the terminator of the Three Kingdoms chaos! To the ninja, he was born for the art of power

The most emblematic of his ability to hold his breath was still counting, a battle with Zhuge Liang. When the two armies were deadlocked, Sima Yi was very calm. Even though Zhuge Liang dressed him as a woman and repeatedly humiliated him, Sima Yi remained unmoved. Even though Zhuge Liang killed Cao Wei's generals and forced him, Sima Yi persisted until the end, and finally won the final victory.

In other words, ordinary people may not have this concentration. It is this kind of forbearance that is low to the dust that sima Yi has the ability to calm external chaos externally; internally, he has a hidden and pragmatic attitude. Let the neighbors be afraid, let the colleagues be convinced, let the magnates rest assured, let the opponents paralyze, and let the Cao family let down their guard against him.

Therefore, Sima Yi was able to seize the opportunity at the age of 70 to take advantage of Cao Shuang's visit to the mausoleum to launch a coup d'état, succeeding in one fell swoop, seizing cao Wei's power, and laying the foundation for Sima Yan to establish the Western Jin Dynasty.

Looking at Sima Yi's life, it was undoubtedly successful, and the three big men of Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan never dreamed that the world he had spent his life fighting in was easily taken away by his Sima family in three or two clicks, how ironic.

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