
A minced meat roast eggplant, a pot of rice is not enough to eat, so the dish of the meal is still unfinished

author:Wooden easy kitchen
A minced meat roast eggplant, a pot of rice is not enough to eat, so the dish of the meal is still unfinished
A minced meat roast eggplant, a pot of rice is not enough to eat, so the dish of the meal is still unfinished

Today I made a minced meat roast eggplant, steamed a pot of rice is not enough to eat, the husband shouted: "It is amazing to make rice bowls, this soup is delicious enough!" ”

I touched my own round belly, let's say good weight loss after the Spring Festival? Are you also yelling about losing weight while eating non-stop...

【To prepare the eggplant with minced meat】

1, the need for ingredients: 2 eggplant, 200 grams of minced meat, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 red peppers (do not like spicy can not be put), cooking wine 3 tablespoons, 3 spoons of light soy sauce, 2 spoons of oyster sauce, 2 spoons of soybean paste, 1 spoon of sugar, starch, shallots, ginger, salt, chicken essence to taste

A minced meat roast eggplant, a pot of rice is not enough to eat, so the dish of the meal is still unfinished

2: Use 1 tbsp cooking wine, 1 tbsp light soy sauce, appropriate amount of starch mixed well, marinate for 10 minutes; then use 2 spoons of cooking wine, 2 spoons of soy sauce, 2 spoons of oyster sauce, 1 spoonful of sugar, appropriate amount of water starch, salt, chicken fine mixture into sauce, set aside

A minced meat roast eggplant, a pot of rice is not enough to eat, so the dish of the meal is still unfinished

3: Cut the eggplant into long strips and set aside

A minced meat roast eggplant, a pot of rice is not enough to eat, so the dish of the meal is still unfinished

4: Finely chop the green onion, ginger and garlic, cut the red pepper into rings and prepare 2 tablespoons of soybean paste

A minced meat roast eggplant, a pot of rice is not enough to eat, so the dish of the meal is still unfinished

5: Fry the eggplant strips in the pan to become soft, remove the oil

A minced meat roast eggplant, a pot of rice is not enough to eat, so the dish of the meal is still unfinished

6: Leave the bottom oil in the pot, stir-fry the ginger and garlic until fragrant, then add the soybean sauce, marinate the minced meat, and stir-fry until the minced meat changes color

A minced meat roast eggplant, a pot of rice is not enough to eat, so the dish of the meal is still unfinished

7: Place the fried eggplant strips in the pan

A minced meat roast eggplant, a pot of rice is not enough to eat, so the dish of the meal is still unfinished

8: Drizzle into the prepared sauce, sprinkle with chili rings and stir-fry well

A minced meat roast eggplant, a pot of rice is not enough to eat, so the dish of the meal is still unfinished

9: Sprinkle with green onions as garnish

A minced meat roast eggplant, a pot of rice is not enough to eat, so the dish of the meal is still unfinished

10, too much rice, so like this soup, mixed rice is super

A minced meat roast eggplant, a pot of rice is not enough to eat, so the dish of the meal is still unfinished

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