
"Minced meat roast eggplant" is super delicious to do, learn this little skill, a meal of two plates is not enough to eat

author:First Chef

Hello everyone, here is the first chef, pay attention to us, there will be more food for your reference, make your life more delicious.

Eggplant is a relatively common ingredient, has a high nutritional value, rich in protein, vitamins, and other nutrients. Eggplant is suitable for meat and vegetarian, the taste is soft and delicate, it can be fried, burned, steamed, boiled, can also be fried, cold mixed, soup, etc., is a more common dish in the family.

"Minced meat roast eggplant" is super delicious to do, learn this little skill, a meal of two plates is not enough to eat

Although the method of eggplant is very simple, but if you want to make a delicious dish, you still need a little skill, today I will share with you a detailed method of roasted eggplant, friends who like to cook their own dishes will try it together.

See our operation for details:

Prepare a green eggplant, you can also use purple eggplant, remove the roots, peel off the outer skin, first cut into two cm wide thick slices, then cut into diamond-shaped pieces, put in the basin for later.

"Minced meat roast eggplant" is super delicious to do, learn this little skill, a meal of two plates is not enough to eat

Beat an egg into the pot, stir well, then grab the right amount of cornstarch, stir with chopsticks, and stir well.

"Minced meat roast eggplant" is super delicious to do, learn this little skill, a meal of two plates is not enough to eat

Prepare a small piece of pork belly, cut into thin slices, then chop into minced meat and put in a small pot for later.

"Minced meat roast eggplant" is super delicious to do, learn this little skill, a meal of two plates is not enough to eat

Cut the green onion into horseshoe slices in a small pot, cut a small piece of ginger into diamond-shaped slices, and put together with the green onion.

"Minced meat roast eggplant" is super delicious to do, learn this little skill, a meal of two plates is not enough to eat

Cut two garlic slices into garlic slices, put them together in a pot for later, and cut the green peppers into diamond-shaped slices and put them into small pots.

"Minced meat roast eggplant" is super delicious to do, learn this little skill, a meal of two plates is not enough to eat

Half a red pepper is de-eaten, also cut into diamond-shaped slices, and placed together with green peppers for color matching.

"Minced meat roast eggplant" is super delicious to do, learn this little skill, a meal of two plates is not enough to eat

Once the ingredients are ready, let's move on to the next step:

"Minced meat roast eggplant" is super delicious to do, learn this little skill, a meal of two plates is not enough to eat

Heat the wok and pour in the cooking oil, when the oil is warm to 50% heat, add the mixed eggplant, gently flip it with a spoon, heat the eggplant evenly, fry it for about 3 minutes on medium heat, fry until the eggplant is golden and crispy, you can fish out the oil control.

"Minced meat roast eggplant" is super delicious to do, learn this little skill, a meal of two plates is not enough to eat

Add half a spoonful of cooking oil to the pot, pour in the meat foam and stir-fry, fry until the meat foam is white, pour in the green onion and ginger and stir-fry, add 5 grams of watercress sauce, stir-fry a few times, fry the red oil, add 5 grams of oyster sauce, and continue to stir-fry a few times.

"Minced meat roast eggplant" is super delicious to do, learn this little skill, a meal of two plates is not enough to eat

Add half a spoonful of water, pour in the green and red pepper flakes, add 1 gram of chicken powder, 1 gram of sugar to freshen, 1 gram of pepper, a few drops of dark soy sauce, stir and melt.

"Minced meat roast eggplant" is super delicious to do, learn this little skill, a meal of two plates is not enough to eat

Pour in the fried eggplant, stir-fry well, turn off the heat and put it on the plate.

"Minced meat roast eggplant" is super delicious to do, learn this little skill, a meal of two plates is not enough to eat

Well, this super rice dish of minced eggplant is ready. This dish is nutritious and delicious, the method is also very simple, the taste is delicious, interested friends let's try it.

"Minced meat roast eggplant" is super delicious to do, learn this little skill, a meal of two plates is not enough to eat

Here are the ingredients and spices used:

Ingredients: Green eggplant, pork belly, green pepper, red pepper, green onion, ginger, egg, corn starch, garlic

Seasoning: watercress paste, oyster sauce, chicken powder, sugar, pepper, soy sauce

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