
Crucian carp tofu soup, the method is simple, the soup is white and delicious

author:Ordinary songs
Crucian carp tofu soup, the method is simple, the soup is white and delicious

Crucian carp tofu soup taste salty and delicious, crucian carp has a good prolactin effect, with tofu, beneficial qi nourishing blood, tofu is also rich in nutrition, high protein content, for postpartum rehabilitation and milk secretion has a good role in promoting.

Crucian carp tofu soup, the method is simple, the soup is white and delicious


1. Cut the green onion into small pieces, slice the ginger and finely chop the chives and set aside. Cut the tofu into 1 cm thick slices, drain and set aside.

2. Remove the scales and offal of the crucian carp, coat with cooking wine and marinate in salt for 10 minutes.

3. Heat the oil in the pan, fry the fish on both sides, add the green onion, ginger and appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil on high heat and reduce the heat to continue cooking for 30 minutes.

4. Then add the tofu, cook for about 5 minutes, add salt, pepper and chicken essence to taste, sprinkle with green onion.

The delicious crucian carp tofu soup is ready, isn't it particularly simple? Hurry up and do it. The focus is to fry the crucian carp on both sides golden brown so that the soup will be white.

Crucian carp tofu soup, the method is simple, the soup is white and delicious

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