
Autumn weight loss drink crucian carp tofu soup, high protein, low fat, but also calcium supplementation, but gout patients drink less

author:Explosive Nutrition Classroom

Crucian carp can be eaten all year round, but only in February to April, and around August and October, the meat is the fattest, and now autumn is the time to eat crucian carp.

Autumn weight loss drink crucian carp tofu soup, high protein, low fat, but also calcium supplementation, but gout patients drink less

The average crucian carp is small in size and has many small spines, so it is mostly used for stewing soup. Like crucian carp tofu soup, crucian carp mushroom soup and so on. The nutritionist of today's explosive nutrition class will talk to you: crucian carp tofu soup is high protein and low fat, suitable for autumn weight loss people, but gout patients drink less.

From the perspective of nutritional composition, crucian carp is a high-protein, low-fat fish, calories in meat are low, potassium, phosphorus content is high, weight loss can be eaten in moderation.

Autumn weight loss drink crucian carp tofu soup, high protein, low fat, but also calcium supplementation, but gout patients drink less

With 17.1 grams of protein and 2.7 grams of fat per 100 grams of crucian carp meat, the protein-to-fat ratio is 6.3:1, making it a very healthy meat choice. There are also a variety of minerals such as 1.3 mg of iron, 79 mg of calcium and 290 mg of phosphorus.

The protein type of crucian carp is also excellent, and the amino acid composition of the protein is close to the amino acid pattern of the human protein, which belongs to the high-quality protein. Fat is also mainly unsaturated fatty acids, of which eicosapentaenoic acid has the effect of lowering blood lipids, preventing atherosclerosis, and fighting cancer.

Autumn weight loss drink crucian carp tofu soup, high protein, low fat, but also calcium supplementation, but gout patients drink less

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that people who have been in a relatively weak spleen and excessive humidity for a long time can use crucian carp soup to supplement the body, which has a more obvious therapeutic effect.

Crucian carp and tofu stew soup are also more conventional choices, and tofu is also a healthy food with high protein and high calcium, which tastes more delicious after absorbing the soup of crucian carp. The soy isoflavones in tofu, known as "natural estrogens", can help menopausal women relieve discomfort symptoms.

Autumn weight loss drink crucian carp tofu soup, high protein, low fat, but also calcium supplementation, but gout patients drink less

In addition to tofu, you can also add fresh white radish and Chinese cabbage when stewing crucian carp soup, which can not only relieve greasiness, but also help digestion.

Having said that crucian carp tofu soup is so delicious, I also want to say: not everyone is suitable for drinking.

Autumn is the stage when gout patients are prone to disease, and the purine content per 100 grams of crucian carp is 137.1 mg, which belongs to the medium to high purine food, and gout patients are not suitable for eating more. There are also some people who are allergic, eating fish will cause allergies, this part of the people are best not to eat crucian carp.

Autumn weight loss drink crucian carp tofu soup, high protein, low fat, but also calcium supplementation, but gout patients drink less

In the end, many people think that crucian carp has a bad smell of "earthy smell", which will affect the taste, in fact, it is not difficult to deal with. Before cooking, soak the fish in hot water for 3 to 5 minutes to remove it.

Pay attention not to use too hot water, generally about 80 ° C, that is, boiling water for a while. When cooking, add more sugar, ginger, cooking wine, garlic, can reduce the earthy taste.

Friends, do you like crucian carp tofu soup? Do you also know what health benefits are for eating crucian carp regularly? Leave a comment in the comments section below to share your life experience.

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