
Shark fin soup [Zhejiang cuisine]

author:Good recipes

【Dish name】 Shark fin soup

【Cuisine】 Zhejiang cuisine

【Features】 The soup color is clear, the chicken is umami, the shark fin is transparent and sticky, and the white is delicate and tender.

【Raw Materials】

Ingredients: Ingredients: Water hair shark fin (white jade shark fin) 750 g. Ingredients: 1 pc, cooked slices 15 g, green cabbage hearts 150 g, light hen 2 about 2.5 kg, pork fat 250 g, cooked with skin 100 g. Seasoning: cooking wine to taste, refined salt 10 grams, green onion knots 10 can, sauce slices 10 grams, clear chicken soup 2.35 kg, cooked lard 100 grams.

【Production process】

(1) Cut off the feet of the light chicken, dig out the internal organs, remove the gas and esophagus, and wash it. Cut 1 light chicken into 4 large pieces, chop off the bones on each piece, put it in a pot, scoop 1 kg of clear soup, bring it to a boil on high heat, skim off the foam, take out the chicken nuggets and wash them, put them in a bowl. Scoop 100 grams of water into the soup pot, add salt to the boil, skim off the froth, pour into the chicken bowl, add cooking wine, green onion knots, slices, cover the dish, basket and steam for about 6 hours. (2) Bring shark fin to a boil in a pot of boiling water, rinse in clean water and drain. Use half a chicken, chop off the bones, put the pig fat into the pot, scoop in water (submerge the chicken body), put it on a high fire to boil to remove the blood water, fish out the wash and put the shark fin into the bowl, scoop in 500 grams of chicken broth, add salt, green onion knots, slices, cooking wine, cover the disc and steam for two hours, take out, uncover the plate to pick up the green onion, sauce, cover the skin, steam for 15 minutes, take out the decanting soup, pick up the skin, green onion, remove the skin, green onion. (3) While steaming the wings, wash with water, rinse the blood, tear off the coating membrane, cut the lung lobes, and remove the lung tubes. Use half a chicken, together with it in a bowl, scoop in water (submerge the chicken body), put it on a high heat and boil it, fish out and wash it and put it in the bowl, scoop out 500 grams of clear soup, add salt, green onion, sauce, cooking wine and steam until the lungs are rotten (cannot be broken), take out the lungs and put them in the shark fin bowl, then put the hot green cabbage hearts and slices on top of the shark fin soup. Remove the chicken bowl from the cage, pour the original chicken soup into the shark fin soup bowl, drizzle with hot chicken fat, and serve with white pepper and coriander. Welcome to upload your recipe compositions

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