
Fish balls in clear soup

author:The world of food
Fish balls in clear soup

Received a few big fish, big bluefish, silver carp, so I made a fish ball.

To make fish balls, you can blanch or fry, people here are fried more, but also add some fat. The clear soup fish balls are a famous dish in Zhejiang, known for their clear soup, fresh taste, smooth and tender, white and white, the fish is round like white jade, the color is clear, smooth and tender and delicious. Some slices of ham are also added, and the soup is salty and delicious.

And the process of making this dish is also exquisite, and the cooking skills of the fruit honey must be doubled to learn, so that it will be qualified and tender fish balls.

Fish balls in clear soup

Fish puree should be scraped delicately, the best fish meat used is to be frozen in the fresh fish after half a day after dissection, the knife edge should be flattened when cutting, the knife surface is tilted about 60 degrees, with proper force, scraped finely, and chopped thoroughly;

2. Correctly grasp the proportion of fish puree water release, salt, fish puree and water ratio is generally 1:2 (that is, 100 grams of fish puree can add 200 grams of water), according to the freshness of fish and water absorption rate has been expanded, the amount of salt added is: about 13 grams of salt per 500 grams of fish round material (including water addition);

3. Fish mud and water, should be divided into 2 to 3 times, "beating" should be continuously stirred in the same direction (generally not less than 500 times), until the fish mud is evenly small bubbles;

4. Fish balls should be boiled in cold water, and the medium-sized fire should be "raised" to mature, and the water in the pot should be kept in a state of non-rolling, otherwise the fish balls are easy to grow old and broken.

Fish balls in clear soup

Although it is not good enough, it is still okay to coax the family. As long as it is stirred vigorously.

Three fish took the fish meat, this time did not take a picture of the process, the fish meat used the previous step diagram Oh. Usually buy big fish, you can let the fish seller take out the fish meat, slice it, and scrape the fish puree to operate.

Fish balls in clear soup

Ingredients: 1100 g of anchovy (remove the fish bones)

Ingredients: 1 shiitake mushroom, appropriate amount of vegetable hearts, appropriate amount of ginger and shallots, appropriate amount of salt, 1 egg white, 300ml of water

Method and step diagram:

1, the fish is handled cleanly, and it is easy to put a cloth under the cutting board.

2: Cut off the head and tail of the fish.

3. Cut from the fishbone of the fish head to the left.

4: Cut into sections at the tail of the fish. Slices remove the fish bones from the brisket.

5. Scrape the minced fish. Press the head of the fish with your left hand and scrape the knife to the right.

6. Scrape up the good minced fish. About 500 grams

Fish balls in clear soup

7: Add water to the ginger shallots and scratch them to make ginger shallot water.

8: Whisk the egg whites well.

9: Add about 10g of salt, add water in batches, and egg whites, stir well and add again.

10. Stir the fish puree vigorously.

11: Put cold water into the pot.

12: Cook over medium-low heat and remove foam.

Fish balls in clear soup

13: Bring water to a boil in a pot, add a little salt, add fish balls and cook the mushrooms.

14: Serve in a bowl.

Fish balls in clear soup
Fish balls in clear soup
Fish balls in clear soup

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