
Authentic vegetarian stir-fried kung pao chicken cubes, full of color and flavor, can be under the rice

author:Jade delicacies

Golden melon corn

Authentic vegetarian stir-fried kung pao chicken cubes, full of color and flavor, can be under the rice

Ingredients: papaya, cucumber, concentrated orange juice, honey, rapeseed, white vinegar, sugar

Authentic vegetarian stir-fried kung pao chicken cubes, full of color and flavor, can be under the rice

Prepare a cute papaya peeled.

Authentic vegetarian stir-fried kung pao chicken cubes, full of color and flavor, can be under the rice

Use a miniature knife to cut a pattern on the surface of the papaya.

Authentic vegetarian stir-fried kung pao chicken cubes, full of color and flavor, can be under the rice

Cut the well-marked papaya in half and take a small spoon to dig out the seeds inside the papaya.

Authentic vegetarian stir-fried kung pao chicken cubes, full of color and flavor, can be under the rice

Cut the grained papaya slash into even slices.

Authentic vegetarian stir-fried kung pao chicken cubes, full of color and flavor, can be under the rice

Shape corn with cucumbers and small rape leaves.

Authentic vegetarian stir-fried kung pao chicken cubes, full of color and flavor, can be under the rice

Take a glass bowl and pour in a little concentrated orange juice (supermarkets sell it), put a little white vinegar, a spoonful of sugar, and then put a little honey and stir until the sugar melts.

Authentic vegetarian stir-fried kung pao chicken cubes, full of color and flavor, can be under the rice

The prepared juice is poured on the papaya, and the little daughter-in-law next door loves to eat, that is, the golden melon corn that is beautiful and nourishing and breast-enlarged.

Vegetarian stir-fried Kung Pao chicken cubes

Authentic vegetarian stir-fried kung pao chicken cubes, full of color and flavor, can be under the rice

Ingredients: potatoes, peanuts, carrots, green onions, corn starch, peppercorns, dried peppers, aged vinegar, chicken essence

Authentic vegetarian stir-fried kung pao chicken cubes, full of color and flavor, can be under the rice

Today, teach the family a vegetarian fried kung pao chicken, and the family who likes to eat vegetarian food has a mouth blessing. First of all, use potatoes instead of chicken to make kung pao chicken cubes. Wash and peel the potatoes, cut into strips and then dice, peel the peanuts and rice fried in advance, cut the carrots into cubes, and cut the green onions into small pieces.

Authentic vegetarian stir-fried kung pao chicken cubes, full of color and flavor, can be under the rice

Boil water, wait for the water to boil into the chopped potatoes, cook for two minutes, fish out and cool, shake a layer of cornstarch or potato starch can be.

Authentic vegetarian stir-fried kung pao chicken cubes, full of color and flavor, can be under the rice

Make diced chicken at home, the sizing is not good, can not eat the kind of effect made by the chef of the restaurant, you see how simple it is, potatoes are smoother and tenderer than diced chicken.

Authentic vegetarian stir-fried kung pao chicken cubes, full of color and flavor, can be under the rice

Heat the oil, wait for the oil temperature to rise to 50% heat into the potatoes diced fried, potatoes into the pot first do not go to turn, move to remove the powder. Slowly soak and fry for a while, fry and fry thoroughly to remove and set aside.

Authentic vegetarian stir-fried kung pao chicken cubes, full of color and flavor, can be under the rice

Leave a little bottom oil in the pot, add peppercorns, dried chili peppers to fry until fragrant, put in red oil, add a spoonful of sugar, a spoonful of aged vinegar or balsamic vinegar, add chicken essence, and do not put salt in the sweet mouth.

Authentic vegetarian stir-fried kung pao chicken cubes, full of color and flavor, can be under the rice

Stir-fry the green onion until fragrant, add a little water, add the diced carrots, add the fried diced potatoes and stir-fry.

Authentic vegetarian stir-fried kung pao chicken cubes, full of color and flavor, can be under the rice

Add the peanuts and rice fried in advance and stir-fry evenly, fry until the soup is dry without hooking, and pour chili oil into the pan before leaving the pot.

Authentic vegetarian stir-fried kung pao chicken cubes, full of color and flavor, can be under the rice

At this time, the vegetarian fried Kung Pao chicken is made, smooth and tender, and it is more fragrant than meat.

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