
Chives charcoal grilled white bamboo shoots, sour and spicy fish, garlic edamame shrimp


Chives charcoal grilled white shoots

Chives charcoal grilled white bamboo shoots, sour and spicy fish, garlic edamame shrimp

Ingredients & Ingredients:

1 white bamboo shoot, 200 grams of leeks, 100 grams of jade shoots, 50 grams of chili oil, 70 grams of garlic, 100 grams of onions, salt, black pepper, 3 grams of maso, 5 grams of lemon


Peel the white bamboo shoots and cook them in broth for 5 minutes, chill and set aside

Sauté the onions until fragrant, add the garlic and stir-fry, then stir in the leeks

Add the new spices and pair with the diced jade shoots

Finish with lemon juice and pull oil

Place the white bamboo shoots in a charcoal oven and bake for 1-2 minutes to increase the carbon flavor

Stir well with leeks and bamboo shoots

Chives charcoal grilled white bamboo shoots, sour and spicy fish, garlic edamame shrimp

Spicy and sour fish

Chives charcoal grilled white bamboo shoots, sour and spicy fish, garlic edamame shrimp

750 grams of fresh Wuchang fish, 50 grams of shredded onion, 10 grams of minced red pepper, 10 grams of minced green pepper, 15 grams of chopped millet pepper, salt, green onion oil, chicken essence, pepper powder, soy sauce, broth, 15 grams of shallots, 15 grams of ginger slices, 20 grams of cooking wine

The fish are slaughtered and washed, cut into blades from the back, then rinsed, drained and shaped

Add salt, green onion, ginger, and cooking wine, steam in a steaming box for about 8 minutes, then pour out the soup of the steamed fish

Heat the green onion oil in the net pot, stir-fry the ginger cloves, then add the above sauce to stir-fry the incense, add the broth to taste, cook the residue after cooking, pour the soup on the fish, and put some shallots to garnish to serve

Chives charcoal grilled white bamboo shoots, sour and spicy fish, garlic edamame shrimp

Garlic edamame shrimp baby

Chives charcoal grilled white bamboo shoots, sour and spicy fish, garlic edamame shrimp

200 grams of lobster, 180 grams of edamame, 20 grams of garlic paste, 20 grams of dried chili peppers, 20 grams of soy sauce, 20 grams of oyster sauce, 8 grams of pepper oil, 60 grams of steamed fish soy sauce, 8 grams of spicy fresh sauce, 20 grams of paste chili oil

Take the lobster and edamame and cook them for later

Mix all the spices together and stir well

Take the plate and mix the edamame and lobster in the sauce of the accessories, refrigerate and marinate for 2 hours, as shown in the picture

Chives charcoal grilled white bamboo shoots, sour and spicy fish, garlic edamame shrimp

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