
The traditional food of sour and spicy fish, the soup is sour and spicy, and the fish is tender and sweet, which makes people feel endlessly evocative

author:Warm up

Sour and spicy fish is a sichuan specialty dish, belongs to Sichuan cuisine, strong taste, kimchi flavor is prominent, with a strong Sichuan folk home flavor, such as without watercress is Sichuan traditional dish kimchi bream.

The traditional food of sour and spicy fish, the soup is sour and spicy, and the fish is tender and sweet, which makes people feel endlessly evocative

We first prepare 2000g of crucian carp; 400g of potatoes; 300g of homemade bad spicy seeds (minced peppers); 20g of dried papaya slices; a small piece of brown sugar; 300g of old tofu; and lard to taste.

The traditional food of sour and spicy fish, the soup is sour and spicy, and the fish is tender and sweet, which makes people feel endlessly evocative

1. Crucian carp ask the fish shop owner to go to the gills to remove the internal organs to dry, the crucian carp bought is very large, one has 500g.

The traditional food of sour and spicy fish, the soup is sour and spicy, and the fish is tender and sweet, which makes people feel endlessly evocative

2. Use the largest cool color enamel pot in the house, mix hot vegetable oil and lard, stir-fry the spicy seeds, ginger and garlic, add the fish, turn over, let each noodle be stained with condiments, fry until the fish changes color and is half cooked, put salt and water over the fish body.

The traditional food of sour and spicy fish, the soup is sour and spicy, and the fish is tender and sweet, which makes people feel endlessly evocative

3. Add dried papaya slices, brown sugar, tofu chunks, spread thin potato chips on the surface, cover and cook for half an hour.

The traditional food of sour and spicy fish, the soup is sour and spicy, and the fish is tender and sweet, which makes people feel endlessly evocative

4. Finally sprinkle with parsley and spring onion to get out of the pan.

The traditional food of sour and spicy fish, the soup is sour and spicy, and the fish is tender and sweet, which makes people feel endlessly evocative

Crucian carp is commonly known as crucian melon seeds, the meat is delicious, the meat is tender, it is comprehensive, contains more protein, less fat, the food is fresh and not greasy, slightly sweet; it is a very adaptable fish, inhabiting rivers, lakes, ponds, canals, especially shallow lakes and ponds with aquatic grasses, crucian carp are produced in all seasons, but the fattest production is in February to April and August to December. Crucian carp body side flat and high, small body, dark back, light abdomen color, body color varies according to the place of origin, mostly black with metallic luster, no beard on the mouth, small scales, the shape of the fins is the same as carp. Crucian carp meat is tender and delicious, with high nutritional value, but the spines are small and numerous.

The traditional food of sour and spicy fish, the soup is sour and spicy, and the fish is tender and sweet, which makes people feel endlessly evocative

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