
How to make sour and spicy fish delicious? The head chef teaches you the recipes and tricks, sour and appetizing, fresh and smooth mouth

author:First cuisine

Today to share with you a "sour and spicy fish" home-cooked method, fish meat is tender and delicious, delicious taste, easy to learn, there are likes to learn quickly.

How to make sour and spicy fish delicious? The head chef teaches you the recipes and tricks, sour and appetizing, fresh and smooth mouth

Ingredients: Carp

Side dishes: tomato, Shanghai green, soybean sprouts, enoki mushrooms

Accessories: green onion, ginger, garlic, dried chili pepper, peppercorns, rotten peppers

Seasoning: salt, cooking wine, chili noodles, tomato sauce, chicken powder, sugar

【Sour and spicy fish】—— Fresh and tender

1. Let's start preparing the ingredients

Prepare a carp, scrape off the scales, remove the internal organs, buckle off the gills, rinse the fish inside and out, cut a few knives on the fish, and the other side should also be scratched, making it more flavorful when cooking.

How to make sour and spicy fish delicious? The head chef teaches you the recipes and tricks, sour and appetizing, fresh and smooth mouth

Prepare a section of green onion, break open and cut into strips, prepare a piece of ginger, also cut into strips, put together with the fish, sprinkle a spoonful of salt, pour in the appropriate amount of cooking wine to fish, spread the sauce evenly on the fish, and then stuff the onion and ginger into the belly of the fish, marinate for 10 minutes.

How to make sour and spicy fish delicious? The head chef teaches you the recipes and tricks, sour and appetizing, fresh and smooth mouth

2. Let's start preparing the side dishes

Prepare two tomatoes, put a cross knife, blanch in boiling water, blanch them, cool them slightly, peel off the skin, cut into diced tomatoes and put them in a small pot, then add two spoonfuls of tomato sauce for later.

How to make sour and spicy fish delicious? The head chef teaches you the recipes and tricks, sour and appetizing, fresh and smooth mouth

Prepare a handful of Shanghai Green and cut the larger ones.

Prepare an appropriate amount of soybean sprouts and enoki mushrooms for later.

How to make sour and spicy fish delicious? The head chef teaches you the recipes and tricks, sour and appetizing, fresh and smooth mouth

3. Start preparing the excipients below

Prepare the green onion for a section. Cut into horseshoe slices.

Prepare a slice of ginger and cut into slices.

Prepare a few garlic grains and cut into slices likewise.

How to make sour and spicy fish delicious? The head chef teaches you the recipes and tricks, sour and appetizing, fresh and smooth mouth

4. Start boiling chili water below

When the oil is boiled in the pot, when the oil temperature is 50% hot, put in a handful of dried peppers, a small handful of peppercorns and stir-fry a few times, add 5 grams of chili noodles, 20 grams of bad peppers continue to stir-fry, fry out the moisture in the bad peppers, after the peppers are fried, add the appropriate amount of water along the edge of the pot, and then pour in a little cooking wine, after the water is boiled, turn the heat to low and simmer for 3 minutes, fully boil out the aroma of the peppers, pour out after three minutes, drain the residue and use only the pepper water.

When frying peppers, the temperature should not be too high, and it is easy to fry peppers in the paste.

How to make sour and spicy fish delicious? The head chef teaches you the recipes and tricks, sour and appetizing, fresh and smooth mouth

5. Start cooking below

After the oil is boiled, add the onion, ginger and garlic together and stir-fry, after frying the aroma, pour in the diced tomatoes and tomato sauce and stir-fry for 2 minutes, fry the tomatoes softly, fry the red juice, pour in the freshly boiled chili water, turn to low heat after bringing to a boil.

Tomatoes should be fully fried in red juice, otherwise the dish is not sour enough.

How to make sour and spicy fish delicious? The head chef teaches you the recipes and tricks, sour and appetizing, fresh and smooth mouth

Put the marinated fish into the pot, add 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of chicken powder and stir well, keep pouring juice on the fish, so that the taste is more even, cover the pot and cook for 5 minutes.

How to make sour and spicy fish delicious? The head chef teaches you the recipes and tricks, sour and appetizing, fresh and smooth mouth

After 5 minutes, add soybean sprouts and enoki mushrooms, add a little sugar to freshen, continue to pour juice on the fish, let the taste penetrate evenly into the fish, after the fish is cooked and turn white, put in the Shanghai Green slightly blanched, and then pour a little sesame oil and wood ginger oil, you can get out of the pot.

When cooking fish, you should keep pouring juice on the fish, so that the taste is more uniform; the whole cooking process should not turn the fish, so as not to break the fish body; wood ginger oil is mainly used to increase the fragrance and pressure, and those that are not available at home can also be left alone.

How to make sour and spicy fish delicious? The head chef teaches you the recipes and tricks, sour and appetizing, fresh and smooth mouth

Well, a sour and appetizing sour and spicy fish is ready.

How to make sour and spicy fish delicious? The head chef teaches you the recipes and tricks, sour and appetizing, fresh and smooth mouth

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