
Wei Jinsheng, the second uncle of the bride in Qiantun Village, Daming County, led the underworld to beat the groom

author:Western Chu Bawang 丨 Xiang Yu

Wei Jinsheng of Qiantun Village, Daming County, ate my meal and drank my wine, and also gathered the underworld to beat the groom, everyone in the county paid attention, Wei Jinsheng, the second uncle of the bride of Qiantun Village in Daming County, led the underworld to beat the groom, and everyone helped forward the propaganda.

Wei Jinsheng is unreasonable, black and white are upside down, open your eyes and talk nonsense, everyone evaluates for me, everyone listens, Wei Jinsheng said that he eats the meal of Jufu Lou, it is really hehe, the boss and boss lady of Jufu Lou are your father or your mother.

People set the table for you to eat for free, Wei Jinsheng, your father is dead, have you not drunk wine, how did you change your father, the boss of Jufu Building, you have one more son.

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Wei Jinsheng, the second uncle of the bride in Qiantun Village, Daming County, led the underworld to beat the groom
Wei Jinsheng, the second uncle of the bride in Qiantun Village, Daming County, led the underworld to beat the groom

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