
Oyster sauce lettuce, the whole family loves to eat! Convenient and easy to do

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Oyster sauce lettuce, the whole family loves to eat! Convenient and easy to do

The summer hot season is coming soon, in addition to a series of simple fast dishes such as cold mix noodles, refreshing cold mixed vegetables are also a good choice, want to eat delicious and refreshing, I first thought of oyster sauce lettuce, it has the umami taste of oyster sauce blessing, but also can highlight the lettuce and clear flavor, really look at the hand and delicious, let's do it!

By Panda Half Sugar


Lettuce 200 g

Ham sausage half a root

1 clove of garlic

100 g of water

Verdami Best Oyster Sauce 2 scoops

June fresh 10 g light salt premium original sauce 1 scoop

Sugar 2 g

2 scoops of water starch

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Oyster sauce lettuce, the whole family loves to eat! Convenient and easy to do

1. Prepare the required materials;

Oyster sauce lettuce, the whole family loves to eat! Convenient and easy to do

2, wash the processed lettuce, blanch in water for 10 seconds and then become soft and fish out;

Oyster sauce lettuce, the whole family loves to eat! Convenient and easy to do

3. Put the yard on the plate and set aside;

Oyster sauce lettuce, the whole family loves to eat! Convenient and easy to do

4: Add the appropriate amount of oil to the pot, add the chopped garlic and simmer until fragrant, then add half a bowl of water and bring to a boil;

Oyster sauce lettuce, the whole family loves to eat! Convenient and easy to do

5、Add 2 tablespoons of Verdantama's oyster sauce;

Oyster sauce lettuce, the whole family loves to eat! Convenient and easy to do

6、 Add 1 tablespoon of June fresh 10g premium raw sauce;

Oyster sauce lettuce, the whole family loves to eat! Convenient and easy to do

7. Add sugar and chopped ham;

Oyster sauce lettuce, the whole family loves to eat! Convenient and easy to do

8, add water starch, hook a thin mustard;

Oyster sauce lettuce, the whole family loves to eat! Convenient and easy to do

9. Pour the boiled soup into a plate with lettuce;

Oyster sauce lettuce, the whole family loves to eat! Convenient and easy to do

10. Finished product drawing;


Semi-sugar has something to say ~ 1, lettuce will generally eat raw dipping sauce, this cooked dish method is also done by every family, today's first blanched and then poured juice is the most convenient and easy to master, put in the pot directly fried easy to overheat is not good; 2, love spicy small partners can also add some millet spicy flavor;

<h2>Nutritional benefits of lettuce</h2>

Lettuce is sweet and cool, and has the effect of refreshing heat, clearing liver and choleretic, and nourishing the stomach.

1. Fat loss weight loss: it has the effect of eliminating excess fat, which is a good choice for women who love beauty and want to maintain their figure.

2. Analgesic hypnosis: it has the effect of lowering cholesterol and assisting in the treatment of neurasthenia and other symptoms. The vitamin C contained in lettuce can also effectively relieve bleeding gums and other effects.

3. Cold repellent diuresis: can stimulate digestion, enhance appetite, drive chill diuresis, promote blood circulation and other effects.

4. Inhibition of virus: the copper sodium salt in its chlorophyll has anti-cancer properties and can effectively prevent cancerous degeneration.

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