
Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!

author:Small Fish News

What's New!

From May 17

Internet Hospital of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University

Officially launched the convenient billing function!

Multiple inspection items can be billed by yourself on your mobile phone

Medical insurance settlement is available

The main hospital and Shizi Street can be realized!

What is convenient online billing?

Patients do not need to go to the hospital once, and can enjoy the whole process of billing, payment, and appointment of inspection items through their mobile phones.

What items can be conveniently billed online?

At present, the convenient billing module supports the following test items, and patients can choose according to their needs. Other inspection items will be gradually added and improved in the later stage.

Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!

How does it work?


Open the Internet Hospital Mini Program

Method 1: Search for "Internet Hospital of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University" or scan the QR code below.

Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!

Method 2: Follow the WeChat official account of "The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University" and click "Micro Service" on the homepage to enter the Internet Hospital.

Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!


Issuance of inspection and inspection items

Click to enter "Convenient Billing", select the patient or add the patient, select the hospital, and select the inspection items that need to be issued.

Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!
Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!
Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!
Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!
Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!
Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!


Payment, support self-payment or medical insurance payment

Pay the registration fee, click "Bill Now", submit the application form, and pay the inspection fee. After success, you can click to view the order list and details.

Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!
Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!
Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!
Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!
Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!
Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!


Come to the hospital for a check-up

Come to the hospital to complete the inspection and inspection within 1 month after the online billing, click "My - Electronic Medical Code", swipe the code to report and wait for the inspection and examination.

Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!

Seven questions and seven answers


Can I use medical insurance to pay for convenient billing?


Convenient billing services, registration fees and inspection fees can be paid by medical insurance.


Where can I find the inspection report?


At present, there are three ways to query the inspection report:

(1) Select "My", → "My Medical Records" → "Inspection Sheet" in the Internet Hospital Mini Program;

(2) Select "Microservice" → "Report Query" in the WeChat official account of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University;

(3) You can come to the self-service printing area of the report and print it through the barcode of the identification guide.


After paying the fee, I don't want to do the inspection, how can I apply for a refund?


If you need a refund, please go to the manual payment window of the hospital (Main Hospital/Shizi Street Campus) where you choose to check and inspect the test area (Main Hospital/Shizi Street Campus) for refund.


After the convenient online billing, can I choose the hospital [Shizi Street Campus/Main Hospital] for inspection and inspection?


At present, the convenient billing function has been launched in both hospitals, and patients can choose their own hospitals according to their needs. The billing application of the two hospitals is not mutually exclusive, so after the inspection and inspection items are successfully billed, please go to the corresponding hospital of your choice for offline inspection.


Can medical records be issued for convenient billing?


No, if you need to issue medical records, please register through the "online follow-up" of our Internet hospital or come to the hospital for offline treatment.


What should I do if I want to issue other inspection items?


At present, convenient billing only supports some inspection items, and the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University will gradually improve other inspection items in the later stage, so stay tuned! If you need to prescribe a highly specialized examination, please come to the hospital to see a doctor to evaluate your condition and prescribe it.


Who is suitable for convenient billing?


(1) People who need to be screened for diseases or need to undergo a health examination

(2) Patients with chronic diseases who have a clear diagnosis, stable condition and need long-term regular reexamination.

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The Second Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University was opened

"Patient-centered" multidisciplinary collaborative diagnosis and treatment model

The number of outpatient clinics has increased from 13 to 26

Which patients are candidates for a multidisciplinary clinic

The patient was seen in an outpatient specialist, and the doctor assessed that a joint consultation with multidisciplinary experts was required after completing the relevant examinations.

After visiting an out-of-hospital or specialist, the treatment effect is not satisfactory, and it is hoped that a more personalized comprehensive treatment plan can be obtained through multidisciplinary comprehensive diagnosis and treatment.

The 26 multidisciplinary clinics include:

Pulmonary nodules/lung cancer multidisciplinary clinic

Breast Cancer Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Clinic

Multidisciplinary Outpatient Clinic for Urologic Oncology

Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Outpatient Clinic for Gastrointestinal Oncology

Multidisciplinary comprehensive outpatient clinic for complex cerebrovascular diseases

Multidisciplinary comprehensive outpatient clinic for hepatobiliary, pancreatic and spleen tumors

Diabetic foot multidisciplinary clinic

Lymphoma Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Clinic

HPV Cervical Disease Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Clinic

Gynecologic Oncology Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Clinic

Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Clinic for Episodic Disorders

Multidisciplinary comprehensive outpatient clinic for myasthenic disorders

Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Outpatient Clinic for Neuroimmune Diseases

Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Outpatient Clinic for Movement Disorders

Pulmonary hypertension multidisciplinary clinic

Neuralgia Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Clinic

Multidisciplinary Pelvic Floor Urology Clinic for Women

Multidisciplinary comprehensive outpatient clinic for refractory hypertension

Pan-vascular Disease Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Clinic

Thyroid Eye Disease Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Clinic

Refractory Parkinson's multidisciplinary clinic

Thyroid nodules multidisciplinary clinic

Gynecologic menopause multidisciplinary comprehensive outpatient clinic

Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Outpatient Clinic for Rare Diseases

Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Outpatient Clinic for Lung Oncology

IBD and intractable bowel disease multidisciplinary comprehensive outpatient clinic

You can decide whether to make an appointment according to your needs

If you are unsure or have doubts about the multidisciplinary clinic

Advance inquiries are available

Tel: 0512-67783343

Once you confirm your visit

The procedure is as follows

Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!

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The Children's Hospital of Suzhou University is on the right

Appointments and registrations for popular departments and doctors

on the basis of research

Draw on the train ticket waitlist function

On the hospital's WeChat public account

The number source waiting function is officially launched

When family members make an appointment for registration through the WeChat official account of the Children's Hospital of Suzhou University, if the selected doctor's number source is full, they can click the waiting button to submit the child's information, and the system will automatically queue up for waiting, and when there is a return number, the system will automatically cash out the number source, and notify the family of the registration result SMS.

Convenient billing, number source waiting...... These big hospitals are more convenient to see!

In the past, when the appointment of the doctor who wanted to make an appointment expired, the family members could only make an appointment with other experts, or go to the outpatient site of the hospital on the day of the visit to check whether there was a no-show number, and whether the number could be registered was random. Nowadays, the registration standby function is self-service matching of no-show numbers, and family members do not need to wait on site, which greatly saves registration time.

Through the standby registration function, the hospital can view the number of people waiting in line in real time, adjust it as much as possible according to the schedule of specialties, realize the scientific management of the number source, and meet the needs of medical treatment in a timely manner.

Source: Suzhou Health

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