
The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?

author:Feel free and funny, with dreams

Recently, a news about a Hong Kong judge wearing a fake in court has caused heated discussions on the Internet. This traditional practice has its roots in the British colonial era, and with the return of Hong Kong to China, many people believe that the practice is outdated and that it should be discarded with the times. In contrast, legal workers on the mainland pay more attention to practical work and the image of serving the people, and they have won the respect and recognition of society with their simple appearance and fashionable spirit.

In this era of rapid development, everything is changing, and traditional customs and concepts need to be adjusted accordingly. As representatives of the judicial field, the image and spiritual connotation of legal workers have an important exemplary role for society. It is necessary to compare the differences in the image of legal workers in Hong Kong and mainland China, think about the needs of legal workers in modern society, and how to better shape their image and contribute to a fair and fair judicial system.

The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?

1. The origin of Hong Kong judges wearing wigs

The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?

1. Traces of the British colonial era

The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?

As a British colony, Hong Kong became one of the British colonies from 1842 until 1997, when it was returned to China. Throughout this long colonial history, British culture and institutions have had a profound impact on Hong Kong, including the judicial system and legal system.

In the English judicial system, judges and lawyers were required to wear judges' robes and wigs when appearing in court, a practice that may have been initially influenced by King Louis XIV of France. It is said that Louis XIV suffered from baldness that led to the practice of wearing wigs, which later evolved into a symbol of power and status.

The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?
The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?

This foreign custom spread to Hong Kong with the British colonial expansion and became the dress code for Hong Kong lawyers, and Hong Kong's place names and buildings are also closely related to the British royal family, such as Victoria Harbour and Queen Elizabeth Hospital, which reflect the political landscape of the time and the traces of the colonial period.

The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?

2. The symbolism of wearing a wig

The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?
The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?

In Hong Kong's judicial field, judges and lawyers are required to wear judges' gowns and wigs when appearing in court, and the continuation of this tradition may be closely related to the social context of the time. In Hong Kong society at that time, judges and lawyers had a very special status, they represented authority and fairness, and wearing wigs also became their unique external identifier, representing their status and power in the judicial field.

The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?
The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?

Although the practice of wearing a wig may seem strange and comical in modern times, it was indeed a special symbol in the social context of the time, which could highlight the status and status of judges and lawyers, and make people respect and trust them.

The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?

2. The current situation of judges wearing wigs in Hong Kong

1. Continuation of customs

With the continuous development and progress of society, many traditional customs and concepts are changing, and people's attitudes towards these traditions are also different. In Hong Kong's judicial circles, judges and lawyers still adhere to the tradition of wearing wigs, which they see as a sign of respect for the judicial system and history, as well as a manifestation of fairness and authority.

Especially in some major court trials and activities, judges and lawyers wearing wigs are emerging in an endless stream, and their appearance not only attracts many attention, but also arouses heated discussions and discussions in the outside world. For a time, the image of wearing a wig became the focus of public attention, and people thought deeply about and discussed the meaning and value behind this tradition.

2. Loss of practicality and modernity

Although wearing a wig represents authority and status to some extent, with the changes of the times and the development of society, this external symbol has gradually lost its practicality and modernity. In today's social context, people pay more attention to inner cultivation and professionalism, while external decoration and decoration are only secondary considerations.

Many people believe that the practice of wearing wigs has not kept up with the times, that it only represents outdated traditions and concepts, and that in real life, it does not truly reflect the professionalism and impartiality of judges and lawyers. On the contrary, such an approach would give the public an impression of conservatism and rigidity, and undermine the credibility and credibility of the judicial system.

The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?
The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?
The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?

3. The image of mainland legal workers

The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?
The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?
The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?
The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?

1. Unpretentious appearance

The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?
The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?
The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?

Compared with the image of Hong Kong legal workers wearing wigs, mainland legal workers are more simple and down-to-earth, they do not need to wear wigs when they appear in court, they only wear neat judges' robes, simple and dignified, such an appearance is more likely to win public recognition and trust.

On the contrary, they pay more attention to the actual work and the original intention of serving the people, and they interpret the spirit of justice and fairness with practical actions, which has won unanimous praise from all walks of life.

2. The spirit of fashion

In addition to their simple appearance, mainland legal workers also have a fashionable spirit, they not only pay attention to the shaping of their external image, but also interact and communicate with the public through various ways, so as to make the judicial system and legal knowledge more down-to-earth and interesting.

For example, the president of Fengjie County, Chongqing, popularized legal knowledge to the public in the form of Douyin short videos, and he used humorous expressions and vivid interpretations to attract a large number of fans, and also gave the public a new understanding and understanding of the judicial system.

The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?

Fourth, comparative reflection

1. External symbolism and inner cultivation

Through the comparison of the image of legal workers in Hong Kong and mainland China, we can see that external symbols and embellishments are only superficial things, and they cannot truly reflect a person's inner cultivation and professional quality, and only through actual work and action can we win the real recognition and trust of the public.

In today's social context, people pay more attention to practical work and the original intention of serving the people, and legal workers should become the sunshine of the society, interpreting the spirit of justice and fairness with practical actions, and what this spirit represents is what is truly valuable.

2. Balance between tradition and modernity

We do not want to completely abandon tradition, but to find a balance between tradition and modernity, to treat traditional customs and concepts in a timely manner, to integrate them into the current social development, and to let it glow with new vitality and vitality.

As far as Hong Kong's judicial circles are concerned, they should assess the situation, reflect on the custom of wearing wigs, follow the pace of the times in a timely manner, abandon those outdated external symbols, and pay more attention to the cultivation of inner cultivation and judicial spirit, so that the judicial system can truly be trusted and relied on by the people.

The British Empire is dead, when will the judges in Hong Kong be able to remove the instant noodles from their heads?


The tradition of wearing wigs by judges in Hong Kong has a long history, it is a product of the British colonial era, and it is also the embodiment of Hong Kong's special historical background.

As representatives of the judicial field, the image and spiritual connotation of legal workers have an important exemplary role for the society, and we should draw strength and inspiration from them, practice justice and fairness with practical actions, and make the judicial system a beautiful landscape in society.

It is also hoped that Hong Kong's judicial sector will assess the situation, abandon outdated external symbols, keep pace with the times, demonstrate the spirit and values of modern rule of law, and make the judicial system truly trusted and relied on by the people.

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