
Seborrheic alopecia, a lot of hair loss, greasy? Traditional Chinese Medicine: When treating, it is necessary to take into account the liver, kidney, qi and blood seborrheic alopecia is caused by excessive sebum secretion, resulting in hair follicle blockage and malnutrition.

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Liu Yong talks about health

Seborrheic alopecia, a lot of hair loss, greasy? Traditional Chinese Medicine: When treating, it is necessary to take into account the liver and kidneys, qi and blood

Seborrheic alopecia is caused by excessive sebum production, leading to clogged hair follicles and malnutrition. It may be related to factors such as genetics, male hormones, skin flora, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that sebum is related to kidney yin, and excessive kidney yin leads to deficiency and fire, burning fluid into phlegm, and hair is greasy, thin, easy to break, and easy to fall. The treatment of seborrheic alopecia requires nourishing the liver and kidneys, and removing phlegm and dampness. Tea substitutes can be used, including angelica, rehmannia, Polygonum multiflori, arborvitae leaves, lily, etc. In terms of diet, you can't eat too much spicy and stimulating food, you can eat some foods that slightly nourish the spleen and stomach, nourish qi and nourish blood, such as yams, radish, black beans, etc. The temperature of the shampoo should be around 36 degrees, and you can rub the acupuncture points on the head when washing your hair to promote blood circulation and sleep. In terms of lifestyle, it is necessary to avoid bad habits such as staying up late and being anxious.

Seborrheic alopecia, a lot of hair loss, greasy? Traditional Chinese Medicine: When treating, it is necessary to take into account the liver, kidney, qi and blood seborrheic alopecia is caused by excessive sebum secretion, resulting in hair follicle blockage and malnutrition.
Seborrheic alopecia, a lot of hair loss, greasy? Traditional Chinese Medicine: When treating, it is necessary to take into account the liver, kidney, qi and blood seborrheic alopecia is caused by excessive sebum secretion, resulting in hair follicle blockage and malnutrition.
Seborrheic alopecia, a lot of hair loss, greasy? Traditional Chinese Medicine: When treating, it is necessary to take into account the liver, kidney, qi and blood seborrheic alopecia is caused by excessive sebum secretion, resulting in hair follicle blockage and malnutrition.
Seborrheic alopecia, a lot of hair loss, greasy? Traditional Chinese Medicine: When treating, it is necessary to take into account the liver, kidney, qi and blood seborrheic alopecia is caused by excessive sebum secretion, resulting in hair follicle blockage and malnutrition.
Seborrheic alopecia, a lot of hair loss, greasy? Traditional Chinese Medicine: When treating, it is necessary to take into account the liver, kidney, qi and blood seborrheic alopecia is caused by excessive sebum secretion, resulting in hair follicle blockage and malnutrition.

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