
Tips for hair maintenanceDo you know first, hair nourishment, first of all, you have to choose a shampoo with the nutrition of scalp oil, which must contain cypress leaves and ginger, which can not only nourish the hair but also allow you to do it in just two weeks

author:Comes and goes

Do you know the tips for hair maintenance?

First, you have to choose a shampoo with the nutrition of scalp oil, which contains cypress leaves and ginger, which can not only nourish your hair but also make you burst into small pieces in just two weeks

Second, shampoo should not be too frequent, wash about three times a week can be, wash as much as possible with running water, the water temperature should not be too hot,

Third, you can't use nails to button the scalp when shampooing, you should massage the scalp with your fingertips, and I believe everyone knows that Dharma protector is used at the end of the hair!

Fourth, the temperature of the hair dryer should not be too hot when blowing, about ten centimeters away from the scalp.

Tips for hair maintenanceDo you know first, hair nourishment, first of all, you have to choose a shampoo with the nutrition of scalp oil, which must contain cypress leaves and ginger, which can not only nourish the hair but also allow you to do it in just two weeks
Tips for hair maintenanceDo you know first, hair nourishment, first of all, you have to choose a shampoo with the nutrition of scalp oil, which must contain cypress leaves and ginger, which can not only nourish the hair but also allow you to do it in just two weeks
Tips for hair maintenanceDo you know first, hair nourishment, first of all, you have to choose a shampoo with the nutrition of scalp oil, which must contain cypress leaves and ginger, which can not only nourish the hair but also allow you to do it in just two weeks
Tips for hair maintenanceDo you know first, hair nourishment, first of all, you have to choose a shampoo with the nutrition of scalp oil, which must contain cypress leaves and ginger, which can not only nourish the hair but also allow you to do it in just two weeks

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