
🔥 Drinking water 🍵 every day 7⃣ without repeating the same health recipe ❗ is also a science, I ❗ want to drink a good look, 👉 it is enough to see this 1⃣ article, to solve the five major troubles of the current student party and workers

author:Teacher Bai talks about health

d ¥ does not repeat the health recipes ❗ every day of the week 7⃣

Drinking water ðμ is also a science ah ❗ want to drink a good look, ð to see this 1⃣ article is enough, to solve the current student party and workers of the five major troubles ~ ~

✅ White-eared sydney pear soup

❤️ White fungus + Sydney pear + lily

Effect: Relieves dryness and moisturizes the lungs| dissolves phlegm and water| relieves dry cough

✅ Warm up ginger date tea

❤️ Red dates + ginger slices + brown sugar

Effect: Regulates the body| drives away cold and dehumidification| beauty and beauty

✅ Coconut red bean soup

❤️ Red beans + coconut milk + sago

Efficacy: Stomach and spleen| relieve edema| reduce dryness and heat

✅ Brown sugar warm palace tea

❤️ Guiyuan + red dates + eggs

Efficacy: Relieves dysmenorrhea| warms the palace to drive away the cold| nourishes qi xue

✅ Nourish the stomach and dispel acne water

❤️ Goji berries + honeysuckle + goji berries

Efficacy: Drain du beautify | acne treatment| drain du lungs

✅ Slimming tea

❤️ Hawthorn + chrysanthemum + goji berries

Benefits: Promotes digestion | lowers xue sugar | fat loss detoxification

✅ Beauty peach gum milk

❤️ Guiyuan + peach gum + milk

Effect: Beauty and beauty| to yellow tonic qi| essential for staying up late

🔥 Drinking water 🍵 every day 7⃣ without repeating the same health recipe ❗ is also a science, I ❗ want to drink a good look, 👉 it is enough to see this 1⃣ article, to solve the five major troubles of the current student party and workers
🔥 Drinking water 🍵 every day 7⃣ without repeating the same health recipe ❗ is also a science, I ❗ want to drink a good look, 👉 it is enough to see this 1⃣ article, to solve the five major troubles of the current student party and workers
🔥 Drinking water 🍵 every day 7⃣ without repeating the same health recipe ❗ is also a science, I ❗ want to drink a good look, 👉 it is enough to see this 1⃣ article, to solve the five major troubles of the current student party and workers
🔥 Drinking water 🍵 every day 7⃣ without repeating the same health recipe ❗ is also a science, I ❗ want to drink a good look, 👉 it is enough to see this 1⃣ article, to solve the five major troubles of the current student party and workers
🔥 Drinking water 🍵 every day 7⃣ without repeating the same health recipe ❗ is also a science, I ❗ want to drink a good look, 👉 it is enough to see this 1⃣ article, to solve the five major troubles of the current student party and workers
🔥 Drinking water 🍵 every day 7⃣ without repeating the same health recipe ❗ is also a science, I ❗ want to drink a good look, 👉 it is enough to see this 1⃣ article, to solve the five major troubles of the current student party and workers
🔥 Drinking water 🍵 every day 7⃣ without repeating the same health recipe ❗ is also a science, I ❗ want to drink a good look, 👉 it is enough to see this 1⃣ article, to solve the five major troubles of the current student party and workers
🔥 Drinking water 🍵 every day 7⃣ without repeating the same health recipe ❗ is also a science, I ❗ want to drink a good look, 👉 it is enough to see this 1⃣ article, to solve the five major troubles of the current student party and workers

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