
The 64-year-old aunt eats a few longans a day, and after 2 years, the doctor still praises during the physical examination: this habit is good

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"Have you recently changed to a new health care brand?" The doctor frowned at the examination report and asked the patient in front of him with a puzzled expression.

The patient's name is Su Huilin, a lively art director who happens to be 64 years old this year.

The 64-year-old aunt eats a few longans a day, and after 2 years, the doctor still praises during the physical examination: this habit is good

Last night, she tried a new health food on the market, but the next day she felt that something was wrong, abdominal pain accompanied by nausea, so she rushed to the hospital.

"Yes, yesterday I tried a new brand of health food, and I didn't expect it..." Su Huilin explained helplessly.

Doctors looked closely at her blood and stomach test results and found abnormalities in her blood sugar and stomach acid.

The 64-year-old aunt eats a few longans a day, and after 2 years, the doctor still praises during the physical examination: this habit is good

"In this case, it is possible that the new health food is not suitable for your constitution. But I've noticed that your insulin sensitivity is good and your long-term blood sugar control is good.

That's very rare for your age. Do you have any special eating habits? The doctor's words reminded Su Huilin of one of her daily habits.

"Actually, I eat a few longans every day. It's been several years and I feel like it's been great for my health. Su Huilin said with a smile, as if she had found the answer to all this.

The 64-year-old aunt eats a few longans a day, and after 2 years, the doctor still praises during the physical examination: this habit is good

The doctor, who has studied the benefits of longan, explained in detail the nutritional value of longan and its positive effects on the health of middle-aged and elderly people.

"Longan, or longan, is rich in vitamin C and iron, which is ideal for improving anemia and also improving the body's ability to fight diseases.

Moreover, longan also helps to improve sleep quality and also has certain benefits for maintaining blood sugar balance. "

The 64-year-old aunt eats a few longans a day, and after 2 years, the doctor still praises during the physical examination: this habit is good

The doctor then referred to a study of older adults who showed that older people who regularly consumed longan generally had better immunity, blood sugar control, and sleep quality than those who did not eat longan regularly.

He explained in detail the data analysis in this study, including the positive effects of longan's antioxidant content on the elderly.

Su Huilin's case is actually a good example.

The 64-year-old aunt eats a few longans a day, and after 2 years, the doctor still praises during the physical examination: this habit is good

Although she experienced discomfort while trying new supplements, her long-term diet of consuming a few longans a day helped her maintain good health.

The doctor further discussed the differences between health food and natural ingredients, emphasizing that in the absence of sufficient research support,

Over-reliance on health foods on the market may not be as practical as sticking to some traditional, scientifically supported healthy habits.

The 64-year-old aunt eats a few longans a day, and after 2 years, the doctor still praises during the physical examination: this habit is good

In addition to Su's example, the doctor also shared other cases of patients who experienced significant improvements both psychologically and physically after consuming longan consistently.

At the end of the conversation, Su Huilin felt very glad that a small habit she had adhered to over the years had inadvertently helped her stay healthy in her old age.

She decided that in the future, she should choose her health supplements carefully and rely on natural ingredients as much as possible to maintain her health.

The 64-year-old aunt eats a few longans a day, and after 2 years, the doctor still praises during the physical examination: this habit is good

The article ends with a derivative question: considering that modern people are increasingly relying on a variety of fast health supplements, how can we make better use of traditional ingredients to maintain health, while ensuring the scientific and effective nature of these methods?

For this problem, a detailed analysis is required.

First, from a scientific perspective, actively promote research into traditional ingredients to ensure that we have a full understanding and evidence of their health benefits.

The 64-year-old aunt eats a few longans a day, and after 2 years, the doctor still praises during the physical examination: this habit is good

At the same time, society and the media should play a role in increasing public awareness and trust in the health benefits of traditional ingredients.

In addition, governments and relevant institutions can develop policies to encourage agricultural production and research of traditional ingredients, and through policy support and economic incentives, to make these ingredients more accessible and accessible.

Through these measures, we can ensure that people have access to scientifically proven health benefits in the fast-paced world of modern life, while maintaining the rich diversity and scientific nature of traditional diets.

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The 64-year-old aunt eats a few longans a day, and after 2 years, the doctor still praises during the physical examination: this habit is good

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