
The 47-year-old eldest sister boiled water with longan every day, and went for a physical examination half a year later, and her physical changes surprised her!

author:Möngke talks about health

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"Sister Wang, is this habit of boiling water for longan still persistent?" In a lively community clinic, Dr. Li Bozheng was looking through thick medical records while talking to Wang Huiping in front of him.

Wang Huiping, 47, is an enthusiastic primary school teacher, and in addition to teaching, she also likes to participate in various activities in the community. Half a year ago, because Sister Wang felt that her body was often tired, according to the advice of a "health expert", she began to boil water with longan every night, hoping to improve her sleep quality and mental state.

The 47-year-old eldest sister boiled water with longan every day, and went for a physical examination half a year later, and her physical changes surprised her!

Longan, also known as longan, is considered to be a good product that can replenish blood and calm the nerves. However, after a few months, Sister Wang did not feel any obvious changes, and even felt a little dizzy sometimes, so she decided to go for a comprehensive physical examination to see if there was something wrong with her body.

The 47-year-old eldest sister boiled water with longan every day, and went for a physical examination half a year later, and her physical changes surprised her!

After the results came out, the doctor Li Bo was a little surprised: "Sister Wang, your blood sugar is actually lower than half a year ago, and your iron reserve index has also increased." However, your cholesterol and triglycerides are high, which may be due to the high sugar and calorie content of longan. ”

When Sister Wang heard this, she couldn't help frowning: "Ah, isn't this longan said to be good for blood tonic and soothing the nerves?" Why did it make my cholesterol and triacylglycerol rise? ”

The 47-year-old eldest sister boiled water with longan every day, and went for a physical examination half a year later, and her physical changes surprised her!

Dr. Li Bo explains, "Longan does have the effect of nourishing the blood and calming the nerves, but no food is perfect. Longan is indeed high in sugar, and while it can provide a temporary sense of energy, it may adversely affect blood sugar and blood lipids. Especially for people like you who don't have a history of high blood sugar but are at risk of heart disease, excessive intake of high-sugar foods needs to be extra careful. ”

The 47-year-old eldest sister boiled water with longan every day, and went for a physical examination half a year later, and her physical changes surprised her!

Dr. Li Bo also pointed out that although the function of food is good, how and how much to consume is the key. "We often say that it is too much, and this sentence is especially applicable when it comes to diet and health. While longan is good for your iron stores, excessive sugar intake can cause other burdens on your body. ”

The 47-year-old eldest sister boiled water with longan every day, and went for a physical examination half a year later, and her physical changes surprised her!

He went on to offer some advice: "In order to keep blood lipids and blood sugar in a healthy range, it is recommended that you can consume longan in moderation and add some low-sugar nuts, such as walnuts, almonds, etc., which can balance the sugar intake, while increasing dietary fiber and healthy fats, which helps to maintain the stability of blood sugar and blood lipids." ”

The 47-year-old eldest sister boiled water with longan every day, and went for a physical examination half a year later, and her physical changes surprised her!

A few months later, Sister Wang adjusted her diet according to the doctor's advice, reducing her intake of longan and increasing her intake of nuts and vegetables. She also began to do regular physical activity, walking for half an hour every day. Slowly, she noticed a significant improvement in her physical and mental state.

The 47-year-old eldest sister boiled water with longan every day, and went for a physical examination half a year later, and her physical changes surprised her!

Half a year later, Sister Wang returned to the clinic for a physical examination. The results showed that her cholesterol and triacylglyceride levels decreased significantly, while her iron stores remained at a healthy level. She was pleasantly surprised to find that by adjusting her diet reasonably, she not only solved the original problem, but also improved her overall health.

The 47-year-old eldest sister boiled water with longan every day, and went for a physical examination half a year later, and her physical changes surprised her!

Dr. Li Bo is very pleased with the change and emphasises, "Sister Wang, your example once again proves the importance of a healthy lifestyle. It's not just about choosing the right foods, it's about keeping a balanced and moderate diet, coupled with proper exercise, which is the key to maintaining long-term health. ”

The 47-year-old eldest sister boiled water with longan every day, and went for a physical examination half a year later, and her physical changes surprised her!

Sister Wang truly realized that health preservation is not something that can be achieved overnight, but needs to be continuously practiced and adjusted in life. She also learned how to choose the right food and lifestyle for her health condition.

At the end of this follow-up visit, Sister Wang asked a question: "Dr. Li, can I eat some longan once in a while now?" I really like the taste. ”

The 47-year-old eldest sister boiled water with longan every day, and went for a physical examination half a year later, and her physical changes surprised her!

Dr. Li Bo replied with a smile, "Healthy eating is not about completely banning certain foods, but about how to choose wisely and eat them in moderation. Longan can be eaten in moderation if you like it, especially after you already have such a good lifestyle habit. However, remember the word 'in moderation', and our goal is to maintain your current health and avoid excessive sugar intake. ”

The 47-year-old eldest sister boiled water with longan every day, and went for a physical examination half a year later, and her physical changes surprised her!

Sister Wang expressed her satisfaction with this, she knows that she has mastered some key principles on the road to maintaining health, and thanks Dr. Li Bo for his professional guidance and patient answers. Through this experience, she not only addressed her own health concerns, but also learned how to make smarter health choices in life.

What do you think about boiled longan water? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 47-year-old eldest sister boiled water with longan every day, and went for a physical examination half a year later, and her physical changes surprised her!

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